First shot

Not yet. But at his apparent level of intelligence, he will die soon. Man can't make a single coherent reply. I wonder if he has any AI -- but I don't think it would do him much good because I'm not sure he could figure out the symptoms vs. dosing response to dial it in.
Brah, I already covered this. He's def going to die.
he is trolling. You cant feel it in 15 hours man. But I promise you if you are not trolling you be dead in one month
Huh?? "you cant feel it in 15 hours"
WHat did i just read. And hes going to die? Lmao I can inject 20 grams of tren right now and not a damn thing is gonna happen besides a wet bed

you can feel it 30 min after you inject, especially if its tren
do you think it just sits in the muscle waiting 2 weeks for the clock to tick down? Its in the muscle, then its in your bloodstream doing its thing
Just curious, when you were filling those 3ml barrels, how much did you think you were injecting?
Surely you have an answer for this.
Just curious, when you were filling those 3ml barrels, how much did you think you were injecting?
Surely you have an answer for this.
Honestly was not thinking I did that out of self hate and insecurity. You know when you reels is filled with buffed looking dudes and you look yourself in the mirror and hate what you see sometimes you feel inadequate and do some extreme shit.
So you didn't take into consideration how much you were taking, just thought "let's fill a huge syringe with this and shoot it? Why more test than tren?
Had you googled how much to take or just wanted some oil in your body and didn't think yow much was important?
Serious questions sir, not being a dick. Just want to understand your line of thinking here at the start of your juicing.
Honestly was not thinking I did that out of self hate and insecurity. You know when you reels is filled with buffed looking dudes and you look yourself in the mirror and hate what you see sometimes you feel inadequate and do some extreme shit.
You have no business with steroids and they will do nothing for you but give you side effects. You are wasting our time, your time, your health, and your money for nothing.


Go seek out some mental health professionals.
Honestly was not thinking I did that out of self hate and insecurity. You know when you reels is filled with buffed looking dudes and you look yourself in the mirror and hate what you see sometimes you feel inadequate and do some extreme shit
Some might call taking steroids "extreme shit." What you've done here isn't extreme. It's reckless, destructive behavior. It's a sign that the cheese is falling off your cracker and you need to get help dude. A good therapist will straighten you out. It isn't normal to feel this terribly about yourself based on what your body looks like. Period. I've been taking steroids for years and you won't see me load up a bunch of barrels without measuring and shoot it into my ass no matter how fuckin fat i feel. Get help bro.