Freezing hCG - Any anecdotal evidence?


New Member
So I recently started using hCG alongside my TRT to maintain ball size and fertility. Currently using 280IU EOD, which according to studies has shown to maintain intratesticular testosterone levels perfectly compared to baseline while keeping estrogenic sides limited.
Now I do know most things about how to properly handle hCG, I currently store it in the fridge once reconstituted and with my dosage my 5000IU vial is gone in about 5 weeks, which should limit any loss in potency.
However, I recently came across the suggestion to prefill my insuline syringes and store them in the fridge, leaving a little bit of air for expansion during the freezing process. This sounds extremely comfortable compared to leaving my hCG in the fridge as there is zero chance of me ruining the whole vial by accidentally dropping it and since the dosages are prepped, all you need to do is take out the syringe, wait 20-30 minutes and inject. I like the idea.
As far as I know repeated freeze and thaw cycles have shown to damage hCG in the long-run, however according to various accounts freezing the prefilled insuline syringes should lead to no damage done to the hCG while maintaining potency for even longer than storage in the fridge.

Does anyone have anecdotal evidence of this working? And is there any scientific evidence speaking against this practice?
Yes it is working. I do this with rHCG and it's fine, i believe it will work with urine purified too. What i notice is a raise on TT and definitely on e2. I don't go with "balls volume" as it doesn't work for me that much since i have a varicocele and dosages up to 1500IU per week didn't do much. I just use it between my cycles just to prevent further atrophy.

In slin pins it dethaws in almost 5 minutes, better not leave it 30 minutes in room temp. I usually draw from the vial 3-4 times and then i put all the rest in slin pins and in the fridge.
Just did my first injection from a frozen pin today. Thawed in 5 minutes and was ready for injection. I like the simplicity of this method, will check how it goes over the next few weeks.
Okay I'm one of the guys who freeze their peptides since I bought into GBs.
I understand the heat cycle degradation, but I'm looking for opinion on if removing HCG from freezer 1 time to room temp will be okay, I'm sure some degradation will occur but hopefully at a minimum. Going to be In a situation without fridge/freezer for awhile. Once I put at room temp I'll just go back to cool dark room temp for now on to prevent this in future
Any updates on all this?? As in no further issues / seemingly bunk hcg? Looking to grab a kit of 5000 iu and will draw and freeze a vail at a time.