Freezer experiment


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10+ Year Member
So obviously I am bored while waiting for my labmax kit to arrive. I took several vials of test and purposely attempted to get them to crash. I was curious to see which vials may not contain any hormone. Note: the results of my little experiment are to be taken with a grain of salt and in no way am I accusing any lab/ gear to be bunk. This experiment was retarded an most likely useless however I thought I would share it in case anyone would like to comment. Here is what I did:

I used Geneza Test E250 and Test Prop 100. Astro Labs Test E250 and Test Prop 100. Ascendant Labs Test Prop 100. And Biomex Test E250 and Test Prop 100.

I put them all in my freezer for approx. 5 hours in attempt to get the hormone to crystallize.

Results as follows:

Astro Test E250: Riddled with obvious crystals throught the oil.
Astro Test Prop 100: Riddled with obvious crystals throught the oil.

Geneza Test E250: No distinguishable crystals present. Clear oil, no where near cloudy. No signs of any kind of seperation.
Geneza Test Prop 100: Same as Test E250 however, the Prop oil stayed very thin even after the 5 hours in the freezer.

Biomex Test E250: Very distinguishable crystals. Very large compared to the ones found in Astro Labs.
Biomex Test Prop 100: Same as Test E250

Ascendant Labs Test Prop 100: No distinguishable crystals present. It is made with %30 Ethyl Oleate and I would almost bet the solvants used are a huge variable in this retarted experiment.

I ended up heating the vials with crystals and they re-absorbed into the oil without any problem. I allowed the vials to cool and checked on them over 24 hours later and none of them crashed.

As soon as my labmax kit arrives, I will be testing the above noted compounds and labs as well as some products from getm. :)

Please excuse any spelling errors, I did this on my phone! :mad:
Nice little experiment. I am certain that carrier oils play a significant role. The EO based prop from AL didn't crash and the Geneza didn't crash. I remember NAPS commenting that he uses a very thin carrier oil that no one else uses. Cant remember the name, its in a thread he has going. Look forward to the labmax results.
I have always thought about doing this on purpose but was worried about hurting the compound. I have two bottle of Test e 250 and one Deca in coconut oil that got too cold and crashed :eek: you could really see the crystals and they got very cloudy. When warmed back up they went clear again. I also had two bottle of Test c 200 from Watson and they did not crash. I am going with better suspension oils of a legit lab verses ugl.
Hey guys just saying I had a herc 20 ml jug from when things were going bad and it looked as if it were crashing In my cold ass house. It Resembled the test cyp I got from astro today that crashed except the clouds were not as abundant.
so are larger crystals better?
Only had astro labs and GP test e to compare
like OP Geneza test e stayed liquid while astro had crystals.
Just thinking out loud here,
Hypathetically if you could fully crash the gear in other words have all or most of the compound crystalize then couldn't you filter out the crystals and weigh them and know if it was dosed correctly?

Or am i missing something?
Sounds right. The crystals are just suspended and not dissolved. I might do this if I have time.
I've read of these freezer test before and I don't know how reliable or hit and miss they are. But one of Hercs test E 20ml jug spent 12 hours in the freezer and it's as clear as it was before it went in. For whatever it's worth.
I like this experiment, we do need to reserve judgement until we have confirmation regarding carrier oils though. For instance, I get Depot-Test from my TRT doc and I have had it crash at room temperature in my basement. I have also received EO based oils in the mail when it was below freezing for several days and they did not crash, said oils were later confirmed legit through bloodwork. Does anyone have info regarding carrier oils and crash temps? This info would help.
Candyskull posted a link/code in the Ascendant Labs thread that. I believe you search by chemical/solvent and it tells melting and freezing points and all the other specs.

He searched EO and confirmed gear in EO most likely could withstand freezing temps without coming out of solution.
Candyskull posted a link/code in the Ascendant Labs thread that. I believe you search by chemical/solvent and it tells melting and freezing points and all the other specs.

He searched EO and confirmed gear in EO most likely could withstand freezing temps without coming out of solution.

Just read that post, thanks EBK!
Larger crystals could be caused by the solution cooling more slowly. Which could also depend on carrier oil.
a simple example of oil.. i live where it has been 20 below zero at night most of dec
if you have sae 30 wt oil in your car its so thick the battery wont even turn the car over. 5 w 40 and it starts right up . although a cool experement it all depends on the oil.