First Cycle PCT


New Member
Hi, im planning to run a test only cycle.

Wk1-12 500mg/wk of test cyp
Arimidex 0.5mg eod or when necessary
Wk 13-14 Nothing
Wk 15-18 PCT

I read many things regarding the PCT following the cycle, and it seems many recommends using nolvadex and clomid together, but I was wondering if a clomid only PCT is okay for a first time?
Post your precycle LABS ????

WHY would you NEED this info? Well posts similar to this one are an every day occurrence!

Member; Drivesalot

Thread: Ostraine / Help with bloods and possible PCT
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What does LABS mean? Quite new to the steroid acronyms

Although a TT, LH/FSH and E-2 are NEEDED BEFORE ones first cycle a CBC and Liver Function Tests are also important for those you end up cycling over a course of several YEARS, and the latter is THE MAJORITY!

Other useful assays include a CBC and baseline Liver function tests.

IF you don't know those acronyms you really should NOT be cycling fella.

What are your reasons for cycling?

What are your goals?

What is your TBF/LBM

What is your diet consist of?

What have you done to reach your goal to date?

Much of this info is queried in the Meso profile section and if you want anyone to take your requests seriously I'd suggest you start there.
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What does LABS mean? Quite new to the steroid acronyms
LH=Luteinizing hormone FSH=Follicle stimulating hormone and Estradiol is E2, which is one of many estrogens, but the one we need to worry about the most because it is the one that rises when T rises, and causes us all those problems. LBM=lean body mass TBF=total body fat CBC=complete blood count. Dr jim is right though. You should do a little more research before cycling. I haven't pinned yet and have been researching for months and still find new info everyday.
@Zacthenoob yeah i've been doing some research trying to get familiar with all the acronyms and stuff. Same here.. haven't pinned yet. Still researching more about juicing and yeah you're right.. I do learn something new everyday. Better safe than sorry.