First Then Run


New Member
Hey guys,

Looking for some advice. I've done 2 cycles so far.

First was just Test E @ 500/week for 12 weeks

Second was the same but I kicked it with Dbol for 4 weeks and finished it with Prop as a Finisher for a better PCT.

Now I want to try this, is it too intense for only my third cycle?

Sust 250 @ 500/week - 8 weeks (Pin .5 EOD)
Tren A @ 350/week - 8 weeks (Pin .5 ED)
Mast @ 400/Week - 8 weeks (Pin .5 EOD)
HCG throughout @ 250iu 2x Week
Caber - throughout or as needed??? I've heard mixed opinions.

PCT: 3 days after last pin
I have Clomid and Nolva, 50/50/50/50 , 40/20/20/20
Aromasin and Letro on hand if needed, but I doubt I'll need either

- I would use Prop, but my guy has Sust that I can get a lot easier and cheaper right now.
- Also, I've tried Clomid @ 100 in the past, turned me into a little bitch, crying for no reason. As soon as I dropped it down to 50 I was feeling fine after a day or two.

Some Stats:

I'm 25
200 lbs
I'd say 12-13% BF (Abs are visible, but not defined/cut if you know what I mean)

Diet is pretty stereotypical, only eat carbs in AM (Oatmeal and Greek Yogurt or Whole Grain Bagel w/PB) and a shake w/ 8oz egg whites and 1 scoop whey isolate, 1 Cup white rice and chicken about 1 hr before gym. Other than that right now its lots of lean protein and veggies, and healthy fats (Like some mixed nuts for a snack here and there) I don't have a fixed meal plan right now, no macro counting etc, I just make a bunch of chicken and veggies every Sunday and eat it a couple times a day, plus the carb meals and shakes (Usually 1 in AM and 1 right after gym) I'm thinking about probably start legitimately prepping during this cycle however, its just tough bc I am on the road a lot for work (Usually 3-4 days a week).

Goal: I'd like to end this cycle and maintain my weight at 200lbs, I'd even be happy with 195lbs, and drop BF% down to 9-10%

Basically, I want to lose the BF, but make enough lean gains to maintain weight, before Summer.

Thanks guys, if you need anything else from me let me know.
.25 mg caber every three days. Use letro in last resource. You should still use aromasin 10mg a day you don't want prolactin and high estrogen ganging up on you.
You dont need caber.
Keep your estro right and enjoy.

Caber is really relative but it's his first time doing tren and he's doing relatively high dosages I think he should play safe by using at least .25 etd
I'll keep the Caber on hand precautionary and use Aromasin throughout then.

So if 350/week is relatively high dose, should I drop it down to say 250? First time, remember.

I'd say since it's your first time you should try lower doses and see how it goes if you're handling just fine you could up the doses. Also to be safer do tren A as it leaves your systems faster just in case

