
New Member
pre blood test
wk 1-4 Dbol 20-50 mg /day
Wk 1 - 12: Test Enanthate: 500mg weekly
Wk 1- 12: AI: Aromasin: 12.5mg eod

Wk 3- 12 : HCG: 350-500iu Twice Weekly

Wk 14-18, PCT : novaldex/clomid 40/40/20/20, 50/50/50/50
Wk 6 mid bloods

Wk 22- Last blood test

What do you guys think about the dbol 1st cycle I'm still on the fence about it
I would hold off and if the cycle isn't yielding the gains you're after by week 8..... maybe finish the cycle with it. You should blow up off the test as long as u grab some good gear and eat like a horse
Imo would stick with one compound first run. Then add one each cycle as you go. Better idea then of how you react to each. Other than that looks good, but i would taper the last 2 was of clomid
I plan on 2nd cycle being a cutting cycle so I wanna pack on as much muscle as possible
the point I'm trying to get across is that 2nd cycles are when to introduce another compound one by one,since you mentioned dbol I threw that in there.:p
I would hold off and if the cycle isn't yielding the gains you're after by week 8..... maybe finish the cycle with it. You should blow up off the test as long as u grab some good gear and eat like a horse

Test only on first cycle. You should see great gains.

Throw in the dbol for second cycle, test only first cycle. What are your stats?

Imo would stick with one compound first run. Then add one each cycle as you go. Better idea then of how you react to each. Other than that looks good, but i would taper the last 2 was of clomid

why cant he run an oral?
12 week test E only cycle and you are waiting 4 weeks for the test to spool up? Shortens your cycle to 8 weeks.
Didn't say "he can't " just imo better to stick with test only first run.
Edit plus his first run he's gonna lose most all of the dbol gains anyway ....
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Dbol was included in my first cycle, it's a personal preference in the end I think.

TEK pointed out my thoughts exactly on why I made the decision to include it, I did not want to wait a month to see results. I wanted to hit it hard right out of the gate.

If I decide not to use an oral kick-start in the future it'll be because I ran short esters.

The only concern I had was how heavy it would aromatize from the horror stories I had heard... turned out it was absolutely no problem for me. Only annoying side effect I noticed was water retention.
I gained 25 lbs on 500mg/week of enth my first cycle 2 years ago. I would wait to see how he responds to the test... as far as estrogen management goes, before he throws in dbol. Most people wait 25 years before using aas whats waiting a few weeks for them to kick in imo?
I also added dbol to my cycle for a Kickstart and I'm happy I did I'm 1.5 weeks in and already feeling stronger.
Only 20mg ed though.
That is why I suggest test only first run. Dbol kicks in quick and you see great results. Nothing comes easy and dbol can give new guys a false impression imo. Then they come off and deflate like a balloon and wonder why lol
I'm with test only first run. I just don't think it is necessary to add to that for a first cycle. You will make some of the best gains you will ever see running test only this cycle. Nothing like the first time.

When the gains slow, then add to it. Don't use it if you don't need it. jmo
Dbol was included in my first cycle, it's a personal preference in the end I think.

TEK pointed out my thoughts exactly on why I made the decision to include it, I did not want to wait a month to see results. I wanted to hit it hard right out of the gate.

If I decide not to use an oral kick-start in the future it'll be because I ran short esters.

The only concern I had was how heavy it would aromatize from the horror stories I had heard... turned out it was absolutely no problem for me. Only annoying side effect I noticed was water retention.
So were you happy about running it? How much of the dbol gains did u keep?
So were you happy about running it? How much of the dbol gains did u keep?

To a certain extent I was... I think would have preferred to have taken a lower dose but it was difficult due to how they were dosed - I was at 50mg. It started making me feel a little uncomfortable at times. Back pumps got old fast and water weight def jumped up. I could have gotten taurine though to help that but I didn't bother.

As far as weight loss, I don't really recall to be honest. It's soo subjective anyways with dbol because of water weight that I just didn't bother putting much stock in what a scale said. I really have never been one to check weight often anyways... If I feel like strength has gone down or if I'm looking a little flat or something I'll hop on it to check what's doin.

The test and food is what really will put the mass on though, dbol is just fun way to start but it's just not for everyone.