For the professional brewers over here

the brewers of driada claim that high compounds can only be made with the addition of gluaciacol ... here on the forum are brewers who do make high concentrations and claim that they don't need poison ... because I'm getting tired of everyone what else says I hereby open a public discussion where all knowledgeable brewers can defend their point of view so that the end customer can finally buy stuff without feeling shitty through propaganda ... it is exhausting that everyone fights each other behind the scenes So it would be nice if there was clarity about the use of gluaciocol once and for all
Driada by himself dont use it ... but driada claims that the brewers who make things like primo 200 test 400 add it .. cause driada told that it isnt possible to brew high concentrations without afdingen gu ...

Here are brewers who brew it and say that they dont is it ...

So this is for the users who wanna know the truth ...
it will be very suspicious if the brewers don't publicly defend their positions
Depends on the compound and ester.

I made Test D at 350mg/ml and could probably push it to 400mg with ba/bb only.
NPP @150mg only ba/bb

Both pipless.

You could probably brew multi test (E/C/D/U) at 450mg. PRimo at 200mg/ml is doable if you follow proper methods, have enough bb and quality raws.

It's a trial and error procedure. When someone brews to sell, they need consistency and ease of manufacturing, so adding a little bit of gu guarantees that.

Personally I reserve those nasty solvents for difficult compounds as injectible orals, like dbol and superdrol.
I think you'll find it hard to get a strait answer backed with how it's achieved. The brewers who are claiming they can probably won't share there process for good reason.
I think you'll find it hard to get a strait answer backed with how it's achieved. The brewers who are claiming they can probably won't share there process for good reason.
It's not rocket science. You need heat, enough solvents, quality raws and reasonable concentrations for most compounds. Brewing Test E at 500mg is plain stupid and guaranteed pip city.
It's not rocket science. You need heat, enough solvents, quality raws and reasonable concentrations for most compounds. Brewing Test E at 500mg is plain stupid and guaranteed pip city.
Seems to me that a lot of people use high dosed products because they have an unfounded fear about injection volume - guys who think 2ml shots are excessive, 6-7ml PW is “a lot of oi etc.
Where does driada say they use it? I ain’t defending anyone. I need to get reading.
They don’t mate - they say they don’t use it, but use “a small amount” of EO instead.

That said, EO became a bit of a bogeyman on here after Vigorous Steve posted a very poorly researched video on YouTube about carrier oils, in which he seemed oblivious to the fact that there’s UK & EU licensed pharma test that uses EO as the sole carrier.
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They put those nasty compound so that their gear does not crash in winter during transport

If yiu are brewing, storing in a controlled temperature environment you don’t need gu to keep your gear from crashing
Why don't you tag them (type @ followed by their username until they show up in the drown-down menu) and find out. OP should have quoted the statement referenced in its entirety and provide further context because I refuse to believe any lab would dare say it like that on Meso.

@Driada Medical this a thread about you that you would never have known to look into
Hello, gentlemen!

We cannot say that any of the manufacturers use or do not use Guaiacol we cannot check it- our clients repeatedly ask us why we do not make drugs such as primo 200 mg/ml or testosterone mix with a concentration of 400+ mg/ml.

We don't make these drugs because we don't know another sufficient method by which you can dissolve this amount of a substance without using guaiacol. We tested various recipes and each time the product was of insufficient quality, we don't know how it can be done well without guaiacol.

BUT blaming someone without evidence is not what we do, so the arguments about the accusations behind the scenes are very far from the truth.

If someone knows the existence of another way to dissolve such a quantity of a substance in 1 ml of oil, then it would be interesting to hear with what substance this can be achieved.
If someone knows the existence of another way to dissolve such a quantity of a substance in 1 ml of oil, then it would be interesting to hear with what substance this can be achieved.
Even in a standalone medium level viscosity carrier like gso/cso/sesame it requires no additional solvents nor a high percentage of benzyl benzoate (much less than the percentage used in pharmaceutical testosterone products for reference) for Primobolan to get into and stay in solution at 200mg/ml. No guaiacol, no ethyl oleate, no mig812 nor mig840 needed, though mixing in a lower viscosity carrier oil helps (iirc you've been doing this already). Given a small percentage of people being unable to tolerate Primobolan at higher concentrations no matter the recipe, 200mg/ml has established itself as a safe cutoff for Primo among veteran Meso brewers over the last decade or two, and you'll find lots of helpful information by said brewers if you dive into the library of this place.

As for testosterone mixes above 400mg, it's all about that (test) D.

Since you've wisely backpedalled off the edge of flat earth compared to your original statement, I'll let you know you that you can have an adequate look at excipient usage in any finished product by GCMS testing via a real laboratory, and if you do so, you'll find those products to be completely devoid of guaiacol.
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Even in a standalone medium level viscosity carrier like gso/cso/sesame it requires no additional solvents nor a high percentage of benzyl benzoate (much less than the percentage used in pharmaceutical testosterone products for reference) for Primobolan to get into and stay in solution at 200mg/ml. No guaiacol, no ethyl oleate, no mig812 nor mig840 needed, though mixing in a lower viscosity carrier oil helps (iirc you've been doing this already). Given a small percentage of people being unable to tolerate Primobolan at higher concentrations no matter the recipe, 200mg/ml has established itself as a safe cutoff for Primo among veteran Meso brewers over the last decade or two, and you'll find lots of helpful information by said brewers if you dive into the library of this place.

As for testosterone mixes above 400mg, it's all about that (test) D.

Since you've wisely backpedalled off the edge of flat earth compared to your original statement, I'll let you know you that you can have an adequate look at excipient usage in any finished product by GCMS testing via a real laboratory, and if you do so, you'll find those products to be completely devoid of guaiacol.
we are glad that you got your product, but again, we don’t have time to search and read reviews on it.

We do not have such a high demand to delve into the production of a highly concentrated product that will satisfy the demand of the vast majority of our customers.

Also, I would like to thank Liska for reading all the threads of the forum and tagging us where necessary. We don't have many resources lately to pay attention to all the pages of the forum, because we are busy with production.
Even in a standalone medium level viscosity carrier like gso/cso/sesame it requires no additional solvents nor a high percentage of benzyl benzoate (much less than the percentage used in pharmaceutical testosterone products for reference) for Primobolan to get into and stay in solution at 200mg/ml. No guaiacol, no ethyl oleate, no mig812 nor mig840 needed, though mixing in a lower viscosity carrier oil helps (iirc you've been doing this already). Given a small percentage of people being unable to tolerate Primobolan at higher concentrations no matter the recipe, 200mg/ml has established itself as a safe cutoff for Primo among veteran Meso brewers over the last decade or two, and you'll find lots of helpful information by said brewers if you dive into the library of this place.

As for testosterone mixes above 400mg, it's all about that (test) D.

Since you've wisely backpedalled off the edge of flat earth compared to your original statement, I'll let you know you that you can have an adequate look at excipient usage in any finished product by GCMS testing via a real laboratory, and if you do so, you'll find those products to be completely devoid of guaiacol.
Brother we took the words right out of my mouth. I could not have said this any better myself. To address what I mean is primo being made at 200mg. you don't need anything but BA, and BB but like you said most people cannot tolerate it at 200mg. It's like Test p, can we make it over 100mg? Yes but can the average person tolerate it? No. So why do it.

Now I will say this and a lot of people will probably disagree with me and that's okay but the reason I'm saying it is because I used to be one of these people 12 years ago. There are a lot of people who think they have an allergic reaction to EO but in reality it is not the EO. It could be many other factors that come into play that have you thinking that way. Usually it's the excessive amount of solvents or just bad Brewing practices. So I used to think the same thing until I started brewing and a guy who taught me a lot says to me you're not allergic to EO. Go ahead and inject a 1CC of straight EO. I told him he was out of his mind but I would inject a 1/4 of a cc, and when I did nothing happened. The next night I did a 1/2cc nothing happened, the next night I did a whole CC, and nothing happened. That's when I realized I had a lot to learn and so I did.

Believe it or not even injectable windstraw at 50 mg does not need G. It is all about your Brewing process and taking things to the correct MELTING POINS for the right period of time. MELTING POINTS, and TIME being the most important part. Once you figure out the correct way to brew and not just throw all your raw powder, BA and BB into a beaker at one time and cook it, and figure out the correct melting points and time to keep the compound there for you will no longer need these super solvents.

Listen this might sound crazy to a lot of people because when I first heard it it sounded crazy to me too but over the years of figuring stuff out little by little I came to find out it was true.
The owner or the brewer for PPL posted all their recipes wild blends like Trestolone decanoate/ tren hex and lots of pre WO injectable orals.

Common theme was much higher than normal BB up to 40% + and MCT oil. Only a few brews had EO but no guiaicol.

I mean this is organic chemistry , many different ways to hold compounds some of them being super time consuming and a solid understanding of chemistry needed. While others use GUI and EO as a shortcut.