First cycle at 40 yrs old


New Member
Hi everyone, first post. 40 years old. Been training since high school, never cycled anything. Diet and exercise dialed in but last few years have been slowing down a lot. Went to TRT clinic but my levels were too high to meet replacement criteria. Would love any and all thoughts on starting a cycle at this age
Pretty low although for your age not out of range. Try a new doc and a real doc. Not these trt clinics. Preferably see a urologist. I got TRT when my levels were at 1200 but told them I was cycling and hadn’t come off for 9 years so I needed TRT to get off ugl.

Also TRT is pretty inconvenient. Maybe some HCG blasting can get your levels back up naturally.

First cycle tho I’d go with 500mgs of test for 10-14 weeks and maybe 50mg anavar to kick start for 6 weeks if your bloodwork is good. Should see massive results if your goal is to pack on a lot of muscle. First cycle like that expect 20lbs.

*this is a suggestion that needs further research by you.
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Pretty low although for your age not out of range. Try a new doc and a real doc. Not these trt clinics. Preferably see a urologist. I got TRT when my levels were at 1200 but told them I was cycling and hadn’t come off for 9 years so I needed TRT to get off ugl.

Also TRT is pretty inconvenient. Maybe some HCG blasting can get your levels back up naturally.

First cycle tho I’d go with 500mgs of test for 10-14 weeks and maybe 50mg anavar to kick start for 6 weeks if your bloodwork is good. Should see massive results if your goal is to pack on a lot of muscle. First cycle like that expect 20lbs.
Thanks for the reply/advice. Forgive my naivety but after the 10-14 week cycle, do I cruise with 100mg per week indefinitely? Or come off completely? Also, my 20 lb gain: does it disappear?
Thanks for the reply/advice. Forgive my naivety but after the 10-14 week cycle, do I cruise with 100mg per week indefinitely? Or come off completely? Also, my 20 lb gain: does it disappear?
Definitely PCT Nolva and HCG afterwards. HCG start 2-3 weeks before cycle ends. 300 iu E3D. Youll have to read up more on that.

Unless you want to stay on and trt for rest of your life then yes you can cruise can’t tell you a dose because I don’t know what kind of responder you are but normal dose is 100-150mg a week to get you in the upper 700-800. Seeing a doc is crucial.

As for gains var will provide solid muscle. The test will provide some water weight so expect to lose a few lbs. Test should be the base of all cycles. Also who knows if it’s 10lbs or 30lbs. Generally speaking first timers pack on a a lot of muscle quick. My first cycle of Dbol only at 20mg I gained 25lbs kept 19lbs

Also you need an Anti-estrogen like a aromasin taken at 12.5mg when you feel you need it or after each shot. That should help keep the water weight to a minimum.

I’m not going to provide full cycle but you can find beginner cycles on this board or make a new thread with what you read up on and see what other members have to say about your researched cycle.

Find out everything you need to have a successful cycle and have everything on hand even if you may not need it. Better to have shit then to be sorry.

My above post was merely a suggestion for you to read up on.
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Definitely PCT Nolva and HCG afterwards. HCG start 2-3 weeks before cycle ends. 300 iu E3D. Youll have to read up more on that.

Unless you want to stay on and trt for rest of your life then yes you can cruise can’t tell you a dose because I don’t know what kind of responder you are but normal dose is 100-150mg a week to get you in the upper 700-800. Seeing a doc is crucial.

As for gains var will provide solid muscle. The test will provide some water weight so expect to lose a few lbs. Test should be the base of all cycles. Also who knows if it’s 10lbs or 30lbs. Generally speaking first timers pack on a a lot of muscle quick. My first cycle of Dbol only at 20mg I gained 25lbs kept 19lbs

Also you need an Anti-estrogen like a aromasin taken at 12.5mg when you feel you need it or after each shot. That should help keep the water weight to a minimum.

I’m not going to provide full cycle but you can find beginner cycles on this board or make a new thread with what you read up on and see what other members have to say about your researched cycle.

Find out everything you need to have a successful cycle and have everything on hand even if you may not need it. Better to have shit then to be sorry.

My above post was merely a suggestion for you to read up on.
Thank you!
Thank you!
Yep, I’d say this after my first cycle when I was young I read up on every compound and became an “expert” on what these things do to your body, synergies between them, what to do and what not, and results to expect. My suggestion is become the expert first and then see what you want to do.
At 40 and 450 test your quality of life and fitness would benefit far more from self administered TRT than going on a short term cycle and falling back ( or more likely below) where you were before.

You can always jump on a cycle later once the "newbie gains" of TRT have ended and you have some familiarity with steroid use.

It's not very complicated, and you could be easily guided through every step.

I'm speaking as someone who was in your shoes at 40, including the same test level and being denied TRT.
At 40 and 450 test your quality of life and fitness would benefit far more from self administered TRT than going on a short term cycle and falling back ( or more likely below) where you were before.

You can always jump on a cycle later once the "newbie gains" of TRT have ended and you have some familiarity with steroid use.

It's not very complicated, and you could be easily guided through every step.

I'm speaking as someone who was in your shoes at 40, including the same test level and being denied TRT.
I have been on 200mg/ml trt for years now and Doc added 1mg/w anastrozole to counter the estro. It was a huge kick start for me getting back in the gym and over all engery levels. I like Ghouls advice way less shock to the system might give you want you are looking for, and if you want more later add it then.