First post, first purchase...


New Member Supporter
Hello, Folks.
I've been a lurker for a while but finally manned up today and got an account.
I've had serious difficulties in organising some Bitcoin... But I think I've got it licked now and I'm going to be giving Kylin a try.

Thanks for all the help you've already been, and in advance for how you will be in future!
If you had serious difficulties using bitcoin I don't know how you'll use a needle , sharp side goes in first :)
Funnily enough, I'm usually pretty good with technology... Super tired of late.

It wasn't *using* Bitcoin that was the issue, it was trying to buy some! My credit card doesn't use 3D secure, my debit card should have worked but doesn't, I've had to call the bank to make an international transfer to coincorner so I can buy some... Hopefully tomorrow?

I bought a serious PC to mine them 7 years ago, but my brother got cancer and the machine sat in the cupboard too long to be any use... I've just never gotten round to sorting it out before.
Hopefully, there now!
Talk about your all time major backfires.

Spent five grand on it, played about thirty hours of games over a few years, got married, settled down, etc, sold it to a mate for six hundred, of which I've only received 400. I'll try not to cry...