This is my first cycle log. About me, I’m 42 years old, 243 lbs, over 20 years of lifting experience. Let myself get out of shape and out on weight over the years, was usually around 215-220 and 20%bf. I was lifting 2-3x per week but focused more on cardio. Even though is should not have gained weight I was. I started lifting seriously again about a year ago (5x per week push, pull, legs), eating clean, counting my macros again. I was cutting from June to February at a 700 calorie deficit. Cut about 15 lbs but found it harder to cut weight as well as gain muscle when lifting and in surplus. plus I have felt lethargic past few years. Found out my test was 200 and been on TRT for the past few months 160mg/wk.
Diet: 3250 calories, 290g protein, 250g carbs, 100g fat. This puts me at a 300 calorie surplus. Since I still have fat to lose using that to help source energy from instead of doing 500+ calorie surplus.
Supplements: multivitamin 2x, d3, fiber, zinc, fish oil, bcaa, creatine, l-glutamine.
Planned cycle: week 1-2 300-350/mg per week. Week 3-12 400 mg/week. Was debating to add Anavar week 11-16 as I finish cycle and transition to cruise and cut.
Diet: 3250 calories, 290g protein, 250g carbs, 100g fat. This puts me at a 300 calorie surplus. Since I still have fat to lose using that to help source energy from instead of doing 500+ calorie surplus.
Supplements: multivitamin 2x, d3, fiber, zinc, fish oil, bcaa, creatine, l-glutamine.
Planned cycle: week 1-2 300-350/mg per week. Week 3-12 400 mg/week. Was debating to add Anavar week 11-16 as I finish cycle and transition to cruise and cut.