FNG - Another new guy


New Member
Hello fellow Meso members,

New to Meso, but not exactly new to AAS, but definitely not a veteran with AAS either.

I got on TRT a good bit (3 years) after my time in the service. Realized I was having serious troubles, got bloods checked and test levels were ridiculously below normal.

Ended up with a well known TRT clinic but finally got dialed in and moved into UGL and keeping my own bloodwork going.
(Clinic TRT is insanely expensive depending on where you go)

Just now contemplating starting a run with Test C and Primo.
Hoping to keep this as my cruise regimen for the future. As of right now it would be just under 1:1 ratio of test/primo.

I picked up some Anavar (20mg) as well but not sure if I wanna run that first then hop on primo as I cruise on about 200mg of test C when not blasting.

Open to any tips and suggestions, I've only really dabbled with Test C.