First Cycle Test log

Week 6 is a wrap. Continued on 500mg test cyp. Once I started the telmisartan last week I felt just as I did at 350-400mg. My lifts keeping going up in weight to get to near failure. Squats are at 315-365 narrow stance then leg press now at 800lbs normal stance and wide stance. Almost maxing out on rows. Libido is sky high and energy is good but if I miss my 7 hours sleep I definitely feel the impact on energy the next day.

I have noticed I’m starting to get more soreness in joints. Looked at my workout schedule and I need to dial back some of my sets. For some muscles I am going over 36 sets per week and it’s starting to take a toll. So I’ll focus on rotating exercise between first or second time of week training.

The only symptom I’ve had has been the back acne. It doesn’t bug me except the looks of it are not great. I tried upping my ai to .5 twice per week then last week did three per week. No different in acne but my knees and elbows feel more sore. I’m using acne body wash now which seems to help a little but it looks here to stay throughout the cycle and ai has no impact except achy joints. So I’m going back to .5 once per week.

Calories still around 3400. 275-300g protein, 100-110g fat, 200g carbs. I have been eating clean save for the occasional piece of fried chicken breast or using buns for lean turkey burgers.
@T&H after I finish this 12 week cycle I was thinking to go straight to a cut while I taper my test dosage and introduce anavar. So week 12 500 test, then week 13-15 300-350 test with 25 anavar, weeks 16-18 250 test 25-50 anavar, weeks 19-24 cruise dose only while still cutting.
Diet: week 13-15 about 500 calories under maintenance, week 16-24 600-700 deficit.
Workout: same routine but increase cardio from
20 mins 3-4x to 45 mins 5-6x. What are your thoughts?
@T&H after I finish this 12 week cycle I was thinking to go straight to a cut while I taper my test dosage and introduce anavar. So week 12 500 test, then week 13-15 300-350 test with 25 anavar, weeks 16-18 250 test 25-50 anavar, weeks 19-24 cruise dose only while still cutting.
Diet: week 13-15 about 500 calories under maintenance, week 16-24 600-700 deficit.
Workout: same routine but increase cardio from
20 mins 3-4x to 45 mins 5-6x. What are your thoughts?
My personal opinion is not to go from blast straight to a cut. I recommend at least 4 weeks, say around 250 to 350mg test only and try and let body adjust to a maintenance calorie intake. Figure out what your new maintenance is based on your new weight.

Then I'd start the cut, using the Anavar at that time. Be sure to monitor weight to ensure you're making progress in your goal. Keep training intensity high, don't drop the weight on the bar down unless you have to. Cut volume some of needed but the weight on the bar needs to stay as high as possible when cutting if you can't keep your normal training. Cardio plan sounds great.
My personal opinion is not to go from blast straight to a cut. I recommend at least 4 weeks, say around 250 to 350mg test only and try and let body adjust to a maintenance calorie intake. Figure out what your new maintenance is based on your new weight.

Then I'd start the cut, using the Anavar at that time. Be sure to monitor weight to ensure you're making progress in your goal. Keep training intensity high, don't drop the weight on the bar down unless you have to. Cut volume some of needed but the weight on the bar needs to stay as high as possible when cutting if you can't keep your normal training. Cardio plan sounds great.
Thanks for the great advice. I’ll take those 4 weeks as an adjustment period then introduce anavar. That was my concern, is shifting too fast to a cut and deficit going to risk some muscle loss or some other impact. Appreciate it.
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Week 7 completed. Blast continues at 500mg, telmisartan 40mg per day, ai at 0.5mg twice per week, bloods slated for Wednesday. I continue to see the gains in muscle and strength. Gaining about 1.5lbs per week thus far. Good since it’s a recomp.

Diet is going well but I have to find a way to get calories better during busy days where I’m not at home. I take my shakes but they are lower calories high protein soma few days I had to cram 1700 calories from 7-10pm in a healthy way which is a lot of food and made sleeping not great.

Training is going well. My shoulders started aching and I’m just doing too many sets per week so I only trained them one day last week will give them this week off then a light training next week and a heavier one later in the week. Trying to mix exercises in per day to not hit them all each day just because I can.
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Week 8 Summary
Got bloods done: my total cholesterol and HDL are both healthier and in range than pre cycle. Precycle it was in heathy range but slightly better now, most likely due to all the fish oil and other supplements as well as cardio. My estradiol was 84 on 160mg TRT, I am taking 0.5mg twice per week on 500mg test and it came back at 50, so very pleased. Waiting in test numbers as it’s still pending. Only concerning part was my white blood cell count was high like I’m fighting an infection, could be the back acne.

Strength is still great, hitting PRs on back and arms. Managing the shoulder issue, able to do high slow reps on shoulder press with 60s and push it hard on lateral and front raises using 40-45 lbs.

I an order BPC, used to use it and it cleared up tennis elbow that was nagging for over a year. Went off and about 2 months later started having some discomfort in my elbow.

I have been using GSO since I read about how many people have a bad reaction to mct. Tried mct and like it a lot more. Faster injection, zero pip, less time to warm it.

I tried 600mg this week after bloods to see how my body handles it. Will probably continue for 2-3 weeks and once I hit week 11-12 will back it down to 400 then back to TRT week 13. I have been toying with the idea of adding mast at 200mg for weeks 9-12 to see how I respond and start to get rid of bloat, I’m definitely still retaining some water.
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Week 8 Summary
Got bloods done: my total cholesterol and HDL are both healthier and in range than pre cycle. Precycle it was in heathy range but slightly better now, most likely due to all the fish oil and other supplements as well as cardio. My estradiol was 84 on 160mg TRT, I am taking 0.5mg twice per week on 500mg test and it came back at 50, so very pleased. Waiting in test numbers as it’s still pending. Only concerning part was my white blood cell count was high like I’m fighting an infection, could be the back acne.

Strength is still great, hitting PRs on back and arms. Managing the shoulder issue, able to do high slow reps on shoulder press with 60s and push it hard on lateral and front raises using 40-45 lbs.

I an order BPC, used to use it and it cleared up tennis elbow that was nagging for over a year. Went off and about 2 months later started having some discomfort in my elbow.

I have been using GSO since I read about how many people have a bad reaction to mct. Tried mct and like it a lot more. Faster injection, zero pip, less time to warm it.

I tried 600mg this week after bloods to see how my body handles it. Will probably continue for 2-3 weeks and once I hit week 11-12 will back it down to 400 then back to TRT week 13. I have been toying with the idea of adding mast at 200mg for weeks 9-12 to see how I respond and start to get rid of bloat, I’m definitely still retaining some water.
Ai dose is perfect, mct is awesome, and sounds like your cycle is going great! Curious what your total test will be.

If your talking Mast E, running for 3 weeks is a waste since it'll take weeks to accumulate. If so, just save it for next cycle. If you're feeling good and continue to make progress, run this cycle 16 weeks not 12.
Ai dose is perfect, mct is awesome, and sounds like your cycle is going great! Curious what your total test will be.

If your talking Mast E, running for 3 weeks is a waste since it'll take weeks to accumulate. If so, just save it for next cycle. If you're feeling good and continue to make progress, run this cycle 16 weeks not 12.
Thanks @T&H. I’m curious too, hopefully should have it tomorrow or Tuesday then I’ll post it here. I like the idea of pushing to 16 weeks. I think I will and just dial back my calories down a little to be closer to maintenance maybe +200-250 to be more recomp for those last 4 weeks and reduce carbs as well to minimize water retention.

If I extend it out to 16 week would you reco trying the mast e for 6-7 weeks or still just save it for next blast?
Thanks @T&H. I’m curious too, hopefully should have it tomorrow or Tuesday then I’ll post it here. I like the idea of pushing to 16 weeks. I think I will and just dial back my calories down a little to be closer to maintenance maybe +200-250 to be more recomp for those last 4 weeks and reduce carbs as well to minimize water retention.

If I extend it out to 16 week would you reco trying the mast e for 6-7 weeks or still just save it for next blast?
Save it, stick to test only. Since you already went to 600mg, could run that longer than 3 weeks tho I think 500 Is plenty for a 1st cycle.
Save it, stick to test only. Since you already went to 600mg, could run that longer than 3 weeks tho I think 500 Is plenty for a 1st cycle.
Sounds good. I totally did not need to go to 600, only reason I did is to see if I want to increase to higher dose next blast do I handle it ok. Unnecessary but figured I would learn something from it.
Finally got my blood work back. Overall test around 2400, free test approaching 900, and estradiol at 50. My cholesterol is not too bad. Feel great still.


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Alright so week 9. Continued to see gains and out on another round this week. I have now gained 14lbs in 9 weeks with the 400-500 calorie surplus and eating well. I’ll have a cheat meal once every 1-2 weeks and sometimes I’ll eat more bread than I should by way of buns for my lean ground turkey to make turkey burgers.

My lifts continue to go strong. I am going to start alternating weeks for doubling up my push and pulls as I’ve noticed I’m getting some inner elbow pain after doing too many pull exercises. I also just started BPC again. I did it for 5 weeks early on before my cycle and it cleared up my elbow tendinitis so starting again, 750mcg at night.

The previous week I did 600 test mainly because I already took my 500 and wanted to try the mct oil test I just received vs the gso I had been using. I’m taking TH advice and extending my cycle but decided to bring the test back down to 500 and added anavar at 25mg. I am going to use the extra 6 weeks as a recomp focus vs more bulking. Backing calories down to maintenance, keeping macros similar, adding more steps per day. After 2-3 weeks I’ll back calories down to 100-150 under maintenance then finally get down to 250 calories under. Once complete I’ll go on 200-250 test cut calories to be 400-500 deficit and slightly increase cardio.
Week 10 completed. Dosage remains at 500mg test and a week now on 25mg of var in the morning before breakfast. Haven’t felt the var benefits but didn’t expect to until around the end of the second week. One thing I felt immediately is the impact on appetite. Thankfully I planned to lower calories for recomp because my appetite is maybe 70% of what it was or less.

My diet is still on point. With life being pretty busy I’ve been more reliant on protein shakes. In my next cycle I think I will try all recomp or perhaps 8 weeks clean bulk 8 weeks recomp to confíe the focus on getting my bf down.

I’ve spent all 10 weeks working through shoulder pain on pressing exercises, and tendinitis in the elbows making tricep pushdowns a bit painful. I noticed I was starting to get some elbow tendinitis in my left elbow from pulling exercises. This cycle taught me that I need 1-2 days rest each week and I don’t have to do so many sets. What I have found to work best for me is go intense all the time but one first pull or push do my 24-30 sets but on the second day 3 days later focus on 14-18 sets, on chest and bis I can do 12-14 sets for each day. This still lets me grow but reduces pressure on my joints and the tendinitis that comes.

I think I’ll definitely enjoy the joint help that comes in my next blast with deca/npp.

I was debating on upping the var to 50mg if I don’t feel much at the end of this week. Let me know if anyone has thoughts on this?
Week 10 completed. Dosage remains at 500mg test and a week now on 25mg of var in the morning before breakfast. Haven’t felt the var benefits but didn’t expect to until around the end of the second week. One thing I felt immediately is the impact on appetite. Thankfully I planned to lower calories for recomp because my appetite is maybe 70% of what it was or less.

My diet is still on point. With life being pretty busy I’ve been more reliant on protein shakes. In my next cycle I think I will try all recomp or perhaps 8 weeks clean bulk 8 weeks recomp to confíe the focus on getting my bf down.

I’ve spent all 10 weeks working through shoulder pain on pressing exercises, and tendinitis in the elbows making tricep pushdowns a bit painful. I noticed I was starting to get some elbow tendinitis in my left elbow from pulling exercises. This cycle taught me that I need 1-2 days rest each week and I don’t have to do so many sets. What I have found to work best for me is go intense all the time but one first pull or push do my 24-30 sets but on the second day 3 days later focus on 14-18 sets, on chest and bis I can do 12-14 sets for each day. This still lets me grow but reduces pressure on my joints and the tendinitis that comes.

I think I’ll definitely enjoy the joint help that comes in my next blast with deca/npp.

I was debating on upping the var to 50mg if I don’t feel much at the end of this week. Let me know if anyone has thoughts on this?
Be careful upping the var as your lipids will take a hit. Also Anavar should be dosed twice daily as the half life is only 9-13 hours. I think you might start noticing it when dosed twice daily.
Week 10 completed. Dosage remains at 500mg test and a week now on 25mg of var in the morning before breakfast. Haven’t felt the var benefits but didn’t expect to until around the end of the second week. One thing I felt immediately is the impact on appetite. Thankfully I planned to lower calories for recomp because my appetite is maybe 70% of what it was or less.

My diet is still on point. With life being pretty busy I’ve been more reliant on protein shakes. In my next cycle I think I will try all recomp or perhaps 8 weeks clean bulk 8 weeks recomp to confíe the focus on getting my bf down.

I’ve spent all 10 weeks working through shoulder pain on pressing exercises, and tendinitis in the elbows making tricep pushdowns a bit painful. I noticed I was starting to get some elbow tendinitis in my left elbow from pulling exercises. This cycle taught me that I need 1-2 days rest each week and I don’t have to do so many sets. What I have found to work best for me is go intense all the time but one first pull or push do my 24-30 sets but on the second day 3 days later focus on 14-18 sets, on chest and bis I can do 12-14 sets for each day. This still lets me grow but reduces pressure on my joints and the tendinitis that comes.

I think I’ll definitely enjoy the joint help that comes in my next blast with deca/npp.

I was debating on upping the var to 50mg if I don’t feel much at the end of this week. Let me know if anyone has thoughts on this?
I have 25mg var caps that I got from GL, I take one an hour before workout with caffeine and it is profoundly noticeable in the gym.
I have 25mg var caps that I got from GL, I take one an hour before workout with caffeine and it is profoundly noticeable in the gym.
Good to know. I might start taking it pre workout too as I also pop a caffeine pill then too. Today was the first day I felt some of the strength gains, it was leg day. That appetite suppression is no joke. Might do the last 2 weeks on var as a big deficit cut then keep it going another couple weeks after since I’m not hungry then do a regular 500 calorie deficit for the rest of the cut.