From TRT to 350mg blast, 5.5 weeks in and crazy anxiety and panic randomly. Can't sleep. High e2? Am ready to jump off of a building

What concentration is the CVS vial? If it's over 250mg/ml and filled with nasty solvents and shit, it's entirely possible a lot of this is a systemic inflammation issue caused by a couple weeks of injecting nasty ass shit.

The pregnenolone advice is good too, ideally you'd test is on bloodwork and supplement, but it's very true that higher pregnenolone tends to give guys prone to androgen-induced anxiety a higher "ceiling".

But obv the clearest answer is to get off of the blast, ride it out, get back to TRT and re-evaluate.
I think you're right. I will picture your reply in case I get "jailed". I need to find out what is causing my hyperactivity and probably worst temperament I have ever experienced. I see you mention dopamine and aas, maybe that one caber pill I took for fun did something, I need to do some homework man...

Good thing that you didn't attack me and explained it to me, maybe I need to do some thinking. But I don't like some of the things going on. If I see any bs or some thing that is maybe just a bit stupid or dumb I overreact.

I was more calm on cruise, btw it's not like all I did was talk trash did I? I remember at least few threads with you and some other intelligent members we discussed about best approach when it comes to aas and drugs. I don't believe I always only attacked everyone, maybe I'm a bit mean and in your face, but I don't talk bs or recommend stupid things. I tell them what I would do myself.

No, you were calmer before then you are now, that's for sure. So I presume it's something you added to the cycle, or maybe you weren't on cycle before?

Aas make me really impulsive. You know, you get an urge to do something and you just do it, you don't hold back, you don't have as much control. And that's not just with external action but also internal, thought control. For instance, you are thinking about something and then another thought pattern comes to you, but instead of you dismissing that thought pattern and keep thinking about what you were thinking before, you switch to the new thought pattern. And that can happen all the time. Anyway, that's what impulsivity is and AAS worsen it a lot, especially in ADHD people like me. Sooo, maybe you too are adhd but you just haven't been diagnosed for it? Your behavior sure does look like ADHD on steroids haha that's a good one.
No, you were calmer before then you are now, that's for sure. So I presume it's something you added to the cycle, or maybe you weren't on cycle before?
Gonna second this.

You will see me calmer. Waiting for the androgens to wash out of my system right now for the next few months
What concentration is the CVS vial? If it's over 250mg/ml and filled with nasty solvents and shit, it's entirely possible a lot of this is a systemic inflammation issue caused by a couple weeks of injecting nasty ass shit.

The pregnenolone advice is good too, ideally you'd test is on bloodwork and supplement, but it's very true that higher pregnenolone tends to give guys prone to androgen-induced anxiety a higher "ceiling".

But obv the clearest answer is to get off of the blast, ride it out, get back to TRT and re-evaluate.
200mg/10ml. I took a previous vial for awhile as they are super overfilled. This vial in question I ran for 3 weeks at TRT dose, felt awful and run down, numbers were down, switched off of it for awhile, then decided to use it on a blast as of almost 6 weeks ago. Started .5ml eod on July 4th. Last week I felt great, by Friday I was off, Saturday completely fucked, and it's been downhill since.

I just woke up with a crazy panic attack and am fucked. I think the severe and I mean severe lack of sleep for a week is exasperating everything. Not sure what's going on with throat, crazy thick mucus you can hardly spit out, taking Allegra, tums and now mucinex. Not sure if it's crazy allergy or if throat is burnt from the acid reflux I had at the gym last Friday night and my body is trying to protect throat. It's making anxiety worse, vicious cycle because I can't sleep, which leads to more anxiety. Fuck this sucks.

Did bloods yesterday but it takes for fucking ever to get sensitive e2 back from labcorp. Should be able to get cbc, cmp, lipid, shbg, prolactin, TSH and progesterone today though, hopefully, although I really need the sensitive e2.

I dropped back to TRT dose with left over compounded stuff in GSO yesterday, which actually gives great numbers and makes me feel good. I'm probably going to skip Saturdays injection and try to get leveled out until I get my results back.

Have never tested pregnenalone but last time I checked progesterone earlier this year I had went from the top of the very narrow range to the bottom.
No, you were calmer before then you are now, that's for sure. So I presume it's something you added to the cycle, or maybe you weren't on cycle before?

Aas make me really impulsive. You know, you get an urge to do something and you just do it, you don't hold back, you don't have as much control. And that's not just with external action but also internal, thought control. For instance, you are thinking about something and then another thought pattern comes to you, but instead of you dismissing that thought pattern and keep thinking about what you were thinking before, you switch to the new thought pattern. And that can happen all the time. Anyway, that's what impulsivity is and AAS worsen it a lot, especially in ADHD people like me. Sooo, maybe you too are adhd but you just haven't been diagnosed for it? Your behavior sure does look like ADHD on steroids haha that's a good one.
Very well explained man, it is very similar like what I experience now.

I was cruising for a looong time on just testosterone 150mg before switching to T undecanoate ester and then adding in equipoise. Then I added in proviron I had left, it amplified everything and I felt that androgen rush well it's bs term I made up now lol, but just to get the idea lol... Then I took one caber caber pill (from pharmacy) for fun just to use it for intense sex and I decided not to use it cuz I felt very strange for some reason.

Now I have dropped equipose because I don't handle it well it looks like it and gonna stay on testosterone solo for sometime now. I hope it will fix up my anger issues and make me more emotionally stable.

By the way, all the things I say (minus the insults) are from my own experience and I advise people things that work for me and everyone should know what works for them anyway. So people don't tell me I don't give advice okay, because those who say I don't usually have nothing to post themselves so know your role and shut your mouth!
OP's feeling of instability makes me sad, he isnt even on a crazy dose. I hope its just an issue with the oil.

I wouldnt wish that on anyone.
I dunno what the hell is going on, It's a mild dose and my receptors aren't new to test. Maybe my body can't handle any e2 really because it's never seen a lot of it. I mean natural, years ago it was like 14, then it went down to single digits, down to 7 or 8 over time and I felt awful. Tendon pain, no pump, cialis and viagra didn't work etc. i feel similar if it gets down into the 20's on TRT.

On TRT I once had e2 at 43 on the sensitive test, but otherwise it's been 20's(feels bad) and 30's and this is on the sensitive test, not the standard. I've done both tests on the same day and the standard test is all over the place and generally isn't recommended for men on testosterone. A lot of people post their numbers off of the standard test and are in the dark.
While I wait for the blood work to come back, Ive read and read and read but would it be suffice to say it's likely high e2 combined with a severe lack of sleep? The only things I take that could push e2 down are tadalafil and zinc.

Panic happens later afternoon or at night and carries into the morning and sleep is impossible once it starts, not even Delta8 could stop it, it started at almost week 5 which would be around full saturation, it SEEMS like I have more problems the day after injection, which would be the true peak levels, weird things give me an odd feeling in chest out of nowhere such as music (then an hour later I can't stop jamming), seeing old years of like when a song came out or when a tv show came out and I think about time etc it makes me feel weird or sad, seems like it can take way longer to bust lately but orgasm still strong, erection quality all over the place, am amped the fuck up but still easy going. Feels like I'm out on my feet but body is still trying to go.

This all started within the last week. NO itchy nipples, which I figured would manifest first.
Took .25mg arimidex this morning and within 7-9 hours or so I felt less chest tightness, then have gotten progressively better today, but am so exhausted from no sleep. The real test will be trying to sleep tonight.

I guess I learned I can't handle 350mg (well, less, as this shit is weak) with an AI. Kind of sucks. Will go back to 140mg and probably get anavar again as that felt better anyway, or if I try another blast maybe add primo for e2 control and just be prepared to use AI quicker. I'm still curious what my blood work is gonna say. I got the cbc, cmp, lipid, shbg, prolactin, b12, progesterone etc today, but no t or sensitive e2 yet.
Would it explain why your e2 is so high on a low dose?
Doubtful. It may not even be THAT high, I've never had high e2 levels and they were super low when I was natty (8), so maybe my body just freaked the fuck out at moderately high. It's all a guess until I get the sensitive e2 test back though. I think severe lack of sleep exasperated it too, you can't sleep 1-2 hours of fragmented sleep, try to keep going to the gym and work full time and not expect shit to go haywire.

It was 32.9 back in June with test level at 1132 (264-916 bullshit labcorp range) on day of injection (.2ml eod) before injection. Shbg had went down to 18 and this time it was 17.3, which is the lowest I've ever seen it.

There's dudes who can't even run 140-200mg trt without AI, but I've never had any issue. It's been in the 20's before on .2ml eod, but my test levels had fallen.
Any update @OnTRT? What was your e2? Did you get better with AI? Found out your wife was poisoning you? I need closure.
On the sensitive test it was 46.7. What is weird that two days of .25mg arimidex killed the anxiety for like half the day. Never took AI before

Went back down to TRT level and my e2 is lower than it's ever been on test at 23.9, but total and free t are exactly what they were before the start of the blast. So confused. Trying to get a barium swallow to check for LPR and hiatal hernia now.
This mindset is retarded. Kindly fuck off bro
whats reatrded is you can recite your estrogen numbers better than you can your log book at the gym. you can't tolerate test, what do you look to gain from it? is your diet and training right on? if not, your pissing in the wind by upping your dose.
On the sensitive test it was 46.7. What is weird that two days of .25mg arimidex killed the anxiety for like half the day. Never took AI before

Went back down to TRT level and my e2 is lower than it's ever been on test at 23.9, but total and free t are exactly what they were before the start of the blast. So confused. Trying to get a barium swallow to check for LPR and hiatal hernia now.
So you stopped blasting 3 weeks ago? What test ester, i dont see it mentioned?

Cruising on the same vial you blasted from? Are one of the pharmacists or pharm techs super swole?

What symptoms are you still having?

Thanka for the update
Now that I'm older high estrogen levels will give me extreme anxiety. Sounds like high Estrogen levels. I did something similar, decided to bump my weekly testosterone from 250mg to 500mg for a little blast. I was a wreck for months, panic attacks, legs always felt stiff, always on edge. My mind was always racing, basically in a state of panic. Once you have one panic attack, your very sensitive waiting for the next one. The big one for me was, if I felt I couldn't breathe right through my nose I started to freak out. One day I thought this could be high estrogen and just front loaded like 2mg of Armidex one night, I started feeling better a few days later, I did crash my estrogen but the anxiety was very much improved. I then realized high estrogen fucks with me personally. I dropped back to 250mg per week, and have felt much better. I got blood tested, and at 250 my estrogen was still like 65. I switched to .50mg of armidex twice a week and feel even better. I think the reason it took me so long to find the culprit is that most men don't have such a reaction to high estrogen levels. I apologize if my wording doesn't make perfect sense. Just comming off covid and I have extreme brain fog.
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So you stopped blasting 3 weeks ago? What test ester, i dont see it mentioned?

Cruising on the same vial you blasted from? Are one of the pharmacists or pharm techs super swole?

What symptoms are you still having?

Thanka for the update
I stopped blasting about a month ago. Test cypionate. I ran the blast vial out and switched back to my old Hallandale test, then switched to Phizer right after that since it was time for a refill. I had a other vial of sun Pharma left but was not about to trust it.

Anxiety, weird sad feeling if I listen to older music, anything I can date in my head (oh wow, I got this song in 1999), tv and YouTube fuck me up and give me anxiety. Most things I like, I hate now. The gym is weird so not going as often. In a haze. It's like my pleasure reward system is broken. Never felt anything like this. At this point I dunno if I went from e2 that is too high to now that it too low for me, or if the severe lack of sleep is throwing me for a loop.

My chest and legs are SOAKED when I try to sleep. I need to be talking to somebody on the phone or in person constantly. Joints are all popping and having tendon pain now