First cycle log - 45 years old man - Driada medical - Testosterone Cypionate 250mg/ml - Anavar 20mg


This is the diary I took for my first cycle. After multiple researches I decided to go for an Oxandrolone & Testosterone Cypionate only cycle as a first shot. Reasons behind that:
  • I was struggling to get the lean level I look for multiple years and both source and PT suggested me to go for Oxy and Testo as a first shot
  • I am 45 and I want to take this easy, main objective was to get leaner. First lean, then summer shining then a proper Testo for the autumn
  • Have kids, two marriages (failed) so last thing I care is my sexual life. I took sabbatical
Note: please do not ask me my source. I use Driada Medical, that's it
Starting point
These are the stats I started with. I trained straight for 2 years and I achieved these results naturally. Only Creatine and good diet. I take tribulus because with me it works. I feel it, sexually and in the gym.
Weight76 kg (floating)MacroC35 / P35 / F30
Height172 cmWorkout5 (all working days)
Calories2’200 dailySupplements3.5 gr creatine / 1’400mg Tribulus

This is me after two years of straight training. I got leaner and toned up.


Blood Test

This is the blood test I took a day before starting. I am not super confident because it's an online Lab which took 2 weeks to analyze my blood. I will take a new test, in person into a walk-in lab, begin of June, exactly 4 weeks after I started.

Ferritin354 ug/l30290
Urea9.6 mmol/l2.58.3
LDL3.2 mmol/l03
Testosterone0.85 nmol/l (256 mg/l)0.160.43
CRP2 mg/l05
Iron24.3 umol/l1229
Creatinine103 umol/l53115
Total Colesterol5.60 mmol/l3.76.7
HDL1.5 mmol/l110
Triglucerid1.64 mmol/l0.552
ASAT (AST)32 U/l1050
GGT (Liver)29 U/l1264
CK (Creatine)129 U/l45200
TSH1.55 mU/l0.274.2
Free T4151019`
Cortisol6.42 nmol/l5.523
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Week 01​

Weight76 kgMacroC35 / P35 / F30
Calories2’200 dailySupplements3.5 gr creatine, 9 gr BCAA
What?250/ml Test CWhen?Monday evening & Saturday morning

Summary: Stopped Tribulus, I wanted to test Test C by itself. The first injection on my right leg was a real drama. I lay on sofa and followed the instructions. After I pinched myself I was shocked. I didn’t feel anything and it was a breeze. I used a 24gr/1” needle perfect to take and inject. Got a bit of PIP because I trained legs the next day but nothing serious just a bit soaring my quads. Two days later PIP got very painful but calmed down with one lBrufene 600mg. By the end of the week I injected second shot.

Week 02​

Calories2’200SupplementsCreatine 3.5gr BCAA
What?250mg Test CWhen?Thursday morning

Summary: Second shot last Saturday on Glutes gave some pain on muscle just Sunday. Immediately felt pumped Monday at the gym. A bit lethargic after lunch and morning. Appetite increased drastically and stay on 2’200 is a struggle. Second shot Thursday but I didn’t hit the gym because of Public holidays.

I have mixed feelings. I definitively see the difference at the gym. Leg day I squat 75kg 12 reps which is my new record. I sweat like hell at the gym, I feel hot all day. I do not have a sexual desire but if my wife trigger me, I become like rock.

I am feeling a like increase in rage, all under control but I see I escalate quickly when I get pissed off.

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Week 03​

Weight77.6 kgMacro40C, 30F, 30P
Calories2’350Supplements3.5 gr creatine, 9 gr BCAA
What?250mg Test CWhen?Tuesday, Sunday

Summary: I finish second week by removing eggs in morning, replaced with cottage low fat and bought Omega-3 EPA. Very busy at work but I didn’t skip any workout, but by going to office, I still use MyFitnessPal but my diet was not on spot this week. Monday after work went to gym and smashed again. Nipples a bit puffy. I am doing now a progressive workload (12/10/8/6) and increase 10% each set. Overall I am going up with loads. Wake up two times very horny, willy working as usual but balls are slightly smaller. I feel better, I can't explain how, at the gym I have more energy, character wise I feel more confident and somehow I have a sort of "man feeling" overall, difficult to explain.

Saturday (today) did blood test to check Testo, Prolactin and E2. Lethargy is slowly going, I feel more awake during the day. I noticed a slight of water retention because I wear necklace so I will wait my blood results to see if E2 is too high.

I’ll make decision on Ai after blood results come back. Put a solid kg in one week also because I added 150 cal a day this week. Next week I plan to go back to a more clean 2’200 cal and see how it goes.


Week 04​

Weight78.4kgMacro40C, 20F, 40P
Calories2’550Supplements3.5 gr creating, 9 gr BCAA
What?250mg Testo C, Aromasin 0.5mgWhen?Sunday, Friday

Summary: Shot on Sunday morning went nice and for the first time I had zero soreness. Second one on Friday also fine but I changed syringe and the new one doesn’t slide correctly. Annoying because now I have 100 syringes that are crap, so need to buy again the previous model. No more injection soreness Gym is going well, I am adding kg and surprisingly I can now squat 85kg while my historical max natty was 70kg, I easily bench 75kg. Weight is going up and I do not care, I will focus on cut at the end of the cycle. I added more cal so I am now at around 2’500 CAL, I’ll try to not go further up. I started to feel horny more often but the day after injection my nipples become quite big and hard. The day after first arimidex I was extremely horny, I woke up with an imminent need to empty out

Blood test came back with surprising results. My Cholesterol is absolutely fine. Omega-3 and removing eggs / replace with Cottage Cheese has lower it from 3.2 to 2.4.

| Marker          | Value       | Range      |
| Cholesterin     | 4.0 mmol/l  | < 5.0      |
| HDL Cholesterin | 1.1 mmol/l  | > 1.0      |
| Triglyceride    | 1.1 mmol/l  | < 1.7      |
| LDL             | 2.4 mmol/l  | < 3.0      |
| LDH             | 234 UI/l    | 135 - 225  |
| SHBG            | 33.9 nmol/l | 18.3 - 54  |
| LH              | 0.3         | 1.7 - 8.6  |
| FSH             | 0.3         | 1.5 - 12.4 |
| Prolaktin       | 7.7 mcg/l   | 4.0 - 15.0 |
| Estradiol       | * 327 pmol/l  | 41 - 159   |
| Testo Total     | * 52 nmol/l   | 8.6 - 29   |

Testosterone is way higher than I would expect. It means Driada works perfectly and I am following the cycle correctly. So 350mg/week for me is absolutely fine, I will not go higher. Estrogens are way to high, it was expected because my nipples are growing. I started 0.5mg Arimidex every 3 days and I will continue until the end of the cycle. Next blood test in 3 weeks before starting Anavar 20mg a day for 4/6 weeks and then close the cycle. I might cut a bit during Anavar to come out clean.

Some people suggested me to also use Nova 20mg a day for a week, to lower the E2. Driada told me to not, some people tell me to do but I’ll stick with the lab instructions. Very controversial because on Internet I found articles where suggest to use Nova during the cycle and article to avoid Nova during cycle. Who is right?

First lesson learned: do not fucking guess anything. Only a proper and constant blood test, every 3-4 weeks, will tell you exactly how your cycle is going and how you need to adjust yourself. Lipids, Testo and E2 are enough to give you the correct picture and tailor the cycle accordingly.

These two photos have 2.5kg difference. I am staying clean while growing which is amazing

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Week 05​

Weight78.3MacroC45 / P33 / F22
Calories2’600Supplements3.5gr creating, 9gr BCAA, Omega-EPA
What?250mg Testo C, Arimidex 0.5mg E3D, Novaldex 10mg EDWhen?Wednesday Injection

Summary: This week I took an Arimidex 0.5mg every three days. For example, Monday morning 0.5mg and Thursday 0.5mg. I will continue until end of cycle. I also took 10mg Nolva, daily, to cleanup nipples soreness. I have to say that Nolva works like a charm, after 3 days my nipples came back to normal and I started to feel extremely horny all day, every day.

Diet went ok, now I am stable at 2’600 CAL more or less. Weight stabilised at 78.5 more or less so since begin of cycle I put almost 3 kg in 5 weeks and now I stabilised.

I have made a new bulk order of Testo C, Nolva, Arimidex and Aromasin with expiration 2026 so that I am done for the next two years cycles. Overall progresses at the gym are moving forward, especially on shoulders and legs where I was very weak. No side effects this week, no acne so far, no oily skin anymore. From my 70kg of squat I now leg press 150kg and I finally see results, I have quads.

I plan to check my blood again mid June (one more week) and based on E2 results I will decide if Arimidex is ok or if I should lower the dosage. This week is the one where I really feel the change. Very active, hungry, super focused at work, horny every day with solid erection. Really a good feeling but I have to be careful with the diet. I noticed that I can easily eat 100gr of Pasta, 200gr of Chicken, Spinach e still being super hungry.

I still didn’t decide for how long I will run the cycle. I am unsure between 12 or 16 weeks. I will decide in due course. For now I will continue like this, I think Testo C. for me is more than enough to get better shape, slowly bulk without injuring myself.

I h
Lot of ai for that little test dose ..

Maybe you can do better 100 / 200 mg primo and 250 test c .. some people dont need an ai then
ad 128 E2 and gyno kickoff. Unfortunately I had to I didn’t want either. With Ai I feel extremely good. Maybe next cycle I’ll think of a second AAS
Lot of ai for that little test dose ..

Maybe you can do better 100 / 200 mg primo and 250 test c .. some people dont need an ai then
Individual response to peds is something that makes you lol? Should we lol when you go on a tren delusional state of mind thinking your wife fucks your postman cause your dick no work?

Be civil and considerate or GTFO

Week 06​

Weight80.0 kgMacroC40 / P30 / F30
Calories2’600Supplements3.5gr Creatine, 9gr BCAA
What?Testo C 350mg, Arimidex 0.5mg E3DWhen?Injection Monday and Saturday

Summary: This week I took a Blood test to verify my aromatization. I have been approximately 15 days on Arimidex 0.5mg E3D. My original Estradiol was 327 pmol/l and it went down to 134 pmol/l. So, in conclusion the Ai dosage is spot-on.

Strangely this week I felt slightly more tired. Erection is still perfect, I still have those rage sex in the morning where I need to deal with, like teenagers style. At the gym I am still able to continue my progression overload. Leg press I reached 160kg and Bench press I reached 80kg. But even with the workout, I am slowly plateauing, which could be possible considering that only on Squat I added 15kg in 6 weeks which is my life record. Here is the blood result:

Blood results

SHGB (mmol/l)18.3 - 54.133.935.3
Estradiol (pmol/l)41.4 - 159327134
Testosterone (nmol/l)8.6 -

Shape is changing now. I am bolder, definition especially of the ABS is going away. I reached the 80kg milestone, which means I put 4kg in 6 weeks, approximately 1.5 pound/w. Honestly, my wife is super happy, she likes more bulky and also I start to like this fullness in the trousers and in the shirts. It makes me feel more comfortable.

Considering the results I will keep Arimidex dosage.

The next 6 weeks I plan to go down to 2’200 calories, a ratio of 40C, 20F and 40P. I keep the carbs high to ensure I have energy at the gym. I will add 20mg of Oxandrolone ED before workout and morning/lunch on rest day. Oxandrolone should help me in keeping the energy level at the gym considering I will lower the calories intake. I will go week-by-week, I plan 6 weeks but I’ll decide in due course. HDL/LDL are in range so I should be fine.

My new order arrived. I have now plenty of Testo C., Arimidex, Aromasin and Nolva, so I have everything needed for two more cycles, maybe three. I am still unsure what to do next. I will close this cycle at 12 weeks, 4 weeks PCT and then calm down maybe 1-2 months. Next cycle I might go up to 400mg/w of Testo C. but not decided yet. I am also considering Oxa as a kick-off for the first 4-6 weeks, maybe at 30mg instead of the end. I will not add additional AAS, I am fine like this.


Week 07​

Weight79.0 kgMacroC40 / P30 / F30
Calories2’500Supplements3.5gr Creatine, 9gr BCAA
What?Testo C 350mg, Arimidex 0.5mg E3D, Oxandrolone 20mg EDWhen?Injection Thursday

Summary: This week I started Oxandrolone. I take 10mg in the morning as soon as I wake up and 10mg around 2pm. I workout 1 hour after I take it. It’s working as fuck. I noticed 3 primary changes:
  • My muscles are harder, way harder. Especially harms
  • I have that extra power at the first set, for example 5kg extra on bench press
  • I sweat like hell, could be also the gym without A/C but I sweat a lot
Weight is somehow stable to 79/80kg this week, depends on the day, but let’s see how it moves forward. Next week I’ll go up to 30mg Oxandrolone e see how my body reacts. No plan to increase Testosterone dosage. I do not have pimples but my friend got pimples with Oxa so I plan to split 10mg morning, 10mg afternoon and 10mg evening.

I don’t have anything special, focus on the week is to start a bit lower calories, 2’300 more or less and see if in two/three weeks I can look a bit less puffy. I am growing physically and t-shirts are now filled up. My wife started to make appreciations, which is extremely rare I see the change in kg, on shoulders, on squat, everywhere but still I am not growing. I am thinking that maybe for a first cycle this is it, so I should not expect the impossible.

Horny level is still a problem, especially at the gym I need to look at the floor all the gym as I get super excited if pussy is around. I don’t want to get in trouble with the gym management Hanger is not an issue but I kind of hurt my wife this week while having sex, I lost for a bit the control, which is difficult to manage, I get a sort of “game of thrones” rage in the bed
