First cycle here test cypionate

I upped from 250 to 375 dose which is 1.5cc and will continue the same next 10 weeks.. This is my third pin today.. My first two pins were at 250.. This is cypionate... Today would be my .25mg of arimedex.. Should I skip today and take it tomorrow ..??? Eod I've been taken and no sides...
I upped my pin this past Sunday to 1.5 that would give me 375mg and my blood pressure went up.. I am at stage 1 hypertension at this rate.. I have taken all kinda crap to help lower it and nothing the last two days ., I have sinuses acting up along with it.i am going to make an appt to see a cardio dr. Soon .. I ordered lisinopril in case I need it which at this rate I do.. I've taken niacin ,vitamin c, low sodium v8,, I ate a whole stalk of celery ,, fish oil..
Drink a gallon of water at least. Since you are taking all those other supps, I would personally shoot for 2 gallons and 1 1/2 at minimum. I think blood pressure can regulate it self too in a few days if everything is on point. I believe that's the case anyway.

Do you plan to get blood work?
Yes on blood work.. Went to the doc today and told him everything.. Did an ekg and that sonogram and everything is great he said..he told me come back to him for bloods .. I will be back in 3 weeks during my 5 week cycle.. I'll post more info on this later ..
He gave a prescription of lisinopril to take.. My blood pressure over there was 163/82 and I used my cuff that I use was 175/91.. He told people come in with 220/100 sometimes... He knows what I'm doing I told him the truth .. And he was willing to help me out .. He offered me a dieuretic .. He said it would help me with the water weight but I would pee a lot .. I told him a piss a lot as it is.. I'm up by 3:30 get done my route by 10-1100 am and by then I already drank almost a gallon of water then I'm off to the gym .. Drink more water again .. Then I go to my second job for about 3 hours.. Then home by 5:30 .. I drink a good bit of water.. I got garlic supplement , niacin vitamin c, liver support with nac and milk thistle.. Fish oil , my multi vitamin .. Taurine