
I’m currently on 350mg of UGL test prop
Per week- 50mg per day
I’m flying on January 28th & again on the 31st.
Do u guys ever fly with UGL gear?
Do u put it in a checked Bag or carry on?
My first thoughts are I could hide it well in a checked bag w/ shampoo toothpaste brush needles etc.
A carryon is going to get direct TSA scanning in line. If I had old TRT vials it wouldn’t be problem because they have a script On them and I’d transfer enough CCs into that to last me the 4 day trip.
How do u fly with gear?

Another option i was considering:
Reducing the prop down to 230mg per week and start blasting a long ester like Cyp or Enanthate at 120mgs per week as well and then do a long ester shot the morning I fly out so I won’t need to take any oils with me and I’ll be cool for 4 days

Or I don’t add the long ester and I just go 4 days with no prop shots.
Will I be cool with no test for 4 days despite blasting 50mg a day of prop up until i fly out?
Or will I really “feel it” since prop is such a short ester?

Roast me where necessary
I appreciate the insight bros!
This forum has changed my
You’d probably be fine bringing it but I’d be leery anyway. If it’s just a few days you’d be fine coasting without anything too, lots of people do it the last few days of prep. It isn’t ideal but it’s whatever. You’d also be fine giving yourself a little shot of C or E.

In short there’s a lot of ways to skin this cat so I’d try not to overthink it and just pick the one that suits you best. Personally I’d shoot a bitch dose of E/C or a heavier dose of P before I left. I don’t think you’ll notice much difference either way.
I always do long esters when I travel pin 2-3cc and try to make it back in a week or two.

I wouldn’t chance it
Do you take a heavy dose of AI when u do this? Im just a high aromatized unfortunately. I take .25 - .5 mg adex once a week on 350mg prop. Im wondering if 2-3cc shot would call for a whole pill... I dont wanna kill my E2 and have no dick while im away lol.
What do u usually do? I suppose I can pack my apex and take it if needed. Thanks man!
Do u put it in a checked Bag or carry on?
My first thoughts are I could hide it well in a checked bag w/ shampoo toothpaste brush needles etc.
This. I travelled internationally inside the EU recently, and I just went with a preloaded needle with test c to pin it in the middle of the trip. I didn't hide too much, it was in a checked bag with a razor, brush and cream.
I preload the pins and put in with bag I’m checking. One time forgot to put in checked bag and they stopped me at X-ray when checking my back pack I was carrying on… said I have horrible food allergies and it was prescribed injectable Benadryl and all they said was try and remember prescription when you travel next time.
I’ve pre loaded many a slin pin with oils and put in toiletry bag and checked over the years. Never a word spoken to me about it. But it’s still a risk I believe.
I wouldn't take it with you to any country where AAS can get you in jail. Seriously, I heard of a dude being locked up for 25 years for some E-liquid containing THC
Brew with MCT(so it's transparent) and put it in an insulin vial along with those little diabetes kit bags
Brew with MCT(so it's transparent) and put it in an insulin vial along with those little diabetes kit bags
Lmao man. If they find it they find it. Hed need an rx either way.

Op. Would you travel with coke, meth or heroin? Same thing in the eyes of the law. Pin long esters 2x the dose and youll be good for 10 days or so.
I am red flagged because i had an order of protection from 5 yrs ago in a relationship, which was not even my fault, but they called and complained. I left that relationship: but because if that, they hassle me so much when flying. Has nothing to do with flying at all. I dont get it. Soni would never fly with stuff on me
No way they could tell the difference between MCT and insulin. And insulin doesn't require a prescription
I am red flagged because i had an order of protection from 5 yrs ago in a relationship, which was not even my fault, but they called and complained. I left that relationship: but because if that, they hassle me so much when flying. Has nothing to do with flying at all. I dont get it. Soni would never fly with stuff on me
Lol I’d love to hear this story.
I just take the vial off my testosterone and put it in an insulin “kit” I bought on Amazon. I put my AI pills in a P5P bottle. Never had an issue