First cycle here test cypionate


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im 36
Starting my first cycle Jan 4 .. 10 weeks of 300mg- 400. I was recommended by a certain individual about using the pct stack that was all liquid forms from a company that a guy named Dylan.. I did searching about him and this is how I came to this site along with spellwin at efs about pushing bad products ..I have looked and looked about proper pct ... Nolvadex and clomid is protocol, now aromasin is an option and hcg.. I can't get a source to get hcg and aromasin is very expensive .. Only way to get decent prices is the liquid form .. How good do they work? Nolvadex and clomid I sourced out already.. But hcg is hard and aromasin is pricey.. Now aromasin to prevent any gyno and is used during a cycle? 12.5mg eod the whole cycle? Now I've read that one product stops it and one product reverses gyno.. Restarting natural testosterone is another concern and unsure how to go about it..
If nolvadex and clomid is all I really need then why hcg arimedex aromasin is also used..I just want to keep my gains and after and prevent any problems during and after cycle..I also read letro is to stop gyno in its tracks..
Because nolva and clomid isn't all you need. Keep researching. Don't start that cycle on Jan 4 if you are still wondering why adex,hcg and aro is needed/used during a cycle.
Do some more research, brother - youre not ready yet. Its just as important to know what youre putting into your body and why in order to fully understand the entire picture. And spend some extra time on the PK and PD of Aromasin, you'll thank me later.
I've been reading and reading a long time now and there is so many ways of doing it.. My concern was the liquid forms and there potency.. I did happen to source hcg from a member here doing a search on a review ..
I personally dont like the idea of using research chems for SERM's or an AI. I believe these items should be the best quality you can find. Its one thing to have an under dosed testosterone. But if your AI/SERM is bunk, your troubles have just begun.
That is also my concern with the research stuff...too good to be true... This is what I was recommended
Clomid 50 50 25 25
Nolvadex 40 20 20 20
Aromasin 12.5 eod
Since the cycle is light the Nolva can be ran 20 throughout. Although you can run 40 mg the first 2-3 days if you want too.
Aromasin is good at that dose for most people (depending on amount of gear being used), but you need to know why you're using it. Some guys prefer using it every day because it has a shorter half life than adex, but once again depends on the person. It's not always used in pct, depends if it's needed (user dependent) or some use it to recover test production but it's not a necessity.

It is clearly evident you are not ready for gear and will most likely just screw yourself up if you decide to use it. You also need to stop worrying about the price of certain things because money can be regained but your health is a different story.
I agree with the others that said research chems shouldn't be used! Pct is the most important part of a cycle so you should be cheap now. There are places that you can get real pharma grade so look until you find one!

And just because something says pharmaceutical doesn't mean it is, plenty of underground labs say they are but aren't.
I found one that has pharma grade
Don't know if it's ok to put it up though.. It is a forum member..
I have read a lot about pct and while on cycle what to use.. My concern is preventive of gyno and control estrogen levels while cycling ..from what I gather hcg to startup your own test and aromasin for estrogen control..
How effective is tapering off a cycle ?
Or Blast and cruise ?
My pct will be nolvadex40/40/20/20 clomid50/50/25/25 4 weeks, will be using arimedex during cycle .25 eod( stop gyno) hcg 250 is 3x a weeks 5-10. Now on hcg could I run through entire pct or stop end of cycle? Does hcg need to be increased..? Also during pct could arimedex still be used ? Adex and letro seem pretty close in reversing gyno..
Correct me if I'm wrong here .. But is hcg mainly used to help make male sterile while cycling? As well as when you get off?
It's meant to keep the testes active in the production of test which should allow recovery to be easier if the user plans on recovering that is.

It acts like LH in the body. However the user is still shut down at the pituitary. Make sure to read in detail about it (which I haven't) because it can cause problems of its own when not used right.
I've been reading both the pct stickies..
Little frustrating on pct .. This is my first cycle of 400mg of cypionate 10 weeks .From reading sounds like I have to see how my body reacts to it then go from there. But if a gyno pops up I could use nolvadex to stop it, or arimedex is what is being used commonly instead.. Will a nolvadex clomid be enough and hcg last two weeks of cycle at 250iu twice a week then use nolvadex and clomid two weeks after last injection of test be ideal?
Nice and smooth recovery is the goal..
How the hell are you supposed to cut arimedex?? Pills are so tiny !!! 1mg is the dose... Amount I am gonna take is .25 eod.