First cycle here test cypionate

I know I was told to do 500 of cypionate but I just did 250 instead to see how my body reacts to it.. Since I'm doing this dose how long should I run it?
Yes I'm getting blood work done ..
I know I was told to do 500 of cypionate but I just did 250 instead to see how my body reacts to it.. Since I'm doing this dose how long should I run it?
Yes I'm getting blood work done ..

Don't know if you provided age etc. If your natural testosterone output level is crap (like mine) and you're on TRT, then between 100 and 200 per week (total) is what's needed to get you "back" to a "natural" 20-25 year olds level.

250 per week will shut down your natural production, but not really deliver that much "extra" to make it a proper cycle. So you'll probably be dissatisfied with the results.

500 on the other hand is a solid boost which will take you way above whatever you have now. 400 might be a compromise - still solid extra, but probably not the sides you'll see at higher levels. (My guess, I'm not any kind of expert on high levels, I muddle around with 400 Cyp per week at the moment. And some Deca and EQ added.)

All of this is in other threads here - and you really ought to know your natural starting level before you add compounds into your system. Hard to know afterwards if you're back where you were if you don't test beforehand.

Get blood work done first!
I did .25 for arimedex ..if I need to increase what should I look for??is .5 better eod?its a pain to sit here and measure that small amount
I did .25 for arimedex ..if I need to increase what should I look for??is .5 better eod?its a pain to sit here and measure that small amount

Well, depends on how OCD you are....

Arimidex has a half-life of 50 hours, so 0.5mg pill per week will pull down E2 hard on day 1 and then taper to only 10% left (25% left at 100 hours, 12.5% left at 150 hours and so on = roughly 10% left after 1 week) in your system before the peak and trough cycle starts again. Rather uneven dose considering that the typical 2 test cyp shots (with the long ester) per week create a "relatively" steady release of test.

So, if you want to smooth it out, take 0.25 mg twice per week, about 24 hours after you pin test.

It could also be that you need 0.5mg twice per week, which is what I take, but I'm on 400mg of test cyp per week at the moment. Depends on how much you aromatize, depends on the person. I'd start with 0.25 twice per week, see how that feels.

Watch a sappy movie after a week, see if you get unusually misty... If so, up the dose. Check ankles for water retention, if present, up the dose.

Blood work is the only way to know for sure of course.
If you take hcg during a cycle it tells the body to produce natural test.. Now when you are on cycle using synthetic testosterone it tells the body to stop making test.. Sounds to me they are both counteracting each other.. Thoughts
If you take hcg during a cycle it tells the body to produce natural test.. Now when you are on cycle using synthetic testosterone it tells the body to stop making test.. Sounds to me they are both counteracting each other.. Thoughts

No no, don't start this again, it's covered to death in other threads.

Summarize : using hCG during cycle, or TRT, is best practice. No ifs or buts.
Just read about hcg and how it works. I already explained what to look in my last post.

It mimics lutenizing hormone (Lh) which keeps the leydig cells at full size in the testes. This is important because typically the leydig cells shrink (this is why the testes shrink) due to the exogenous testosterone and recovery won't start until they are stimulated by LH to grow and start producing test again. LH is released at the pituitary so although hcg will mimic it and keep the testes full the pituitary will still need to recover normal function after discontinuing any gear. Hcg helps skip a few steps in the recovery process allowing overall recovery to be attained quicker, ideally!

Age as well as the length of cycle will typically determine the necessity of hcg in the recovery process.

My e2 is 56
My test is 1116
I made the mistake getting bloods done tues.. two days after my shot which I did Sunday of 250.. This Sunday I'm going to shoot for 500.. But I am thinking of splitting it up in two shots instead..I did take .25 of adex eod tues thurs sat this week so far.. Should I up my adex since my e2 is high?
My e2 is 56
My test is 1116
I made the mistake getting bloods done tues.. two days after my shot which I did Sunday of 250.. This Sunday I'm going to shoot for 500.. But I am thinking of splitting it up in two shots instead..I did take .25 of adex eod tues thurs sat this week so far.. Should I up my adex since my e2 is high?

Estradiol should ideally be btw 20 and 30, as I understand it from a TRT perspective. Maybe different from a BB perspective, I'll let others comment. But looks like you're getting close to the goal.

Before you adjust dose, what was your Adex intake the week PRIOR to getting blood done?
That's where I made the mistake.. Idk
I took adex that tues 6 pm .. Took my bloodwork at 2pm.. I did not know I was suppose to fast before .. I did it after I left the gym .. About 20 min after.. I drank half a gallon a water during workout..
That's where I made the mistake.. Idk
I took adex that tues 6 pm .. Took my bloodwork at 2pm.. I did not know I was suppose to fast before .. I did it after I left the gym .. About 20 min after.. I drank half a gallon a water during workout..

Fasting is only important for lipids. Not testosterone.

Seems like you increased your Adex intake AFTER you had bloods. In other words, you still don't know optimal dose for you.