This is an attempt to throw so much text and info into a single post that is confuses the general reader and leads them to believe you know what you are talking about, when you do not. You are making a few HUGE assumptions that just aren't true.
The biggest assumption you are making is that a gas chromatograph can somehow see tertiary structure, it cannot. Below you will see what is required to see tertiary structure, read.
This page will tell you, and everyone reading this everything they need to know for the most part:
Protein Structure: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quatemary Structures
THAT is what is required to see 3D structure, not a simple GC/MS test.
Further reading SPECIFIC to GH (I posted this years ago):
Structure-function studies on human growth hormone. Evidence that tertiary structure is essential for biological activity. - PubMed - NCBI
Thermal stability: a means to assure tertiary structure in therapeutic proteins. - PubMed - NCBI
Now lets talk about what is REALLY going on that everyone should know about.
There are peptide synthesizing machines that are relatively cheap that are being used to make 191aa hGH. These chains sometimes fold on their own, but mostly get screwed up. Most of the GH being sold is this crap. It will test on the MS/GC as "real" GH, it will work in the body a little bit if some of it folds right on it's own. It will show up on a blood test as GH.
There are no machines that can make GH, only cells that are genetically modified to do so.
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