First cycle log - 45 years old man - Driada medical - Testosterone Cypionate 250mg/ml - Anavar 20mg

Week 08​

Weight80.0 kgMacroC40 / P30 / F30
Calories2’500Supplements3.5gr Creatine, 9gr BCAA
What?Testo C 350mg, Arimidex 0.5mg E3D, Oxandrolone 30mg EDWhen?Injection Tuesday, Sunday

Summary: First of all, I can say that I have plateau my weight. If it is gain I am happy because I got about 3/4kg on this cycle, which was a light one so it is a good result for me. If it is all water, then I know that 2’500 is nowhere near the diet I need to build up.

I upper the Oxandrolone dosage to 30mg a day. I take 10mg 7a.m., 10mg 2p.m. and 10mg 11p.m.I noticed a slight more power at the gym but what changed is my erection. All week I had erection most of the day, it was quite embarrassing, but the 30mg Oxandrolone + 350mg Testo is what gave me this effect. Strangely last two days I had no erection, or a strong one that went away in few minutes. No idea why. I guess is because I inject every 5 days 250mg. I am almost done with the 1ml vials, then I will switch to 10ml vials so I can inject regularly less dosage.

I am starting to feel slightly rage. Under control but I snap now, before I was able to control it, now if I get really piss by my kids or at work, I snap. I snapped once at work and 2/3 times at home with the kids.

One more side effect, maybe because I am lifting a lot, I now leg press 200kg, but I am very tired after 1 hour at the gym. I do not run out of breath, I totally run out of energy, especially legs day, I am at the end exhausted. If next week is same, I will do another blood test to check few things like E2 and testo to see if anything changed after I added Anavar to Testo and Arimidex.

Some little pimples on my back, nothing serious but they started. I think is Oxandrolone because 6 weeks solely Testo/Arimidex I had no pimples at all.


Week 09​

Weight80.0 kgMacroC40 / P30 / F30
Calories2’500Supplements9gr BCAA
What?Testo C 350mg, Arimidex 0.5mg E3D, Oxandrolone 30mg EDWhen?Injection every Monday morning and Thursday afternoon

Summary: I made few changes this week to see if I can improve performances and I want also to learn how to better tailor the dosages.
  • Removed creatine. I had too much water retention and E2 are under control so I decided to drop creatine for now. I might hoop back end of summer
  • Dose Testosterone every 3.5 days according “to the book”. Arimidex 12 hours after injection
  • 20mg Anavar 1 hour before gym, 10mg mid afternoon
  • Break workout PPL/one day rest, restart
By applying these changes I noticed that I am not tired anymore like before. The previous week I was PPL x2 then one day rest. It was too much and I was quite tired. Now I can handle it. This week I also focus on increase weight. I am finally squatting 100kg and leg press 200kg. I hope to put few more kg before ending the cycle at week 12. Weight is stable at 80kg, hunger in control with 2’500 CAL. So I can state that this is my intake when I am spot-on with Testo.

Libido this week wasn’t there. I need to really get triggered then “willy” wakes up, but otherwise I have no libido this week while last week I was waking up horny and I had “appetite” every day, this week I didn’t have any intention to have sex. No clue why


Week 10 & 11​

Weight80.0 kgMacroC40 / P30 / F30
Calories2’500Supplements9gr BCAA
What?Testo C 350mg, Arimidex 0.5mg E3D, Oxandrolone 30mg EDWhen?Injection every Monday morning and Thursday afternoon

Week 10: This is the second week where I started to stabilize everything. I inject 0.9/0.8 on Monday morning and Thursday evening. 12 hours after injection I take 0.5mg Arimidex. I plan to have blood test next week but based on “feelings” I see that water retention is gone, but could also be dropping creatine, and the 20mg pre-workout Anavar is helping.

I got rid of the few pimples on my back by doing scrub twice a week.

Tiredeness is gone by doing PPL/rest so I end up one week 6 workouts and one week 5. Heat doesn’t help so I end up going to the gym 07:00 a.m. where I am not full of energy yet. Two more weeks to go, then it’s decision time. I am more keen in a proper 4/6 weeks PCT with Chlomid/Nolva and extend two more weeks just Testo/Arimidex. I’ll decide when Blood test is done.

Week 11: I spent all week travelling to Dublin. I luckily found an H24 gym which was awesome so I trained very hard every morning at 6:00 am. It was really cool. This week-end I also spent time with my girlfriend and I tried 10mg cialis. Wow it was a game changer. We had tons of fun and my ego skyrocket.

I skipped 12 week injection. I decided to take a break, start a PCT for 4-6 weeks and blood test at the end. The reason for this is, this is my first cycle. The plan was to run 12 weeks, take notes and then plan a second one. I am happy with the results, I gained and stabilized 5kg and boosted by lift in the gym. Also my body has a very good shape now. I just want to stabilize myself a bit, get rid of the pimples and water retention, recover my balls and see what will be my natural testosterone level after a good diet & PCT. After that I will decide: TRT, cycle, no more AAS.