First cycle coming up - Test only


So I'm turning 40 this year. I've been on TRT about 8 months (Test Cyp, 200mg once a week). 6 foot, 200 lbs. In the middle of a cut trying to burn off some visceral fat, down to 2k calories a day and starting to stall...

My plan is for when this cut is over is to do a 12 week cycle of Test Cyp @ 500mg/wk ( 250mg twice a week).

As I mentioned above, I'm 40, I actually have a vasectomy scheduled for the end of this month - I'm on TRT for the long haul. I don't intend to blast and cruise regularly (or possibly ever again), but I've read and lurked enough to know how those intentions can go lol. I've obtained enough Test Cyp for a few cycles, and have read a lot about anavar...

Anyway, I intend to keep a log. I've been hitting gym and nutrition hard for 3 years now (tracking calories, gym 5 days a week), I'm really only after aesthetics and not even necessarily leanness. That is to say, I don't have lofty goals other than being satisfied with how I look in the mirror (hah!)

I'm kind of wondering whether or not I should bring up my intention to cycle with my TRT provider, maybe in a "so my friend..." kind of way. She's a solo NP, not part of a TRT clinic, I'd like to keep the relationship and use her for bloods before, during, and after.
Well this is weird. Someone is actually doing a test only cycle? No 400mg of tren? no dbol? superdrol?

OP I am disappointed.

JK you are doing the right thinglol.

you can always get bloods on your own. I would be cautious as she may cut you off.

what kind of TRT clinic is this? legit in person or sketchy online?
I feel test only cycles are so underrated, I did the bulk of my life in 2018 with 500 mg of test cyp (and Mesterolone). I literally blew up, from 73 kg to 88kg, down to 84 - 85 after PCT. Everyone around me got freaked out about my change.
I feel test only cycles are so underrated, I did the bulk of my life in 2018 with 500 mg of test cyp (and Mesterolone). I literally blew up, from 73 kg to 88kg, down to 84 - 85 after PCT. Everyone around me got freaked out about my change.
Proviron doesnt affect your muscles growth, becomes deactivated by 3hsd enzyme.

it has been established. Maybe indirectly by freeing up SHBG. You kind of proved a point you were trying to disprove.
Well this is weird. Someone is actually doing a test only cycle? No 400mg of tren? no dbol? superdrol?

OP I am disappointed.

JK you are doing the right thinglol.

you can always get bloods on your own. I would be cautious as she may cut you off.

what kind of TRT clinic is this? legit in person or sketchy online?
Lol, appreciate you!

So, I got this NP through a super shady TRT clinic, but they ended up shutting down (due to being shady) and I followed her to a new clinic. She wasn’t at this new clinic for long, and now I’ve followed her to basically her own private practice.

She just writes me scripts and I fill them at pharmacy, super chill, feel like I’ve earned some loyalty points and established a decent relationship. Not really sure how she makes money off me tbh, because appointments are only 45 bucks.

I think I’m going to pose it as a hypothetical to her and see how she responds. I’ve already obtained the test Cyp for cycle so I won’t be asking her to do anything outside of what she feels comfortable, just asking her to monitor me.

Bloods when she orders them cost me like 10 bucks lol.
This is the way.

Also, if you can establish a relationship with a PCP that supports keeping you healthy thru AAS use, absolutely do all you can to do so. Huge asset.
Lol, appreciate you!

So, I got this NP through a super shady TRT clinic, but they ended up shutting down (due to being shady) and I followed her to a new clinic. She wasn’t at this new clinic for long, and now I’ve followed her to basically her own private practice.

She just writes me scripts and I fill them at pharmacy, super chill, feel like I’ve earned some loyalty points and established a decent relationship. Not really sure how she makes money off me tbh, because appointments are only 45 bucks.

I think I’m going to pose it as a hypothetical to her and see how she responds. I’ve already obtained the test Cyp for cycle so I won’t be asking her to do anything outside of what she feels comfortable, just asking her to monitor me.

Bloods when she orders them cost me like 10 bucks lol.
I think she would be fine with it then. she is ensuring that you are safe. just be upfront and honest that you started a cycle
How are your bloods at 40 eith 20% BF on 200mg trt (test cyp?)
Good, everything is in the green. I seem to get some e2 sides, tingly warm nipples, day or two after my shot. Last blood work showed estradiol around 40 pg/mL, though. Provider told me I didn’t need to take ai, but that result was with ai.

I do 200mg in one shot(Monday); but plan on changing to twice a week soon (Monday/Thursday) in prep for cycle, and also seems to be generally best practice anyway.

Been taking 1mg arimidex if I start to get the nip stuff, which seems to keep it in check. Normally will pop ai 24 hrs after shot if I’m feeling anything. Maybe have to do it every other week. I anticipate potentially having to take 1mg day after each 250mg shot during cycle.
What can go wrong if you tell her ?

If you needed to go to another clinic because of that, are other clinics generally ok with patients who do blasts?

From a harm reduction standpoint they really should be
What can go wrong if you tell her ?

If you needed to go to another clinic because of that, are other clinics generally ok with patients who do blasts?

From a harm reduction standpoint they really should be
I was of the same mind as well. I like her and didn’t want her to discharge me as a patient because I crossed a line.

Anyway, I did already end up talk to her about it. I posed to as a hypothetical and made clear I wasn’t “hypothetically” going to ask her for anything (script wise), just wanted to stay up to date with more frequent bloods.

She wasn’t thrilled, and obviously didn’t support it, but agreed to “hypothetically” order blood work if/when needed.
Following! Good luck with your blast man, I look forward to seeing your updates, bloodwork, etc.

Are you using any other ancillaries/pharma?
Following! Good luck with your blast man, I look forward to seeing your updates, bloodwork, etc.

Are you using any other ancillaries/pharma?
Appreciate it! I plan on starting a log up soon, tentative start is mid April. Workin my spreadsheets lol.

Just Test Cyp and arimidex, plenty of both on hand. No PCT.