first pct advice


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I ha e never done pct because of trt since i was 21 i am 28 now and coming off a 20 week blast. im doing pct because of my liver enzymes being fucked up and other health problems i want to give it all a break I am 11 days without a shot of test all other compounds deca primo eq ect have cleared been over a month. I feel like shit, sleep like shit, tired as fuck since 7 days w.o shot and ZERO sez drive. I started nolvadex 40mg day and clomid 100m day. is it to early for pct? and I take proviron? I want to try and see if I am able to get off trt
You probably don't want to hear it but yes, it's too early!

Question above you said 11 days since test shot then below you said 7 days wo shot. I'm not understanding since you said all other drugs have cleared...
anything I can do to feel better in mean time? can I use proviron? will starting pct early and run longer increase chance of hpta function again?
You probably don't want to hear it but yes, it's too early!

Question above you said 11 days since test shot then below you said 7 days wo shot. I'm not understanding since you said all other drugs have cleared...

after 7 days of no shot when one was due is when I started to crash sorry for confusion
Yes it can affect the reset of hpta if you start to early!

will it affect it in a negative or positive way. my nipples have been sore as fuck past 3 days I've been taking 100mg clomid and 40mg nolvadex and 1mg armidex. I did just start some hcg as well because my nuts got smaller than when I was blasting it's really weird. should I just take hcg and and armidex right now? I was clean from amphetamines for over a year but I was so fucking down that I caved in a and got my script filled and it cured the depression and tiredness
will it affect it in a negative or positive way. my nipples have been sore as fuck past 3 days I've been taking 100mg clomid and 40mg nolvadex and 1mg armidex. I did just start some hcg as well because my nuts got smaller than when I was blasting it's really weird. should I just take hcg and and armidex right now? I was clean from amphetamines for over a year but I was so fucking down that I caved in a and got my script filled and it cured the depression and tiredness
I've never used hcg. I thought you were supposed to use hcg on ending weeks of cycle and quit before pct... I think you needed to research more before cycling. You can't start pct till any trace of drugs are out of your system. Google steroid graph, type in your cycle for 5 weeks longer than your cycle and you'll see how long it actually takes
will it affect it in a negative or positive way. my nipples have been sore as fuck past 3 days I've been taking 100mg clomid and 40mg nolvadex and 1mg armidex. I did just start some hcg as well because my nuts got smaller than when I was blasting it's really weird. should I just take hcg and and armidex right now? I was clean from amphetamines for over a year but I was so fucking down that I caved in a and got my script filled and it cured the depression and tiredness
You taking 1mg of adex every day?
yea 1 mg of adex a day if not nips get sore and 250iu of hcg a day going g to do 10000 iu total before I do nolvadex and clomid. and I have blasted and cruised for years so this is first time I am trying pct to see if I can get off trt that I have been on for 10 years so I don't need to Google what I've used it's just pct I am not 100 sure about because I have never needed it
Test E I'm assuming?
Don't run HCG with serms, stop HCG at least 3 days before you start pct.....

Stop freaking out bro, u have cruised for 7 years.... Shit is gonna suck, your gonna loose muscle, and ur gonna feel like shit... But Read & study, and make a plan --- preferably centered around dr scally power pct....

@drgreenthumb628 , if after you get BW with another pct that is still unsatisfactory..... I've always been interested in Triptorelin and if a meso member on trt was having a hard time recovery it would be a cool experience to see it work:)

I don't wanna digress too much, but was the TRT at 21 self-prescribed?

Also, how are those doses of clomid/nolva treating you? I started at 50 clomid and 40 nolva, and had to drop the nolva to 20 after a week bc it was giving me terrible heart palps.
so far no bad symptoms just feel tired but not to bad I'm 21 days with no test. my lil boys started to grow back and hang again haha. the trt was not self prescribed i was put on it cause painkillers brought my test down, I was fucked up and had 3 back surgeries
@G2Ready I'm not gonna use trip. I had some and threw it away I didn't like the side effects it could produce so I never tried it worst case I'll resort back to trt
today marks day 28 of no aas injections. I've used hcg and now nolvadex and clomid and arimidex. it being 28 days my sex drive never went down it like it's better I'm not needing cialis like when I was on cycle. also I have not experienced any depression just slight anxiety and loss of muscle and strength as expected. but would the worst of it already happened or am I in the clear. I've been on for trt/blast/cruise for 7-8 years no break
today marks day 28 of no aas injections. I've used hcg and now nolvadex and clomid and arimidex. it being 28 days my sex drive never went down it like it's better I'm not needing cialis like when I was on cycle. also I have not experienced any depression just slight anxiety and loss of muscle and strength as expected. but would the worst of it already happened or am I in the clear. I've been on for trt/blast/cruise for 7-8 years no break

A lot of that is variable, dosage/YOUR half life metabolism, yada yada

But in a nutshell, if you got really tired and went thru a lot of muscle waste--- that's the biggest battle there is!

Might pick ur self up some blood work:)