First cycle - critisism? not a noob


New Member
Hey guys,
First of thanks for all the info - have tried to suck it all in through the last 14 months or so. Been reading up on AAS for a long time and feel its fianlly time for me to take the plunge.

Current stats:
age 23
height 6'0
weight 210
bf around 12

Diet: been eating between 3500-4000 kcals on a daily through GOOD food. 6 meals a day - all the usual bodybuilder food. Slowly gaining weight.

Training: Intense. my last coach (who is considered the best in my country) had me doing alot of Y3T type of training - which i still utilize.

Goals are basically leangains/recomp. Will be prioritizing my legs, which are just a little behind as far as symmitry. Not looking to get HUGE - but a solid 10lbm kept after pct would be the goal (thus hopefully also giving me a 1-2% drop in bf)

Here it is.

Week 1-10: 500mg test e per week
Week 1-12: adex 0,5mg EOD
Week 2-12: hcg 500iu per week
Week 13-16: nolva at 40/40/20/20

very standard 1st cycle. welcomming all comments and critic. Always something to learn.
advice: make sure your nolva (and clomid) is pharmacy grade and not research chems. add clomid to your pct, ime the sides aren't bad at all when taken at night
Agreed with @BioChemBro

Also I'd start hcg first week and maybe run test for 12 weeks.

And wouldn't run that much Adex from week 1. If u start gettin symptoms of high estro then do it.
Sweet guys thanks for the input. will do all of the above.
Will use AI as needed - however, if gyno symptoms apear, would you drop the adex and go with nolva until symptoms subside - or would you keep adex in and do nolva at the same time?
Sweet guys thanks for the input. will do all of the above.
Will use AI as needed - however, if gyno symptoms apear, would you drop the adex and go with nolva until symptoms subside - or would you keep adex in and do nolva at the same time?
would do continue adex, add small amount nolva until it clears

