FNG treyzguy


New Member
So, if you ask 100 fitness gurus or regular ol'bodybuilders what the best exercises are, best programs, best gear, you will get 99 different answers. So, I have ordered my first gear ever from iapharma (Anavar, Winstrol) & now I see a few people having issues with them. Just normal, grumpy customer stuff or valid gripes? I just don't wanna hurt myself unnecessarily. Who, what has the best rep for gear? I'm looking thru the forum but, like I said, I'm very new & haven't figured out the site nuances yet. Who won't unnecessarily hurt or cheat me or is it always buyer beware?
There are no guarantees when dealing with black market stuff. You look at as many posts as you want and choose who to deal with . Or don't deal with any one.
There are no guarantees when dealing with black market stuff. You look at as many posts as you want and choose who to deal with . Or don't deal with any one.
Oh, I’m very aware of “buyer beware” I just wanna keep myself from getting hurt. Money I can replace…