First Cycle Test + Var


I am on my first cycle right now.
My stats:

23 yrs old
15-20% BF

I know my BF is pretty high but my goal isnt really to be as shredded as possible I like the more bulky look. Right now I am probably sitting at around 17% no abs visable not really fat tho.And to be completly honest I dont give a shit about abs. Still have a nice V-Taper so not too fat So still feeling pretty good. However I store fat on my chest real quick and it really kinda fucks up my physique so I will probably do a mini cut next summer .

My routine:
Mo: Push
Tue: Pull
Wed: Legs
Thur: Push
Fri: Pull
Sat: Legs OR shoulder/tris(arms)
Sun: rest

Before cycle I worked the P/P/L 5 times a week I added the Saturday workout. Just depending on my mood I will then either workout legs or shoulder, tris and maybe some bis.
I right now eat around 3200kcal a day. ~400 carbs ~220gr protein ~80gr of fat
I will try to add more protein though.

My aim is to add some solid lean body mass.

My cycle:
Weeks 1-14 600mg Test E Wed/Sat
Weeks 8-16 50mg Anavar ed split into 3 dosis
Weeks 3-16 0.5g adex e3d

Im gonna up the dose of adex if needed.

Clomid 100/50/50/25
Nolva 40/40/20/20

Should I maybe somewhere include HCG? I already have it but I dont want to risk to unsensiblise to it.

So right now im on my second week.

As expected not really any changes except for some bad lower back pumps. Not sure though if it is a pump or if im still sore from back day. I also recently started using isotretionin because I have some bad back acne.

The first injektion went very smoothly. My best injection so far.
I pinned the glutes. 1ml had some bad pip though. Could not really work legs for like 5 days. To my surprise I wasnt really shaky and it did not hurt at all.
The second injection went very smooth aswell.
The third injection however was complete shit. I did it this wednesday. I dunno why but I couldnt fukin reach the right spot on my glute as good because I still was sore from my back day. Aspirating was almost fukin impossible I was shacky as fuck and kept moving the needle around. Worst pip ever. The injection spot is still swollen and it still hurts like a motherfucker.
So today it is time for my fourth injection. I tried quads this morning but hell fuck no. The quad kept flexing I dunno why but it hurt like a bitch. I couldnt even inject anything just the needle and aspirating.I think imma try my other leg tonight again . I will give the quads another try and if it doesnt work I will go for the shoulders. I have some insulin needles 8mm here will they do for the shoulders? I do not really have lots of fat on them.
Looks like test e and var cycle are predominant !
That's going to be my future cycle too.

There's also you and another guy running the same compounds .
Hi, looks good. It's very similar to my first cycle I will soon be running too. Except, I'm not doing clomid+nolva, just the nolva only for PCT. And, doing 500mgs instead of your 600. Keep us posted with more updates as they come. Thanks.


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