First Cycle Test log


This is my first cycle log. About me, I’m 42 years old, 243 lbs, over 20 years of lifting experience. Let myself get out of shape and out on weight over the years, was usually around 215-220 and 20%bf. I was lifting 2-3x per week but focused more on cardio. Even though is should not have gained weight I was. I started lifting seriously again about a year ago (5x per week push, pull, legs), eating clean, counting my macros again. I was cutting from June to February at a 700 calorie deficit. Cut about 15 lbs but found it harder to cut weight as well as gain muscle when lifting and in surplus. plus I have felt lethargic past few years. Found out my test was 200 and been on TRT for the past few months 160mg/wk.

Diet: 3250 calories, 290g protein, 250g carbs, 100g fat. This puts me at a 300 calorie surplus. Since I still have fat to lose using that to help source energy from instead of doing 500+ calorie surplus.

Supplements: multivitamin 2x, d3, fiber, zinc, fish oil, bcaa, creatine, l-glutamine.

Planned cycle: week 1-2 300-350/mg per week. Week 3-12 400 mg/week. Was debating to add Anavar week 11-16 as I finish cycle and transition to cruise and cut.
Started my first blast 2/23. Test C 300mg/week for first 2 weeks to see tolerance. Little to no side effects, started feeling improved energy/endurance in the gym. No real changes in strength and saw weight increase by 2 lbs. had labs done and saw estradiol was 89 but only side was slight acne (could also be due to laser hair removal) and a little water retention. Doctor told me to take 0.5mg day after injection to keep it in check. Felt minimal sides from ai. Now going to take 0.5mg after my second injection each week.

Week 3 started 400mg/wk. I feel awesome! Strength has improved across the board, I am up to 250 lbs. New PR on most lifts, I feel like I could go back to the gym and workout again later in the day.

Week 4 still at 400mg/wk. I get slight pip, just injection site soreness/tenderness for a couple days at the injection site. Still only side is slight acne. I do notice that the after the ai my knees get a little sore but not too bad and goes away the next day. I feel amazing and I keep getting stronger. Each week my lifts increase to reach failure at 10-12 reps. I had some shoulder pain when doing shoulder press or bench presses. Lowered weight and sets after a week off. Went to doctor seems like impingement so he just gave me a cortisone shot today. Technique is solid just making sure I don’t round my shoulders when doing arms or shoulders.
Week 4 still at 400mg/wk. I get slight pip, just injection site soreness/tenderness for a couple days at the injection site. Still only side is slight acne. I do notice that the after the ai my knees get a little sore but not too bad and goes away the next day. I feel amazing and I keep getting stronger. Each week my lifts increase to reach failure at 10-12 reps.

I had some shoulder pain when doing shoulder press or bench presses. Lowered weight and sets after a week off. Went to doctor seems like impingement so he just gave me a cortisone shot today. Technique is solid just making sure I don’t round my shoulders when doing arms or shoulders.

I took my measurement before starting cycle and did a 4 week check. Noticing some recomp, legs muscles more noticeable and total size near crotch is down while near my knee is up. Arms are 0.5” bigger after one month, calves up 0.25”, check and back unchanged but looks like slightly less fat as there is a little more definition.
Be careful with the rapid strength increase. Sometimes joints aren't ready for it. My big issue with starting was tennis/golfers elbow. When I started tb500 it was a game changer for me. Helped with recovery alot.

Alot of other people have used bpc as well.

Tb500 Is pretty pricey though....
Great advice. I was on BPC for 5 weeks until I just ran out this week. I had exactly that issue, tennis elbow. The bpc took care of it. I’m trying to balance pushing myself to failure but it takes more and more now. I have found that I was doing more exercises than my usual range because I could but that was making it worse. Now I go near max for my usual sets/reps and it has kept it at bay since then. What are your thoughts on training to failure vs pushing too far on the weight?
Great advice. I was on BPC for 5 weeks until I just ran out this week. I had exactly that issue, tennis elbow. The bpc took care of it. I’m trying to balance pushing myself to failure but it takes more and more now. I have found that I was doing more exercises than my usual range because I could but that was making it worse. Now I go near max for my usual sets/reps and it has kept it at bay since then. What are your thoughts on training to failure vs pushing too far on the weight?
I think you need to have a sweet spot between both. But I train borderline to failure. I need to properly start incorporating drop sets for sure.

I stop probably 1-2 reps prior to failure. I have a torn chest years ago and I pulled my groin at the end of last cycle. Just sucks to get hurt now and then inhibit growth cause you can't lift.
I think you need to have a sweet spot between both. But I train borderline to failure. I need to properly start incorporating drop sets for sure.

I stop probably 1-2 reps prior to failure. I have a torn chest years ago and I pulled my groin at the end of last cycle. Just sucks to get hurt now and then inhibit growth cause you can't lift.
100%! I did legs the other day and was done. Then I’m walking to the locker room and passed by the laying hamstring curls and thought you know let me do a few more sets and pulled my hamstring. I had already done 22 sets 8 on hamstrings. Stupid but I learned. I’m in the same place you described now after the hamstring and shoulder. Push real hard for gains but no need to risk injury because that will screw it all up.
@Cridi887 what are your thoughts on using the Anavar at the tail end of my blast to then kickoff my cut with var and trt. Thought to do that for 6 weeks then sema for 8 weeks. After that then next blast, which I’m leaning towards test again but 500mg/wk with dbol first 4-6 weeks.
Week 4 still at 400mg/wk. I get slight pip, just injection site soreness/tenderness for a couple days at the injection site. Still only side is slight acne. I do notice that the after the ai my knees get a little sore but not too bad and goes away the next day. I feel amazing and I keep getting stronger. Each week my lifts increase to reach failure at 10-12 reps.

I had some shoulder pain when doing shoulder press or bench presses. Lowered weight and sets after a week off. Went to doctor seems like impingement so he just gave me a cortisone shot today. Technique is solid just making sure I don’t round my shoulders when doing arms or shoulders.

I took my measurement before starting cycle and did a 4 week check. Noticing some recomp, legs muscles more noticeable and total size near crotch is down while near my knee is up. Arms are 0.5” bigger after one month, calves up 0.25”, check and back unchanged but looks like slightly less fat as there is a little more definition.
Lookin good man. Gonna follow your log; we're aroun the same age and I plan to do roughly the same first cycle.

Shoulder pain is a bitch. I got an MRI on mine last year from nagging pain when I started really pushing my PRs on bench; beginnings of arthritis, though I think a lot of it had to do with technique faltering chasing those high numbers. I can get singularly focused sometimes when it comes to progressive overload and increasing weight.
@Cridi887 what are your thoughts on using the Anavar at the tail end of my blast to then kickoff my cut with var and trt. Thought to do that for 6 weeks then sema for 8 weeks. After that then next blast, which I’m leaning towards test again but 500mg/wk with dbol first 4-6 weeks.

I used low dose tren to kick start my cut(left it from my blast and cut the dose.) I have my own set of regrets, didn't think it was worth it.

I think most would agree anabolics should be used the leaner you get for stronger muscle sparing effects. Obviously this depends on your current muscle mass, experience etc.

If you did use var, might be better to use a lighter dose like 25 while you cruise/cut as long as health markers look solid.

Everyone has their preference. I was happy to cut on my cruise. Some people feel that it is time to rest.

In regards to next cycle, personally I would rather keep test at 300-400 and add an extra anabolic.

Some people like love high dose test and slapping an AI on.

Just have to learn your preference

I would probably advise against a kick start. Decent amount of people would say it's a dated practice.
I used low dose tren to kick start my cut(left it from my blast and cut the dose.) I have my own set of regrets, didn't think it was worth it.

I think most would agree anabolics should be used the leaner you get for stronger muscle sparing effects. Obviously this depends on your current muscle mass, experience etc.

If you did use var, might be better to use a lighter dose like 25 while you cruise/cut as long as health markers look solid.

Everyone has their preference. I was happy to cut on my cruise. Some people feel that it is time to rest.

In regards to next cycle, personally I would rather keep test at 300-400 and add an extra anabolic.

Some people like love high dose test and slapping an AI on.

Just have to learn your preference

I would probably advise against a kick start. Decent amount of people would say it's a dated practice.
Thanks. I’m going to keep doing some research since I’ve got time until second blast. The other option I was considering was keeping test in the 300-400 range and adding npp or deca at the 300-400 dosage. I’ll plan to keep the var low at that 25mg/day to see what it does/how I respond.
Lookin good man. Gonna follow your log; we're aroun the same age and I plan to do roughly the same first cycle.

Shoulder pain is a bitch. I got an MRI on mine last year from nagging pain when I started really pushing my PRs on bench; beginnings of arthritis, though I think a lot of it had to do with technique faltering chasing those high numbers. I can get singularly focused sometimes when it comes to progressive overload and increasing weight.
Thanks. Glad to hear it, this cycle has been a great first cycle to be on for me. Yes, I feel your pain. I’ve been learning through how my body is responding to my workouts. Now I do high intensity to almost to failure and try to keep it 12-14 sets per muscle group per day 2x per week. If I do more than that I start to feel the wear and tear without seeing more gains, so not worth it. Hard though since you have the strength and energy on cycle and I always felt like if I do more I’ll get more gains.
In for info

Wouldn't an oral wanna be used towards early/midnxyxlemto solidify gains on the back end while test and cycle is still kicking? Seems like it wouldn't wanna just get hopping and then drop off.
In for info

Wouldn't an oral wanna be used towards early/midnxyxlemto solidify gains on the back end while test and cycle is still kicking? Seems like it wouldn't wanna just get hopping and then drop off.
Yes, I’d say most use it early or mid cycle.
I’m planning to go from blast to cut while on cruise. Being on cruise will help maintain my gains along with diet and workout regimen remaining almost unchanged. Since I plan to go 500-600 calories or more under maintenance plus up cardio to 45 mins 4-5 days per week my thought is the Anavar will help me keep as much of my gains as possible especially early on while my body adjusts. I planned to do low dose for 6 weeks then just be on cruise for the rest of the cut. I will see how I feel at that time before I start. I could leave out the var and just taper down calories more slowly over a 6 week period. Start by going to maintenance and reduce by 150-200 calories each week.
Week 5 update: so late last week after posting I decided to say hell with it and pushed my dosage of test to 500mg to see how I felt or reacted. So I repeated 500 again this week. It will take another week or so to get the T levels saturated to the new dosage. I have to pin 3x per week since my trt dose is 160mg pre filled or at clinic. Still only taking .5mg/week of Arimidex, I can tell I have a little water not much but since I have no real sides besides some back acne not worth it to up it especially since my knees get achy for a day or two after taking it. I did notice that since going to 500mg my BP was elevated to 130/90 which is the highest I’ve had so I got Telmisartan which has helped keep it in range. I will probably run it for all figured cycles and go off when on cruise.

So far I feel roughly the same with high energy, strong libido, I get more pumps and I have noticed strength gains continue, now able to do most of the stack on back day. Trying to make sure I push high intensity to almost failure 12-15 reps. I might start doing fewer sets and lower weight a little with slower negatives in my second leg day of the week to take pressure of the knees. After 5 weeks of doing legs around 28 sets x2 per week my knees are sore for a day or two after each leg day which means half the week or more.

My cortisone shot took away the shoulder discomfort so I’m back to 100% on Push day and it feels great. Back to using 85 lb Dumbells 4x15 I could probably up it 95-100 but setting boundaries to minimize west and tear.

Diet still clean. Getting in about 3350 calories each day 400 surplus. 275g protein, 225g carbs, 100g fat. It does feel good to be able to eat more after such a long cut. I’d say the last 400-500 calories are still forced so hopefully next cut won’t be too bad.

I plan to get bloods done in 2 weeks to see where I’m at. Debating to get it again when on Anavar or just wait to post cycle for next bloods after one coming up.
I will say I have not seen any real differences between 400mg of test vs 500mg after a few weeks. Strength is the same, energy is the same, and I am gaining weight and muscle (based on mirror) looks the same. On the flip side my back acne got a little worse and needed to include telmisartan to keep BP in healthy range.
Also, I don’t recommend laser hair removal while blasting . Decided to get back treated, had some hair on upper back and lower back, not a lot but enough to not like it. Not much hair anywhere else on the back. I was almost 3 weeks into blast from TRT when treated and had no back acne. After the treatment my back acne came on strong and has remained the same since. Got Benzoyl peroxide and Salicylic acid soap to treat.