So obviously I am bored while waiting for my labmax kit to arrive. I took several vials of test and purposely attempted to get them to crash. I was curious to see which vials may not contain any hormone. Note: the results of my little experiment are to be taken with a grain of salt and in no way am I accusing any lab/ gear to be bunk. This experiment was retarded an most likely useless however I thought I would share it in case anyone would like to comment. Here is what I did:
I used Geneza Test E250 and Test Prop 100. Astro Labs Test E250 and Test Prop 100. Ascendant Labs Test Prop 100. And Biomex Test E250 and Test Prop 100.
I put them all in my freezer for approx. 5 hours in attempt to get the hormone to crystallize.
Results as follows:
Astro Test E250: Riddled with obvious crystals throught the oil.
Astro Test Prop 100: Riddled with obvious crystals throught the oil.
Geneza Test E250: No distinguishable crystals present. Clear oil, no where near cloudy. No signs of any kind of seperation.
Geneza Test Prop 100: Same as Test E250 however, the Prop oil stayed very thin even after the 5 hours in the freezer.
Biomex Test E250: Very distinguishable crystals. Very large compared to the ones found in Astro Labs.
Biomex Test Prop 100: Same as Test E250
Ascendant Labs Test Prop 100: No distinguishable crystals present. It is made with %30 Ethyl Oleate and I would almost bet the solvants used are a huge variable in this retarted experiment.
I ended up heating the vials with crystals and they re-absorbed into the oil without any problem. I allowed the vials to cool and checked on them over 24 hours later and none of them crashed.
As soon as my labmax kit arrives, I will be testing the above noted compounds and labs as well as some products from getm.
Please excuse any spelling errors, I did this on my phone!
I used Geneza Test E250 and Test Prop 100. Astro Labs Test E250 and Test Prop 100. Ascendant Labs Test Prop 100. And Biomex Test E250 and Test Prop 100.
I put them all in my freezer for approx. 5 hours in attempt to get the hormone to crystallize.
Results as follows:
Astro Test E250: Riddled with obvious crystals throught the oil.
Astro Test Prop 100: Riddled with obvious crystals throught the oil.
Geneza Test E250: No distinguishable crystals present. Clear oil, no where near cloudy. No signs of any kind of seperation.
Geneza Test Prop 100: Same as Test E250 however, the Prop oil stayed very thin even after the 5 hours in the freezer.
Biomex Test E250: Very distinguishable crystals. Very large compared to the ones found in Astro Labs.
Biomex Test Prop 100: Same as Test E250
Ascendant Labs Test Prop 100: No distinguishable crystals present. It is made with %30 Ethyl Oleate and I would almost bet the solvants used are a huge variable in this retarted experiment.
I ended up heating the vials with crystals and they re-absorbed into the oil without any problem. I allowed the vials to cool and checked on them over 24 hours later and none of them crashed.
As soon as my labmax kit arrives, I will be testing the above noted compounds and labs as well as some products from getm.
Please excuse any spelling errors, I did this on my phone!