first pct advice

I did Adderall for a week to combat tired sides and when that week was up I slept for 48 hours straight from addy come down after that the 3rd day i was groggy and the 4th day was back to normal feeling great. I had so much more fear about coming off this stuff because of the sides I read about but so far for me it hasn't been bad at all. I wanna come off this shit and just cycle I think in long run it will be healthier as I now have a 15 month baby girl, and that right there puts your priorities in check
I did Adderall for a week to combat tired sides and when that week was up I slept for 48 hours straight from addy come down after that the 3rd day i was groggy and the 4th day was back to normal feeling great. I had so much more fear about coming off this stuff because of the sides I read about but so far for me it hasn't been bad at all. I wanna come off this shit and just cycle I think in long run it will be healthier as I now have a 15 month baby girl, and that right there puts your priorities in check
Adderall is poison, stay away. I was on it for 7 years, finally been off it for a year and a half now.
How long have you been off the pain meds DGT? Great job staying focused and seeing this through!
been off pain meds for quite a few years probably 3 gettin close to 4 years now. back when my back was fucked up at its worst I was on 3 oxy 80s, 10 10mg opana, and 2 100mcg fentanyl patches a day. for 2 years.
Adderall is poison I took it for a long time than stopped and now just dabble with it, problem is when I don't take it now I'm dumb as fuck haha.
been off pain meds for quite a few years probably 3 gettin close to 4 years now. back when my back was fucked up at its worst I was on 3 oxy 80s, 10 10mg opana, and 2 100mcg fentanyl patches a day. for 2 years.

Adderall is poison I took it for a long time than stopped and now just dabble with it, problem is when I don't take it now I'm dumb as fuck haha.

I stroluggled with those oxys for years, when I finally got off them i substituted with adderall and booze, with some benzos to come down at bed time.

I stopped that shit 3 years ago and never looked back. My kids were getting older and I decided it was time to step up and do right by them. What a fucking journey its beem.