Frst time with liquid Pramipexole. Clear?


New Member
This is the first time I've bought liquid Prami. Also got liquid caber for the hell of it. I know its not stable in liqud for very long. So I got it to try it out. After reading I've decided to give the Prami a go first to control my prolactin and get the sexual benefits. I took it last night and tonight. I haven't felt any of the bad side effects that people talk about. I'm starting at .25mg ED. And then jumo to .50 if I feel I can and need to.

So to the question. Anyone who has gotta liquid Prami. Is it a clear solution? The liquid caber I have is cloudy. So u can tell there's atleast something that's been mixed into the solution. However the Prami is clear

Just wondering if the Prami is supposed to be clear?

And yes I know I should just get pharma grade caber. But I dont have access to it at the moment.

i don't want to beat a dead horse or take the thread off the beaten path, but those drugs aren't cardiac friendly.

i know that it takes extended use and likely a higher dosage to have severe negative cardiac effects, but i still wouldn't use it unless blood work told you that your 19-Nor use necessitates it's inclusion into your cycle.

@Roger rabbit knows more than i do, and again, i don't want to derail the thread or sound like i'm lecturing, but there is reason for concern with these drugs.
Reliable RX or All Day Chemist will get pharma Prami and I believe caber (I don't use this) in legal 90 day supply to your door.
i don't want to beat a dead horse or take the thread off the beaten path, but those drugs aren't cardiac friendly.

i know that it takes extended use and likely a higher dosage to have severe negative cardiac effects, but i still wouldn't use it unless blood work told you that your 19-Nor use necessitates it's inclusion into your cycle.

@Roger rabbit knows more than i do, and again, i don't want to derail the thread or sound like i'm lecturing, but there is reason for concern with these drugs.

Yea I get what u are saying. Cause of my past thread with the skipped beats. That has stopped completely since I stopped Asin. And started Adex.... I'm starting the Prami (which I've read doesn't have cardiac related issues like caber does. Which is why I chose to use it over the caber I have) because I am lactating for sure from the Tren. So bloodwork is pointless at this point it's definitely prolactin related.
Iirc it was the dopamine on it's own that could be (potentially) damaging.

Risk of heart failure associated with dopamine agonists: a nested case-control study. - PubMed - NCBI

There was an increased risk but not significant. Caber seems to be the most damaging according to this study.

I'll see if I can dig up Some more info.

As said above, you likely to be fine. Have you tried nolvadex for your gyno? Id freak out if I would be lactating fuckin' hell

As far as I know nolva won't touch the prolactin that the Tren is causing. And it's not like I'm spraying milk out of my chest lol. It's just if I squeeze them I can get a little drop of white liquid to come out. This cycle I upped my Tren dose compared to others. Which is why I'm having the issue. If I can control it with the Prami. I'll continue the dose. If not, I'll lower it back down to what I usually take.
Pretty sure the Prami is good. Cause this morning I woke up with an upset stomach. Not terrible. But it's noticeable, which is what most people complain about with Prami.
Have you tried vitamin b-6?

Sorry I haven’t read the entire thread yet. So if this has been mentioned I apologize.

No I haven't yet. I read alot about it and basically many people say it's not enough to lower prolactin. BUT that is just people on the internet posting. Never saw anything with research saying it doesn't

Quick run down. I got liquid Caber and Prami. Prami is completely clear. Caber is cloudy like u can tell something is in there. U can't with the Prami since it's totally clear. Just wanted to know if it was normal. From what I'm reading it normally is clear. I guess it completely dissolves in the solution. I am lactating for sure. But not a ton. Just a drop when I squeeze the nips. Having some sex issues as well cause of the prolactin. Like taking too long to get off. And sometimes not being able to at all. Which is.....from what I'm reading....totally a prolactin side effect. Plus the fact that I know it's prolactin since I can squeeze some out.

Just to update. Been taking the Prami for 3 days now. Today I've been getting random hard-ons for no reason. So pretty positive the Prami is legit. Havent tried the squeeze test though, gonna give it a week. Don't wanna make them sore then think they are sore and raise my Adex dose or Prami dose cause of it. That's a ridiculous cycle I think alot of guys get in to.

How much B6 do u recommend? And I know it's supposed to be a certain kind cause it's absorbed better....which kind is it? I'll give it a go. If it works id rather take the B6. Cause the Prami is messing with my stomach.
i can see @Dr JIM now, face palming himself after the nipple squeeze part... Wait, where the hell has he been lately?

Sorry, got sidetracked about the Doc. Yeah, don't squeeze your nipples. Even off 19-Nor's, squeeze them hard enough and you'll get fluid out of them.
i can see @Dr JIM now, face palming himself after the nipple squeeze part... Wait, where the hell has he been lately?

Sorry, got sidetracked about the Doc. Yeah, don't squeeze your nipples. Even off 19-Nor's, squeeze them hard enough and you'll get fluid out of them.

Yea I've told a few people that. They think it's prolactin and its really just clear liquid that is normally there. If u squeeze hard enough u can make some come out. I definitely know the difference. I'm getting white liquid. But like I said it's just a drop. So I wanna get ahead of it before it gets worse. But I definitely know the difference between the normal clear fluid and prolactin.
No I haven't yet. I read alot about it and basically many people say it's not enough to lower prolactin. BUT that is just people on the internet posting. Never saw anything with research saying it doesn't

Quick run down. I got liquid Caber and Prami. Prami is completely clear. Caber is cloudy like u can tell something is in there. U can't with the Prami since it's totally clear. Just wanted to know if it was normal. From what I'm reading it normally is clear. I guess it completely dissolves in the solution. I am lactating for sure. But not a ton. Just a drop when I squeeze the nips. Having some sex issues as well cause of the prolactin. Like taking too long to get off. And sometimes not being able to at all. Which is.....from what I'm reading....totally a prolactin side effect. Plus the fact that I know it's prolactin since I can squeeze some out.

Just to update. Been taking the Prami for 3 days now. Today I've been getting random hard-ons for no reason. So pretty positive the Prami is legit. Havent tried the squeeze test though, gonna give it a week. Don't wanna make them sore then think they are sore and raise my Adex dose or Prami dose cause of it. That's a ridiculous cycle I think alot of guys get in to.

How much B6 do u recommend? And I know it's supposed to be a certain kind cause it's absorbed better....which kind is it? I'll give it a go. If it works id rather take the B6. Cause the Prami is messing with my stomach.

I’d take 600mg b-6 since you are behind. Then once everything is caught I’d run between 300-400mg b-6 as maintence.

And yes it does work. There will always be a few who it doesn’t work for but most do not take enough is why.
I’d take 600mg b-6 since you are behind. Then once everything is caught I’d run between 300-400mg b-6 as maintence.

And yes it does work. There will always be a few who it doesn’t work for but most do not take enough is why.

Cool man. I'll give it a go. Thanks
If you look at prami dosages...fractions of a get usable administration volume in oral liquids...not at all surprising it's clear. I know nothing of the solubility or other properties but prami dosing is tiny vs stuff like cialis or aromasin at 25mg which also is in solution.
This is the first time I've bought liquid Prami. Also got liquid caber for the hell of it. I know its not stable in liqud for very long. So I got it to try it out. After reading I've decided to give the Prami a go first to control my prolactin and get the sexual benefits. I took it last night and tonight. I haven't felt any of the bad side effects that people talk about. I'm starting at .25mg ED. And then jumo to .50 if I feel I can and need to.

So to the question. Anyone who has gotta liquid Prami. Is it a clear solution? The liquid caber I have is cloudy. So u can tell there's atleast something that's been mixed into the solution. However the Prami is clear

Just wondering if the Prami is supposed to be clear?

And yes I know I should just get pharma grade caber. But I dont have access to it at the moment.

Yes I ve used liquid prami and it was a clear one. I started out with 0.1 mg and upped 0.1 every week to a max of 0.3 mg. No sides whatsoever other than numb hands during sleep, spontaneous erections and a great feeling. I believe less is more in the case of prami for sure.
i can see @Dr JIM now, face palming himself after the nipple squeeze part... Wait, where the hell has he been lately?

Sorry, got sidetracked about the Doc. Yeah, don't squeeze your nipples. Even off 19-Nor's, squeeze them hard enough and you'll get fluid out of them.

Yep we now have another “lactating” guest (WO blood work) so please someone give him a baby to feed!

The ignorance of those using PEDs never ceases to disappoint.

My advice to the OP STOP using these DRUGS!
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I only believe what I SEE!

Same argument some used as proof the
earth was flat
I've seen men breastfeeding babies on the news. But they worked at it getting the baby to latch on and stimulate the glands. Not to do with AAS use of course but it is pretty cool that inFlames can be a wet nurse as a second career. That has to feel so weird. I remember my son trying to latch onto me when he was new. Not pleasant. Kind of like having your feet tickled but worse.
I’d take 600mg b-6 since you are behind. Then once everything is caught I’d run between 300-400mg b-6 as maintence.

And yes it does work. There will always be a few who it doesn’t work for but most do not take enough is why.
Hey Hope your doing well brother. I’ve got a question for you? I’ve been thinking of adding b-6 to my current stack which has deca and tren in it. Anyway how long would you suggest running b-6 at 600mg for? Also this is a little off topic but what’s your opinion on
l-Methylfolate? I see it stacked with b-6 a lot. I’ve read that it might have some ant-depressant effects as well. I’m guessing all the b vitamins have some sort of effect with dopamine? It’s confusing..
Hey Hope your doing well brother. I’ve got a question for you? I’ve been thinking of adding b-6 to my current stack which has deca and tren in it. Anyway how long would you suggest running b-6 at 600mg for? Also this is a little off topic but what’s your opinion on
l-Methylfolate? I see it stacked with b-6 a lot. I’ve read that it might have some ant-depressant effects as well. I’m guessing all the b vitamins have some sort of effect with dopamine? It’s confusing..

What’s up brother man! Everything good here just been crazy busy! So sorry for slow reply lol.

Hope you are doing well too!

You know when you have taken too much b-6 when hands get tingly. That will subside after you back dosage down or come off the dosage completely. But generally 4-8 weeks is plenty you can even run it along side your cycle if one chose too.

As far as L-methyfolate goes it’s about as good as it gets honestly. It’s the end product of digesting folic acid pretty much or the end product of b-9 if that makes sense both peas in a pod to say.But yeah, if you are taking for depression I would pair that with vitamin d3 with dosage of d3 between 10kiu-20k iu. And I would suspect the depression to start becoming better and more easily managed in a decent time frame.


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