Freezer Test for Test E

The Terminator

Well-known Member
So I've been reading that a good way to check to see if what you have is legit is by sticking your roids in the freezer for ~30 min to see if the hormone separates into crystals. Is this truly a good way to determine if my test e is good or not? If so how much crystal to oil should there be and can it ever really be unseparated by warming it back up or is it never the same? I don't have many brain cells left so I can't tell if this is really a good idea or not lol
I suppose it's blood work to make sure it's real, is only like 2 weeks in but 1 week for real so it's to early to tell by just feeling. I guess if trt of 200mg eow put me at 700 6 days post injection I should be at a lot more adding an extra 300
I suppose it's blood work to make sure it's real, is only like 2 weeks in but 1 week for real so it's to early to tell by just feeling. I guess if trt of 200mg eow put me at 700 6 days post injection I should be at a lot more adding an extra 300
Get bloowdork after second injection and youll know 100%
Yeah I can confirm the freezer test is complete garbage. I ended up putting in the freezer for an hour, no crystals the oil thickened due to the cold, but bloodwork shows test near 2600 so yeah the freezer test is garbage lol. I ordered more test just incase before I saw the blood work lol but I suppose you can't go wrong with more.

Anyway thought I'd post this incase someone considered trying this so they don't waste their time.
If you freeze it it will crash but blood work gives you the best result
If you freeze it it will crash but blood work gives you the best result

I actually ended up trying it and it didn't crash just got thick due to the cold but I did blood work and my t was ~2600 so the freezer didn't prove a damn thing lol. I was taking too much ai tho, before blood work I was wondering if it was the test e, good thing I got it checked.