First time tren A


New Member
Hello, i want try tren A first time, i am blast-cruise 2 years but never ran tren and orals( 1 time tried 50mg anadrol for 1 month), i want ask what dose should i start with? My plan is 300-350 test, 420 eq, 280mast, +want start at 140 tren a? if all will be okay maybe i will do more?And how long should i do tren? i wanted 5-6 weeks if all will be okay maybe more..

Next question is what should i keep eye on? i read that hormones on tren in the "paper" (doing bloods) is not the good indicator..? what all should i check? thank you for your advices, experiences..
My sides from 300 mg Tren A:

a lot of sweating
more impulsivity & aggression
asshole attitude / emotional detachment
very very bad cardio
random muscle cramps
some heartburn

I look more defined than ever but i don't get any strength from it. I'm not fully sure if it's worth the sides yet.
6-8 weeks if you can tolerate it that long\

at 140/week it should be mild enough with the side effects