First (real) Cycle

I am discplinated for training, for dieting little less cuz I found passion in food, if your whole life turns around the abs and shredded body, good for you but i dont like to be closed in house all day not hanging out with my friends, not going eat out with my gf cuz hey i need to eat my chicken broccoli and rice and i need to count every fucking calorie. Fuck that thats not the life I want, I am lowering my bodyfat (and everytime i cut i do i do take my diet seriously) only because my performance decreased I cant do as much pull ups i did before and I cant run fast like i did.
If you can give me advice how to achieve goals good i'll be glad to listen.

AAS aside, you want to drop 8% of bodyfat fast but also want to go with your gf and friends to drink and eat on the weekends? those things are hardly reconcilable.

On the other hand, Yes, AAS will help you burn fat fast while gaining very good strength (if you train right), muscle mass gain is more difficult on deficit, but you will see better muscle quality for sure. Test+var would make it.

I like 500mg of test but some people on here will tell you 250 is more than enough for a cut/recomp if you are not huge, they are probably right, but if you don't cycle often and want to guarantee that strength gain and muscle retention I like 500 better.
AAS aside, you want to drop 8% of bodyfat fast but also want to go with your gf and friends to drink and eat on the weekends? those things are hardly reconcilable.
When I do cutting, I'm strict with my diet, but I just dont want to do that all year around so when I bulk im not holding me back from steaks and other food I love.
I still think i'll start with 350 and based on results and bloodwork i'll see if I need to increased or not.
When I do cutting, I'm strict with my diet, but I just dont want to do that all year around so when I bulk im not holding me back from steaks and other food I love.
I still think i'll start with 350 and based on results and bloodwork i'll see if I need to increased or not.
You keep saying steaks and sushi etc … and that you do BJJ. I’m calling ya out now. If you eat that above (which is halfway decent food), workout at all (2-3 times a week) and do BJJ you’re not going to be 20% bf.

So what are you not telling us ?? Ice cream nightly, fast food 4-5 times a week ?
When I do cutting, I'm strict with my diet, but I just dont want to do that all year around so when I bulk im not holding me back from steaks and other food I love.
I still think i'll start with 350 and based on results and bloodwork i'll see if I need to increased or not.
From 20 to 12 % bodyfat it can take a while. Like 4 - 5 months. That being extremely strict.

Dropping 2% of bodyfat per month is tough enough.
You keep saying steaks and sushi etc … and that you do BJJ. I’m calling ya out now. If you eat that above (which is halfway decent food), workout at all (2-3 times a week) and do BJJ you’re not going to be 20% bf.

So what are you not telling us ?? Ice cream nightly, fast food 4-5 times a week ?
bulk as a natty but cut when on AAS. makes sense. but extra bulk
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You keep saying steaks and sushi etc … and that you do BJJ. I’m calling ya out now. If you eat that above (which is halfway decent food), workout at all (2-3 times a week) and do BJJ you’re not going to be 20% bf.

So what are you not telling us ?? Ice cream nightly, fast food 4-5 times a week ?
Why would I lie about it with anonymous account???? hahahaha only thing that maybe is false is that I am not 20% how could i know... btw i hate sweets
From 20 to 12 % bodyfat it can take a while. Like 4 - 5 months. That being extremely strict.

Dropping 2% of bodyfat per month is tough enough.
Last year with anavar only cycle I did it in 8 week from 86kg around 20% of bf to 80kg around 12% but like I said to other guy maybe I am not 20% I am pretty critical about my self. I will do the measurements with skinfold caliper.
Last year with anavar only cycle I did it in 8 week from 86kg around 20% of bf to 80kg around 12% but like I said to other guy maybe I am not 20% I am pretty critical about my self. I will do the measurements with skinfold caliper.
from 20 to 12% in 8 weeks? I don´t care how much Anavar were you taking, I am having a hard time believing this. I suspect your estimation of 12% is quite generous, maybe more like 15 - 16 %, 6 kg of difference is not a lot either.
from 20 to 12% in 8 weeks? I don´t care how much Anavar were you taking, I am having a hard time believing this. I suspect your estimation of 12% is quite generous, maybe more like 15 - 16 %, 6 kg of difference is not a lot either.
maybe i imagine bad how 12% look like, i atached some pictures i found and tell me what you think. In oldest picture is what i think it is 20% BF i am at similar BF now, i am just alot bigger. The latest picture is after 5 week of cycle so I was cutting 3 weeks more but i dont finde good picture.


maybe i imagine bad how 12% look like, i atached some pictures i found and tell me what you think. In oldest picture is what i think it is 20% BF i am at similar BF now, i am just alot bigger. The latest picture is after 5 week of cycle so I was cutting 3 weeks more but i dont finde good picture.
Yes you looked lean, even lower than 12%

It seems you know how to cut well, so do it again and save that test for bulking to build some big mf muscle man, you will thank it later believe me.
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Most guys are going to tell you to bulk during cycle.

I agree with them. You should, too.

If you want to cut, that's best done at a cruise dose, in between cycles.

If this is your first real cycle, I'd recommend using no other AAS but Test. That way, you know how your body reacts to Test only as a base, and you can mitigate sides easily without worrying about how you may be influenced by other compounds. Keep it simple and don't overthink or overdo it.

Again, there are many guys here with a boatload of experience and great advice.

Make good use of it.