First Steroid Cycle Expecting life change

You guys are feeding the troll. As soon as he started posting pics of Guys in the bathroom bath room we should of made our exit. Plus he wants to lift to score chicks and he's in Thailand. I've been there a few times and if you can't score a chick then you have serious problems.
You guys are feeding the troll. As soon as he started posting pics of Guys in the bathroom bath room we should of made our exit. Plus he wants to lift to score chicks and he's in Thailand. I've been there a few times and if you can't score a chick then you have serious problems.
If you enjoy thailand girls, then you are a sick person, also my life credo is different, i only sleep with the girl if i love her, I need at least 3 month or relationship, i am not a loser, only loser can fuck anything/anyone, girl should deserve me, i shouldn't fight to deserve a girl.

Also you are blind as i told you several times, I am not in thailand, i plan to go.. you are just as stupid as i expected
I don't have problems with girls, as when i was 71kg i used to get more attention, but muscles give me joy to look at, every morning i wake up

Dude you look like an atrophic Neanderthal who found a shaving kit, and for that reason alone I know who are having "girl problems"!

Your problems can't be remedied by TT only disguised by it.

Oh and didn't you know those who boast about their virility often have none!

And one more little tidbit, considering the number of friendships you have cultivated in such a short period while on Meso I KNOW you're having girl issues.
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True words. No money no honey.
Dude you look like an atrophic Neanderthal who found a shaving kit, and for that reason alone I know who are having "girl problems"!

Your problems can't be remedied by TT only disguised by it.

Oh and didn't you know those who boast about their virility often have none!
I am bored of reading nonsense, I don't know why you think its your duty to come here and talk something that isn't even 1% close to reality, i wasted 5 sec to come here, 10 sec to read and 15 sec to answer, 30 sec of my life that isn't going to come back.
Haha well said, and like @Gunrunner said, it's all about the lifting and the lifestyle. Girls come after

Ok that's it and to think I've been called; mean, insensitive, thoughtless, rude, crude and tattooed, (while its all true) there's just one of me.

But of course as always I'm here to help :)
I am bored of reading nonsense, I don't know why you think its your duty to come here and talk something that isn't even 1% close to reality, i wasted 5 sec to come here, 10 sec to read and 15 sec to answer, 30 sec of my life that isn't going to come back.

Hey OP you're the one who posted this this thread and like some glutton for punishement asked for advice and NOW you have MINE along with that of many other seasoned Meso members.

Consider yourself fortunate bc the advice is SOUND and the only issue is YOU!
lol i just read hes username "trapmonster" this dude has bad looking traps but well developed chest/arms, but you have bad looking body, your entire body is a trash
who the fuck are you?
You look like a 50 year old Brenan Fraser fucked his homosexual lover with down-syndrome and you are the bastard child that fell out of his gaping asshole. Dad bod lookin bitch..troll b gone

who the fuck are you?
You look like a 50 year old Brenan Fraser fucked his homosexual lover with down-syndrome and you are the bastard child that fell out of his gaping asshole. Dad bod lookin bitch..troll b gone

lol that's funny, i like bernard cartier tho
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Haha if you get shot down twice, third times a charm right? Wrong, you're doing it all wrong and you're going to get the same responses from everyone. Try again. Actually dont, I don't want to see a 4th thread of you asking dumb bullshit thinking you're gonna turn into that fudge packer you posted a pic of overnight. Where did you find that pic, gay pornhub?
I already got response in the sphare i wanted, diet/training/cycle, i don't have any more questions that's why i don't understand what else should i ask, but ill hang here for a while maybe ill get an idea to start a new post about new tread, lol i can't get off my mind, you have a bodyshape of a dick, ill point that out in paint, give me one minute
I already got response in the sphare i wanted, diet/training/cycle, i don't have any more questions that's why i don't understand what else should i ask, but ill hang here for a while maybe ill get an idea to start a new post about new tread, lol i can't get off my mind, you have a bodyshape of a dick, ill point that out in paint, give me one minute
You would know since there are always many dick in and around your face huh?
Uhhhh sure, I don't know what kind of dicks you hang around, but mine certainly does not look like that. I think you have too much dick in your mind and not enough drive and motivation to get up off that bed and go lift. Damn bro, penises really are plaguing up your mind. Lay off the dick for a while, it can be as bad as a bad drug addiction
Uhhhh sure, I don't know what kind of dicks you hang around, but mine certainly does not look like that. I think you have too much dick in your mind and not enough drive and motivation to get up off that bed and go lift. Damn bro, penises really are plaguing up your mind. Lay off the dick for a while, it can be as bad as a bad drug addiction
I don't want to insult or joke about you anymore, as you are really nice person, i want to make peace with you, maybe we can become friends
I don't want to insult or joke about you anymore, as you are really nice person, i want to make peace with you, maybe we can become friends
Sorry, not taking any new applications for new friends. I like my circles small and tight. Don't need non serious lifters in my group