Chrisgj2 said:These thyroid Groups
are sister groups to my group
The Owners and Mods of those groups are all very knowledgable, actually know more than I and all self treat their thyroid and are all doing better than any doc could do. Most who self treat find that the 3 grain range is where optimum is. Some have to go to 4 and 5 grains.
Anyone who is on less than 3 grains, that shows me they are not fully treated. Yeah 2 grains may feel ok, but you'll find 3 is even better.
And my disclaimer: DO NOT self treat unless you have done a lot of research and learn from other self treaters and are learning to treat yourself under guidance from others who know how it is properly done.
And do you suggest moving up dosing at 1/4 of a grain per every 6 weeks, then retesting?