Freezing HCG

I think that hMG as FSH & LH is a longer and more complex blend of polypeptides vs. hCG. I know that Jano won't test for it because running the assay is a pain in the hole.
Correct. Too complex for qNMR to not be a mess when interpreting and usually way too messy for HPLC without putting in way too much work.

And I don't do bioassays/immunoassays usually, though for this they could be more suitable.
Would you recommend drawing up into slins and then leaving them in the fridge? Leave in vial, draw and use ? I've only got 1 of my frozen slins left then will be making my new batch.
That's fine. I don't preload syringes myself as it tends to lead to more problems of sterility and they tend to leak (and additional problems present when used to store oils). I simply view a syringe as a single-use instrument to be kept as sterile as possible.
That's fine. I don't preload syringes myself as it tends to lead to more problems of sterility and they tend to leak (and additional problems present when used to store oils). I simply view a syringe as a single-use instrument to be kept as sterile as possible.
So do you leave the HCG mixed in the vial and backload slins?
For a 5000iu or 2500iu bottle, if I use it over a few weeks time, it seems to be less potent, than the first shot.
So I just purchase 1000iu vials and pin 2 of those a week. Keeps everything full.
I don't notice fullness on 500iu - 4x per week.
But larger less frequent doses I do.
Not sure if that is a statement on potency/degradation or my own biology.

I keep the powder in the freezer, then after mixing refrigerate. Looks like I have the freezing part wrong.

I also freeze GH powder. The refrigerate after mixing.
For a 5000iu or 2500iu bottle, if I use it over a few weeks time, it seems to be less potent, than the first shot.
So I just purchase 1000iu vials and pin 2 of those a week. Keeps everything full.
I don't notice fullness on 500iu - 4x per week.
But larger less frequent doses I do.
Not sure if that is a statement on potency/degradation or my own biology.

I keep the powder in the freezer, then after mixing refrigerate. Looks like I have the freezing part wrong.

I also freeze GH powder. The refrigerate after mixing.
Nope, nothing wrong here. That's all very logical and reasonable. The 2x weekly x 1,000 IU having greater efficacy vs. 4x weekly x 500 IU is a function of hCG's biological half-life & falls in line with protocols from the literature shown to enhance fertility (steroidogenesis & spermatogenesis, Leydig cell function) and may be related to LH's endogenous pulsatility under GnRH control.