Functional Anterior Pituitary Generated Human Embryonic Stem Cells

Michael Scally MD

Doctor of Medicine
10+ Year Member
Ozone C, Suga H, Eiraku M, et al. Functional anterior pituitary generated in self-organizing culture of human embryonic stem cells. Nat Commun 2016;7. Functional anterior pituitary generated in self-organizing culture of human embryonic stem cells : Nature Communications : Nature Publishing Group

Anterior pituitary is critical for endocrine systems. Its hormonal responses to positive and negative regulators are indispensable for homeostasis. For this reason, generating human anterior pituitary tissue that retains regulatory hormonal control in vitro is an important step for the development of cell transplantation therapy for pituitary diseases. Here we achieve this by recapitulating mouse pituitary development using human embryonic stem cells. We find that anterior pituitary self-forms in vitro following the co-induction of hypothalamic and oral ectoderm. The juxtaposition of these tissues facilitated the formation of pituitary placode, which subsequently differentiated into pituitary hormone-producing cells. They responded normally to both releasing and feedback signals. In addition, after transplantation into hypopituitary mice, the in vitro-generated corticotrophs rescued physical activity levels and survival of the hosts. Thus, we report a useful methodology for the production of regulator-responsive human pituitary tissue that may benefit future studies in regenerative medicine.
Wow! I can't believe this post hasn't received more attention. That's a clever way to produce pituitary tissue by sandwiching stem cells between neighboring developmental tissues and letting those tissues deliver all the required signals to induce proper differentiation. Even more impressive is the phenotype rescue!

I need to get my journal access back so i can to more proper research. Can you PM me a copy (or post if you want) so I can check out the methods?
