First Test E Cycle - Your Comments/Remarks?


New Member
Hello all,

I've been browsing this forum for quite some time as I've educated myself and finally came to the realization that it's time for me to give it a go!

Here are my stats;
6'2, 235 lbs, 26 years old, ~18-20% BF

My BIGGEST fear: When I was born, I had an undescended testicle... therefore, I've only got one. I've never been on TRT or anything - and I've been able to put on muscle, get quite strong, etc. No problems whatsoever my entire life. My blood work and all is perfectly in line. Do you guys think I'm still ok (in your non-medical opinions!) to proceed? Realistically, one testicle or two, it shouldn't make a difference as one can do the same work as two.

Training for about 7 years, and mainly have been doing strict power lifting and have competed in it as well. Probably why I'm a bit on the heavier side too ;)

When jumping on Test E, I still plan to continue my big 3 training (squat, deadlift, bench) but afterwards, I will make it a point to do accessory at hypertrophy on your typical 3x8, 4x10, etc. During powerlifting sets, I'm typically doing 5x5, 10x3, 7x3, etc.

As of late, my diet has been on point because I know there's no sense to eat like a "fat powerlifter" while you're doing something like this. I will incorporate cardio as well.

Now on to the good stuff;
I will be doing a 12 week cycle. I have contemplated 14 and 16, but as my first cycle and still being slightly nervous, I want to keep it short and safe as possible. I know the argument for 14 and 16 - such as that you hit your max gains around week 8, so why not continue that optimal trend for a longer duration? Simply put... I don't care too much about that. Happy to hear reasons to do 14 or 16 either way as you're the pros and not me.

Cycle will be Test E only;
-Week 1 and 2: 250mg 1x shot per week, see how body reacts
-Week 3-12: 500mg 2x (250mg each) shot per week, Tuesday/Friday (might change, but I will keep the two shots 4 days apart)

QUESTION: Is my Week 1 and 2 the safer route to go? Test the waters, so to speak? Or should I just start the 500mg 2x a week off the bat?

During Cycle:
I will have Nolva and Adex on hand. I will only use either/or IF any symptoms arise. If it's nothing too crazy and just basic nipple sensitivity, I will do Nolva in the start. 25mg EOD. If that does not work, then I will go to Adex 10mg EOD. Once again, these are only if sides occur and depending on the severity.

QUESTION: Are these dosing and ideology fair? I know lots of folks will run the AI thru the cycle and there's lots of trains of thoughts on this.

Post Cycle:
I will start Nolva 3 weeks after the last pin on week 12. So starting on week 15 for me (pending I do the week 12 cycle). And that dosing will be for 4 weeks at 40/40/20/20.

QUESTION: Is this the right PCT idea? Is 3 weeks after the last pin correct? Dosing ok?

Last remarks;
I've read a lot about HCG and starting HCG in the 3 weeks before your actual PCT. What are your remarks on this? I know lots of folks who do all of this without HCG and their testicles are back to regular form after PCT. I ask because is this something I should 'definitely' look into considering I do have one testicle?
I am wondering about your injection cycle rotation practice system setup programming here, because with only one testicle, you cannot inject testosterone in the right testicle one week, and switch to injecting testosterone into the left testicle the other week. Basically with only one nut, my calculations show you will ... Run into a problem .... Around the time ... Of the second injection.

Apart from that, you are gtg my friend, keep on roiding, DQ
Your post It's all confusing man !
Any ways I have some remarks)
Mentioned that you are going to use nolva but in case nolva doesn't do the job you will jump into adex at
10 mg EOD ?? What? You are going to kill your retro pretty bad.

I hope that was a keyboard error.

Any ways go basic .
10 weeks test e 500 mg straight .

As tail do test prop week 11-13
500 mg x week

.5 E3D = This is 1/2 of a 1 mg pill.
You are concerning about your testicle
So it's a Better option to not let it shrink .
250 iu hcg twice a week.

You start you pct at week 14

That's my opinion/ what I would do .
Do some more research .
Well it looks like you have researched it pretty good....the 1 nut thing aint a problem if you dont have a problem now.
Do you have pre cycle bloods...curious about your natty test level.
If your 18-20% bf your gonna look like your 25% or more with fluid retention.
Be very very careful on food consumption...dont over do it. Dial in your tdee then accurately track calories. Be no more than 700 cal over tdee while on this cycle or your gonna add fat. Recalculate tdee at week 7...u should need to up cals a bit.
As far as the cycle goes...
500 mg test e from week 1.
You will probably not need more than .5mg arimadex e3d starting mid 3rd week.
Your first run will be your best...if you get toward the endvand gains are still coming on stretch it out a couple more weeks.
Get mid cycle bloods week 6 to compare to pre cycle so you know how your body is really responding.
Pct im no good old and decrepid and never come off just cruise.
Hit it enjoy it and make sure you get enough sleep.
Your post It's all confusing man !
Any ways I have some remarks)
Mentioned that you are going to use nolva but in case nolva doesn't do the job you will jump into adex at
10 mg EOD ?? What? You are going to kill your retro pretty bad.

I hope that was a keyboard error.

Any ways go basic .
10 weeks test e 500 mg straight .

As tail do test prop week 11-13
500 mg x week

.5 E3D = This is 1/2 of a 1 mg pill.
You are concerning about your testicle
So it's a Better option to not let it shrink .
250 iu hcg twice a week.

You start you pct at week 14

That's my opinion/ what I would do .
Do some more research .

Hi, thanks for the reply.

Few questions here, but thanks for the layout:

1) I don't want to do any prop, I rather just do test e only 12 weeks.
1a) I will go for 500mg straight, but when you say straight, do you mean still 2x a week (250mg each)? Or 500mg 1 shot a week... I've heard 1 shot is viable but 2 is better for more stable blood levels.

2) For the adex, I will do the .5 every 3 days, but when do I start it then? Some folks say you only start when you see sides, other says you start middle or 3rd week, etc. What do you suggest?

3) For HCG - I agree - if I'm worried about the teste, it's best to just do this. Would I pin the 250iu the same time I do the test?
Well it looks like you have researched it pretty good....the 1 nut thing aint a problem if you dont have a problem now.
Do you have pre cycle bloods...curious about your natty test level.
If your 18-20% bf your gonna look like your 25% or more with fluid retention.
Be very very careful on food consumption...dont over do it. Dial in your tdee then accurately track calories. Be no more than 700 cal over tdee while on this cycle or your gonna add fat. Recalculate tdee at week 7...u should need to up cals a bit.
As far as the cycle goes...
500 mg test e from week 1.
You will probably not need more than .5mg arimadex e3d starting mid 3rd week.
Your first run will be your best...if you get toward the endvand gains are still coming on stretch it out a couple more weeks.
Get mid cycle bloods week 6 to compare to pre cycle so you know how your body is really responding.
Pct im no good old and decrepid and never come off just cruise.
Hit it enjoy it and make sure you get enough sleep.

Thanks! The Adex should help resolve that fluid retention bit, no?

Also - yes my diet will be in check, if anything it would be pretty cool to see myself actually lose a little bf%
I am wondering about your injection cycle rotation practice system setup programming here, because with only one testicle, you cannot inject testosterone in the right testicle one week, and switch to injecting testosterone into the left testicle the other week. Basically with only one nut, my calculations show you will ... Run into a problem .... Around the time ... Of the second injection.

Apart from that, you are gtg my friend, keep on roiding, DQ

Guess this ultimately translates to, "Stop being a pansy and get on it."


As per Maktub's suggestion which does make logical sense to me, here is a slight revision of my cycle compared to what I made in my first post;

Cycle will be Test E only;

Weeks 1-12: 500mg 2x (250mg each) shot per week, Tuesday/Friday (might change, but I will keep the two shots 4 days apart)

(I initially was going to do 250mg ONLY weeks 1 and 2 to test the waters, but it seems like that's useless and 500mg is already relatively "mild" as it is, so might as well as just do that from the start)

During Cycle:
I will take Adex every 3 days at .5 mg... but I will only start that 'if' I start to feel sides [or should I just start taking it E3D from the start?]

Still contemplating about the HCG... but would be 250 iu twice a week - but my question is, do I pin those the same days as I do my test pins?

Post Cycle:
Start Nolva on week 13 (1 week after last pin) at 40/40/20/20

Any other remarks or changes you guys would add to this? I'm just trying to keep this as safe and simple the first time around as I possibly can.

As per Maktub's suggestion which does make logical sense to me, here is a slight revision of my cycle compared to what I made in my first post;

Cycle will be Test E only;

Weeks 1-12: 500mg 2x (250mg each) shot per week, Tuesday/Friday (might change, but I will keep the two shots 4 days apart)

(I initially was going to do 250mg ONLY weeks 1 and 2 to test the waters, but it seems like that's useless and 500mg is already relatively "mild" as it is, so might as well as just do that from the start)

During Cycle:
I will take Adex every 3 days at .5 mg... but I will only start that 'if' I start to feel sides [or should I just start taking it E3D from the start?]

Still contemplating about the HCG... but would be 250 iu twice a week - but my question is, do I pin those the same days as I do my test pins?

Post Cycle:
Start Nolva on week 13 (1 week after last pin) at 40/40/20/20

Any other remarks or changes you guys would add to this? I'm just trying to keep this as safe and simple the first time around as I possibly can.
On the ai....i would start it end of week 2 after 4th inj then every 3rd day....just cuz the long esther test wont really start hitting till week 4.
On the ai....i would start it end of week 2 after 4th inj then every 3rd day....just cuz the long esther test wont really start hitting till week 4.

And on the very same note, start PCT 10-14 days after last injection, as that long ester needs to depart before PCT ...
Second that ^^ start the adex at the end of second week or 3 week.
Hcg you can do it whenever you want doesn't have to be same day as test.
Hcg do subcutaneous . Not IM.
The reason I mentioned prop is that I like to use it as tail.

Usually I start pct 3 weeks after last test e shot.
So instead of waiting 3 longs week in order to clear teste e I just hit some prop and makes my life easier .

Back to the firsth post I said do 500 mg straight .
Of course this is split in two shots .
And on the very same note, start PCT 10-14 days after last injection, as that long ester needs to depart before PCT ...

Thanks. I will start Adex at .5 mg (will just cut the tab in half...) end of 2nd week which will be the same day I do my 4th pin. I will do E3D from that point till the very last shot in week 12. This will help fight any sides + help keep the bloat down, right? (I just want to know the exact reasoning so I can educate myself further).

On Week 14 (12-14 days after), I will begin Nolva for PCT which will be for 4 weeks at 40/40/20/20. My question here is, my Nolva is 25mg tabs... so how can I actually do 40 and 20mg breakdowns? It's not like the Adex where it's simple to cut in half. If it's a 25mg tab cutting it isn't exactly going to ever yield 40mg or 20mg. Any ideas?
Second that ^^ start the adex at the end of second week or 3 week.
Hcg you can do it whenever you want doesn't have to be same day as test.
Hcg do subcutaneous . Not IM.
The reason I mentioned prop is that I like to use it as tail.

Usually I start pct 3 weeks after last test e shot.
So instead of waiting 3 longs week in order to clear teste e I just hit some prop and makes my life easier .

Back to the firsth post I said do 500 mg straight .
Of course this is split in two shots .

Understood. Thanks for your input. Also, I need to decide if I'm going to do the hcg or not - I actually did not know it's in subcutaenous... so good to know! When do I stop the hcg. I understand 2x a week @ 250iu, but do I just continue that the same 12 weeks of my Test E?

Don't want to get involved into the prop as a tail yet. Trying to keep it simple but perhaps experiment with something like this in a next cycle. Thank you.
I am wondering about your injection cycle rotation practice system setup programming here, because with only one testicle, you cannot inject testosterone in the right testicle one week, and switch to injecting testosterone into the left testicle the other week. Basically with only one nut, my calculations show you will ... Run into a problem .... Around the time ... Of the second injection.

Apart from that, you are gtg my friend, keep on roiding, DQ
why does your old ass always troll youre like 50 years old i see you trolling in every single comment you post, grow up gramps
Running your first two weeks of nolva at 50 mg wont hurt you ! The. You do the last 2 weeks at 15 mg
Most guys do at 40 mg cause most nolva comes in 20mg and 10 mg.
Is ur nolva pharma grade or ug?

Hcg you keep up to week 13
Leave week 14 alone then hit pct.
Subcutaneous is the easiest way to do it man .
Just grab a chunck of fat in you belly and let it flow.
Running your first two weeks of nolva at 50 mg wont hurt you ! The. You do the last 2 weeks at 15 mg
Most guys do at 40 mg cause most nolva comes in 20mg and 10 mg.
Is ur nolva pharma grade or ug?

Hcg you keep up to week 13
Leave week 14 alone then hit pct.
Subcutaneous is the easiest way to do it man .
Just grab a chunck of fat in you belly and let it flow.

Cool, that's what I was thinking. Instead of 40/40/20/20, I'll have to do 50/50/25/25... since my tabs are 25mg each. Yeah pharma.

50/50/25/25 - that's every day too right? 25mg versus the 20mg won't hurt in the last two weeks, right?