First time introducing Anavar


New Member
Hey guys,

new to the channel here so please forgive me if I forget any of the formalities.

I started to bnc in February and began with a blast and cut (I know it’s not the norm) but after PCTing off my first cycle (300mg test e 12weeks) back in October I got fat af afterwards.

On this cycle I started out at 400mg Test e for 12 weeks and now tapered down to 300mg a week ago (pinning eod because I started getting slight bacne). I will start reintroducing carbs until I get to maintenance to fill out a little more and would like to add anavar at 40mg ed until I finally taper down to a cruise dose of 200mg in August.

I have some events coming up in June which is why I want to start the anavar beginning end of May.

My quedtion now is:

when will the „look“ start fading after dropping anavar even though I will still be on 300mg test?

I’d appreciate your input.
Hey guys,

new to the channel here so please forgive me if I forget any of the formalities.

I started to bnc in February and began with a blast and cut (I know it’s not the norm) but after PCTing off my first cycle (300mg test e 12weeks) back in October I got fat af afterwards.

On this cycle I started out at 400mg Test e for 12 weeks and now tapered down to 300mg a week ago (pinning eod because I started getting slight bacne). I will start reintroducing carbs until I get to maintenance to fill out a little more and would like to add anavar at 40mg ed until I finally taper down to a cruise dose of 200mg in August.

I have some events coming up in June which is why I want to start the anavar beginning end of May.

My quedtion now is:

when will the „look“ start fading after dropping anavar even though I will still be on 300mg test?

I’d appreciate your input.

That’s pretty much impossible to answer with any certainty.

It sounds like you need to dial in your diet and adhere to it even when AAS are not present. What’s your current conditioning like? Current diet? Any recent pics?
That’s pretty much impossible to answer with any certainty.

It sounds like you need to dial in your diet and adhere to it even when AAS are not present. What’s your current conditioning like? Current diet? Any recent pics?
Thanks for the input.

Stats are 174cm 78kg at 13.5% bf

Currently at 205p 170c 55f. Been tapering down the carbs as I get deeper into the cut.

I usually have my diet dialed in. The last time I went off cycle I kept eating at around 3600kcal in hopes to keeping the newly gained mass but I started turning more and more into a fat fuck.

The pic is from about two weeks ago. Pretty good lightning tbf.


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Thanks for the input.

Stats are 174cm 78kg at 13.5% bf

Currently at 205p 170c 55f. Been tapering down the carbs as I get deeper into the cut.

I usually have my diet dialed in. The last time I went off cycle I kept eating at around 3600kcal in hopes to keeping the newly gained mass but I started turning more and more into a fat fuck.

The pic is from about two weeks ago. Pretty good lightning tbf.
Base looks good and your proposed plan seems solid. I would keep protein and fats consistent throughout the cut and let carbs be the main driver for fat loss - along with steadily increasing cardio duration/intensity week to week. Anavar the last 6 weeks at 40-60mg would be the icing on the cake.
Base looks good and your proposed plan seems solid. I would keep protein and fats consistent throughout the cut and let carbs be the main driver for fat loss - along with steadily increasing cardio duration/intensity week to week. Anavar the last 6 weeks at 40-60mg would be the icing on the cake.
Thanks man. I appreciate it.
Also I would recommend keeping your test dose consistent throughout the cycle. There’s no point in tapering up and down - any amount of exogenous hormone will suppress you so best to keep things stable.