First cycle tips?


New Member
I am a new member to Meso. I am a 21 yr male. 5'8" 190lbs. Occupation: Carpenter. Have been hitting the gym for years and ready to hop on gear. Been doing tons of research to understand what I'm getting into. I'm planning my first cycle but wanted to get it vetted and get tips as I go. I want to do a 16 week cycle at 300 of test e a week. Was considering escalating doses over the course of the cycle but want to see how my body does with the test to begin with. Will be starting with arimadex .25 mg for e2 control. Will escalate dose based on labs and symptoms. Also keeping aromasin on hand in case I have sides with arimadex. Getting labs before cycle. On week 7, 14, and after PCT. Going to start HCG 1 week before end of cycle and run for 3-4 weeks. Starting nanodrol and clomid one week after getting off test. Concerned about sides and mental with nano, advice for PCT dosages and timing or alternatives would be appreciated. Currently working on lowering fat % for e2 control and good base. Down 10lbs currently, was 200. Considered masteron over an AI but not sure if starting with TRT+ is a good idea. Have healthy heart but family history of issues with heart and liver so feeling out with test. Any advice would be well appreciated, especially for diet, currently running 2500 calories daily, low sugar and carbs, 140mg+ of protein daily. Works like a charm natty, still losing weight on that diet, not sure on rest. One final question I had is how long can you store the trt, HCG, clomid, and nano? I want to have it all from start of cycle so I'm not missing anything but don't know how long that all keeps at room temp? A month? Thanks
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Basically, PCTs are a thing of the past. If you don't like the idea of staying on testosterone forever, don't waste your time.

Don't try masteron or primo, just take aromasin.

Inject with 29g insulin needles into glutes.
If it’s your first cycle, a low test only would be the best option to see how you respond. Make sure you get blood work done before so you have a baseline to refer to as you get future blood tests whilst you’re using AAS.
I've definitely seen tons of people recommending waiting till you're 25. Probably not the worst advice.
Use the search button, type first cycle and you’ll find everything you can.

Welcome to meso, btw you’re 21, unless you started lifting and eating properly since 18 and made serious progress resulting in mature muscles, I doubt you’re ready for anabolics yet.

Why not try to squeeze more out of your natural potential for a couple more years? I think you’re rushing into this too early.
Use the search button, type first cycle and you’ll find everything you can.

Welcome to meso, btw you’re 21, unless you started lifting and eating properly since 18 and made serious progress resulting in mature muscles, I doubt you’re ready for anabolics yet.

Why not try to squeeze more out of your natural potential for a couple more years? I think you’re rushing into this too early.
I have been consistent since 16 but diet could have been better. I keep seeing people say to hold onto my shorts so I might wait a few and see what I can get to natty. i did realize that a strong natty base is healthier and makes better results on the first few cycles. I appreciate the advice for sure
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I am a new member to Meso. I am a 21 yr male. 5'8" 190lbs. Occupation: Carpenter. Have been hitting the gym for years and ready to hop on gear. Been doing tons of research to understand what I'm getting into. I'm planning my first cycle but wanted to get it vetted and get tips as I go. I want to do a 16 week cycle at 300 of test e a week. Was considering escalating doses over the course of the cycle but want to see how my body does with the test to begin with. Will be starting with arimadex .25 mg for e2 control. Will escalate dose based on labs and symptoms. Also keeping aromasin on hand in case I have sides with arimadex. Getting labs before cycle. On week 7, 14, and after PCT. Going to start HCG 1 week before end of cycle and run for 3-4 weeks. Starting nanodrol and clomid one week after getting off test. Concerned about sides and mental with nano, advice for PCT dosages and timing or alternatives would be appreciated. Currently working on lowering fat % for e2 control and good base. Down 10lbs currently, was 200. Considered masteron over an AI but not sure if starting with TRT+ is a good idea. Have healthy heart but family history of issues with heart and liver so feeling out with test. Any advice would be well appreciated, especially for diet, currently running 2500 calories daily, low sugar and carbs, 140mg+ of protein daily. Works like a charm natty, still losing weight on that diet, not sure on rest. One final question I had is how long can you store the trt, HCG, clomid, and nano? I want to have it all from start of cycle so I'm not missing anything but don't know how long that all keeps at room temp? A month? Thanks
Im in the same boat as you, Im having a hard time finding a reliable source to try for the first time, anything to guide myself will help.
Im in the same boat as you, Im having a hard time finding a reliable source to try for the first time, anything to guide myself will help.
I found a good source I'm just deciding how bad I want to mess myself up. It's a lifestyle, I don't expect it to be a one and done cycle, it's the start of a permanent change. Ironically all of the information you want is on the forum. I just wanted validation on what id learned
Read more, start at a low dose, focus on food and supplements, do your cardio, don't begin your cycle until you're a low enough body fat percentage.
I am a new member to Meso. I am a 21 yr male. 5'8" 190lbs. Occupation: Carpenter. Have been hitting the gym for years and ready to hop on gear. Been doing tons of research to understand what I'm getting into. I'm planning my first cycle but wanted to get it vetted and get tips as I go. I want to do a 16 week cycle at 300 of test e a week. Was considering escalating doses over the course of the cycle but want to see how my body does with the test to begin with. Will be starting with arimadex .25 mg for e2 control. Will escalate dose based on labs and symptoms. Also keeping aromasin on hand in case I have sides with arimadex. Getting labs before cycle. On week 7, 14, and after PCT. Going to start HCG 1 week before end of cycle and run for 3-4 weeks. Starting nanodrol and clomid one week after getting off test. Concerned about sides and mental with nano, advice for PCT dosages and timing or alternatives would be appreciated. Currently working on lowering fat % for e2 control and good base. Down 10lbs currently, was 200. Considered masteron over an AI but not sure if starting with TRT+ is a good idea. Have healthy heart but family history of issues with heart and liver so feeling out with test. Any advice would be well appreciated, especially for diet, currently running 2500 calories daily, low sugar and carbs, 140mg+ of protein daily. Works like a charm natty, still losing weight on that diet, not sure on rest. One final question I had is how long can you store the trt, HCG, clomid, and nano? I want to have it all from start of cycle so I'm not missing anything but don't know how long that all keeps at room temp? A month? Thanks
140 mg of Protein :D

In this context funny, but should you touch substances like clen the difference between mg and mcg is the difference between life and death. So you want to pay attention.
@roofer22 gotcha, I have heard that quite a bit but for various reasons. But I havent actually asked anyone that started early about their experience.
I started about 17, Dbol, Test, Enclo, Nolva. In my early 20's now and thankful I didn't close my growth plates with that shit. Test is around 850 naturally, though sometimes I wonder if my brain is bit fucked up lol.
unnamed.webp also up your protein 140g is laughable