First Cycle - Hair safe and maintaining testicular size.

23 year old male - 4 years of experience lifting.

Natural test levels: 854 ng/dl.

I'd like to hop on a cycle, my first one, soon in July, I'm thinking of running the following:

Week 1 to 8: 250 mg of Test E weekly, injected EOD.
Week 9 to 16: 300 mg of Test E weekly, injected EOD
Week 17 to 24: 300 mg of Test E weekly, injected EOD and 25 mgs of Turinabol daily.

Ancillaries I'm planning to run:

HCG 250 IUs, EOD, total of 750 IUs weekly for testicular size.
Finasteride either 1 mg daily orally or higher, not sure, I need your help here, you guys.
Minoxidil, twice daily.
Dermarolling twice weekly.

I'm planning to bulk for all of the 24 weeks and then perform a minicut.

I'll be having Nolvadex and Aromasin in hand just in case of a gyno flare up / high estrogen symptoms.

Any ideas about this cycle? Any ideas about the finasteride dosage? I suffer from androgenic alopecia as a natural so I'd like to maintain my hair line at least if possible.

I have a video of my current physique, but can't upload it here for some reason, i can send it when anyone requests it. the rest are when I was leaner except the photo of my legs, couldn't find something good that's recent.

No PCT post cycle, just gonna blast and cruise / TRT, planning to run another cycle later on.


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23 year old male - 4 years of experience lifting.

Natural test levels: 854 ng/dl.

I'd like to hop on a cycle, my first one, soon in July, I'm thinking of running the following:

Week 1 to 8: 250 mg of Test E weekly, injected EOD.
Week 9 to 16: 300 mg of Test E weekly, injected EOD
Week 17 to 24: 300 mg of Test E weekly, injected EOD and 25 mgs of Turinabol daily.

Ancillaries I'm planning to run:

HCG 250 IUs, EOD, total of 750 IUs weekly for testicular size.
Finasteride either 1 mg daily orally or higher, not sure, I need your help here, you guys.
Minoxidil, twice daily.
Dermarolling twice weekly.

I'm planning to bulk for all of the 24 weeks and then perform a minicut.

I'll be having Nolvadex and Aromasin in hand just in case of a gyno flare up / high estrogen symptoms.

Any ideas about this cycle? Any ideas about the finasteride dosage? I suffer from androgenic alopecia as a natural so I'd like to maintain my hair line at least if possible.

I have a video of my current physique, but can't upload it here for some reason, i can send it when anyone requests it. the rest are when I was leaner except the photo of my legs, couldn't find something good that's recent.

No PCT post cycle, just gonna blast and cruise / TRT, planning to run another cycle later on.
Are you already taking fina? MPB wont really occur that fast, i have lost 1/2 inch on sides 8 years BnC. It takes time. I say this because just do test only. So you know what it feels like. At least for some weeks like 10-15. Also 1 mg of fina is alot.

Run JUST Test Cyp for some time first, like 6 weeks so you know what its like. And the feeling. If you start day 1 taking all that stuff you wont be able to gauge the feeling and sides if something happens down the road.

People will say dont cycle with test levels that high naturally, i say blast and cruise and get huge. I would make sure to not allow my body to go below that while on cruise. That said keep levels higher then 1500 or else its not worth it.

Do you have ability to get bloodwork? Liver enzymes, hct, hemo, etc?

You are very young, though. You are throwing alot on yourself without knowing the side effects yet.

Do 400-500 mg test per week. Only . I gained 30 lbs first cycle, in 15 weeks, kept it all. I did have low T when starting though. Honestly 400-500 mg test is great. And pinning ED or EOD will minimize side effects greatly. Start and stay at one test dose.

You seemed to have researched enough already.

What is training regimine like?

What food and cals will you be eating?
Do you have ability to get bloodwork? Liver enzymes, hct, hemo, etc?
Yes, I'll be working in a clinical setting plus I'm planning to work over 50 hours weekly to support myself.
Are you already taking fina?
Topical only, but it's doing a bit to help, not sure if it'll be enough on cycle. I'm a diffuse thinner.
Run JUST Test Cyp for some time first, like 6 weeks so you know what its like. And the feeling. If you start day 1 taking all that stuff you wont be able to gauge the feeling and sides if something happens down the road.

People will say dont cycle with test levels that high naturally, i say blast and cruise and get huge. I would make sure to not allow my body to go below that while on cruise. That said keep levels higher then 1500 or else its not worth it.

Do 400-500 mg test per week. Only . I gained 30 lbs first cycle, in 15 weeks, kept it all. I did have low T when starting though. Honestly 400-500 mg test is great. And pinning ED or EOD will minimize side effects greatly. Start and stay at one test dose.
Thank you for the advice, I appreciate it. But 400 ~ 500 mg weekly for a first cycle? My friend, I'm 172 cm (5'8) and I weigh around 72 kgs atm, planning to cut to 68 ~ 70 kgs before I hop on, I think 400 ~ 500 would be overkill for a first cycle since I'm planning to run it for 24 weeks to mitigate side effects but after constant thinking, I think I might just stick to 300 mgs weekly for 24 weeks, I wanted to test the waters with 250 mgs to see if that's enough to see results in the beginning.

What is training regimine like?
Push Pull Legs and Rest day cardio. Same routine for 3 years now. 10k daily steps mandatory.

What food and cals will you be eating?
Most clean food that I prepare myself + cafeteria food from my workplace since it's free, I'll bulk for the entirety of the cycle and maybe on cruise too till March, but I'm hopping on a cruise dosage of 200 mgs weekly and when I'm cutting maybe I'll add Tbol / Anavar for 8 to 12 weeks, very low dosage around 20 ~ 25 mgs and if possible sublingually, I'm well aware it is possible to administer Anavar sublingually, but not sure about Tbol.
When I did my first cycle, 500 test only my balls didn’t shrink that bad and my kept all my hair. I think you’ll be right.
But isn't 500 mg of proper dosed test too much for someone my height for a first cycle?

I've done my personal research, and I'm consulting with a few bodybuilders (actually compete in local European shows) and they said 300 would be the most I'd need for a first cycle.

Also, does sublingual low dose (20 ~ 25 mg daily) Tbol for 10 to 12 weeks cause any issues or is it just fine? Just wondering after researching low dose sublingual Anavar and found out some folk run it for 3 months to a year upwards.
You have a good base, it's obvious you work out and diet. You already know the basics which is awesome. You would be surprised how many people jump straight to steroids for some mediocre results.

Hair safe, well there this is where genetics play a lot more than anything else. Check out MPMD channel on youtube, he knows his shit (even though some here say he doesn't, yet parrot the same stuff). You just gotta understand what he's saying and not all information is good, that's all.

Mainly avoid dht based steroids and tren, should be fine unless you're prone to mpb.
You have a good base, it's obvious you work out and diet. You already know the basics which is awesome. You would be surprised how many people jump straight to steroids for some mediocre results.

Hair safe, well there this is where genetics play a lot more than anything else. Check out MPMD channel on youtube, he knows his shit (even though some here say he doesn't, yet parrot the same stuff). You just gotta understand what he's saying and not all information is good, that's all.

Mainly avoid dht based steroids and tren, should be fine unless you're prone to mpb.
Thank you brother, the last few posts put a smile on my face.

I am susceptible to MPB but I'm going to take Minoxidil, Ru58841 and Finasteride to combat it as much as possible on cycle.
I decided to run my cycle for a longer time, more Blast and Cruise, same details as my original post BUT:

Week 1 to 18 Inject ED 300 mg Test E


Week 19 to 40 Inject ED 300 mg Test E, Inject 2x a week Bold U 300

Bloods will be done every 6 weeks.

Week 1 to 40 will be a bulk.

HCG same dosage, hair loss protocol same dosage as well.

Maybe 3 IUs HGH daily if possible for the entirety of this cycle.

AI and SERMs to be used when needed.

Any opnions?
40 weeks?? With an undecanoate ester?? How long are you waiting until doing your next blast after that one? Just turning this into a perma blast now
Good base? I get that he’s 172 cm, but I feel like he stands to make much more natty gains if he’s 72 kg and that level of leanness. He has a pump and carefully placed lighting in those pics too. Irl he might not even look that big or lean to someone of his similar height.

That said I believe OP should decide for himself, even if it means speeding up his natty progress (which contrary to popular belief does have some meaningful benefits), especially if he has been lifting and dieting for multiple years now. I know he made the post in march so he may have hopped on by now. I just hope he did his research
Not 40 weeks, 20 weeks, please read it again, I said weeks 19 to 40 I'm going to use bold U.
This response tells me all I need to know. 40 weeks total blast. Ya know, 20 weeks plus another 20 weeks with an undecanoate Ester, equals 40 weeks right? And I assume you're aware the half life of undecanoate, so even  if you're smart enough to stop at 40 (which I'm having doubts now), your levels will remain elevated enough for probably another 10 or so that there's absolutely no way you can truthfully say you're "cruising".
Finasteride either 1 mg daily orally or higher, not sure, I need your help here, you guys.
Any ideas about the finasteride dosage? I suffer from androgenic alopecia as a natural so I'd like to maintain my hair line at least if possible.
Finasteride above 1mg has no added effect. I'd recommend dutasteride 2.5mg instead.

I decided to run my cycle for a longer time, more Blast and Cruise, same details as my original post BUT:

Week 1 to 18 Inject ED 300 mg Test E


Week 19 to 40 Inject ED 300 mg Test E, Inject 2x a week Bold U 300

Bloods will be done every 6 weeks.

Week 1 to 40 will be a bulk.

HCG same dosage, hair loss protocol same dosage as well.

Maybe 3 IUs HGH daily if possible for the entirety of this cycle.

AI and SERMs to be used when needed.

Any opnions?
Started so good and ended so crazy. Thats everyday 300mg? Im little confused
Started so good and ended so crazy. Thats everyday 300mg? Im little confused
No of course not ED 300 mg, it's daily dosing of 300 mg WEEKLY. So 300 mg per week, but microdoses of it so the total reaches 30
Good base? I get that he’s 172 cm, but I feel like he stands to make much more natty gains if he’s 72 kg and that level of leanness. He has a pump and carefully placed lighting in those pics too. Irl he might not even look that big or lean to someone of his similar height.

That said I believe OP should decide for himself, even if it means speeding up his natty progress (which contrary to popular belief does have some meaningful benefits), especially if he has been lifting and dieting for multiple years now. I know he made the post in march so he may have hopped on by now. I just hope he did his research
Will hop on in 2 weeks.
You should start with test only and get a feeling of pinning / learning ur estrogen.
Test is literally best.

Your genes are 10/10 brother! Good spawn
You should start with test only and get a feeling of pinning / learning ur estrogen.
Test is literally best.

Your genes are 10/10 brother! Good spawn
Thank you, I will, but I'm planning to run the cycle for as long as my bulk and not exceed a total of gear of 600 mg, so 20 weeks of 300, maybe push it to 400 if my bloods allow it and gains slow at 300, then at week 19 and if bloods allow it, I'll introduce the bold.
Thank you, I will, but I'm planning to run the cycle for as long as my bulk and not exceed a total of gear of 600 mg, so 20 weeks of 300, maybe push it to 400 if my bloods allow it and gains slow at 300, then at week 19 and if bloods allow it, I'll introduce the bold.
Sounds good! Already smarter than half the steroid users!