"Generic" GH ASSAYS

I was just being fecetious mate. AKA "messing with you" bc you most certainly have been a supporter of this effort and it's much appreciated. Sorry about any misunderstanding.
Sir, anything I can do to help, please do not hesitate to ask. I might not understand GH as much as some, but help with listing proper data, exc...

no, you claimed that I claim that - which I do. I claim that JIM is a hack and doesnt know what he is doing.

Is this correct way i understand it?

any questions you might have, please feel free to ask, I'll be happy to answer. Questions regarding testing and science
no, you claimed that I claim that - which I do. I claim that JIM is a hack and doesnt know what he is doing.

Is this correct way i understand it?

any questions you might have, please feel free to ask, I'll be happy to answer. Questions regarding testing and science
Correct. I was quoting you.

I think my T&S questions are adequately satisfied, thank you
I will not be posting it here.

The members of PM.com paid for the results and it's freely available over there. It would be a bitch move to share them around.

The raw data are there as well in the Lab testing subforum. Feel free to check them out.

The rest of your questions are retarded.

So I am pretending to be doing testing for public for what, 4 years by now, while not being able to do? LOL

You want a video or something? Or do you want my social security? lol

It's funny that none of you here are pretty much are not questions Dr JIM the same way.

Neither his integrity NOR his professional ability, which is obvious that is NIL, ZERO and he has A VERRY LITTLE IDEA about testing, technologies and SCIENCE behind.

Maybe he had is as a 101 course while studying for being a lab bitch, right?
You won't post it because you're a lying shill, get lost
Well me being able to do it on a minute notice is kinda implying I don't have to 'gain any access.' Don't you agree with me?

So how is that a hole? Do you want a video of me running an analysis? As a good devils advocate you should also suggest a way of me providing a proof, right?

'Also, if you don't have a dog in this fight why waste the time and energy?'

Why are you wasting energy then?

Maybe it's because I simply hate liars like Dr. JIM?
Maybe it's because you came to this thread with your lying Bullshit to protect some source. Like I said, start your own thread, and post your superior testing results
btw, you can't get into that lab posting section at PM without having 50 posts, which makes it useless. and are you the guy that was saying your testing was better than simecs. I always thought that was fishy, you came out of nowhere to "offer" you're testing services, always figured you were some guy the owners of the board hired to make everything look good. The sad thing is that when TP's blacktops tested so well by Dr J, TP gained a ton of credibility here (more so than the testing you did at PM created), wish he would have stuck around
TP would have stuck around if it weren't for dumbasses like you harassing him in every single post.
he wasn't being harassed at all, including by me. I think he was upset about wunderpus calling him out for some bad service. I just didn't feel the need to suck his cock like you
BTW, anything posted at a paid source board is usually bullshit


He was paid for his services and he provided them for multiple sources there. Simec was also paid for their services to test the same products and failed to provide accurate results.

He was paid for his services and he provided them for multiple sources there. Simec was also paid for their services to test the same products and failed to provide accurate results.
How do you know his were any better.
I totally agree with you that AAA is INVALUABLE at protein characterisation.

But you only have to characterise an UNKNOWN protein. For known proteins characterisation is not necessary at all.
I was thinking even though we are testing HGH and it's known we really don't know what we are testing when it comes to a few samples out there. For example the starch sample we found. This would be beneficial to test using AAA as HPLC could not identify without having a standard correct? Or am I off base here?

Please note, that in your notes it is mentioned that the AAA is independent of protein SHAPE and CHARGE. Shape being ABSOLUTELY necessary for HGH to work. So AAA cannot confirm the shape of the molecule, which actually makes it less useful than most of the HPLC methods.
But doesn't AAA actually identify proteins that HPLC cannot? I was under the impression HPLC couldn't identify contaminated proteins or amino acids and AAA can. Let me know if this isn't accurate.

Regarding the accuracy of the metod your own notes speak about it.

"few laboratories can perform such analysis in a reliable and quantitative way"

I don't have studies regarding this (and doubt they have been conducted - I can look for them, though), but I have quite some personal experience.
If you could find them that wold be great. If not I will look as well.

It is a pleasure talking to you, Mr. Mands.
You seem to be most reasonable and you have good manners, which I am very thankful for as it makes it easier for me to be as helpful as possible.

I'll be very happy to answer any other questions you might have.

I am not bashing AAA testing at all - au contraire, I'm saying it's invaluable tool.
Thank you and that's good. :)

How do you know his were any better.

Simec was off on all included the pharm standard we gave them.

He performed 2 separate tests using 2 different methods; they were in line with what was expected including the pharm standard that was included. There is no guarantee that his results or Jim's results are correct, but they are all we have to go by.

They both have attitudes, but what they are helping us achieve is invaluable and they deserve respect for that. Without people like Jim, Jano, Mands, Muscle96, and a few others we would be in the dark.
Simec was off on all included the pharm standard we gave them.

He performed 2 separate tests using 2 different methods; they were in line with what was expected including the pharm standard that was included. There is no guarantee that his results or Jim's results are correct, but they are all we have to go by.

They both have attitudes, but what they are helping us achieve is invaluable and they deserve respect for that. Without people like Jim, Jano, Mands, Muscle96, and a few others we would be in the dark.

That's my dilemma. TP says they're dosed accurately/over (greys & blacks, respectively) from internal testing. Jano has done testing that backs up TPs claim. Dr Jim's testing says otherwise. Is one right and the other wrong? Are both wrong?
If AAA may have an error of 10% I believe that the black top vial would be dosed as TP was saying: 13.X + 10% isn't close to 15IU?

That's my dilemma. TP says they're dosed accurately/over (greys & blacks, respectively) from internal testing. Jano has done testing that backs up TPs claim. Dr Jim's testing says otherwise. Is one right and the other wrong? Are both wrong?
If AAA may have an error of 10% I believe that the black top vial would be dosed as TP was saying: 13.X + 10% isn't close to 15IU?
AAA does not have an error of 10%. It does not even have a variance of 10% as far as I know.

I have read it wrong.
I was reading a study and the average percent error and variation was less than 2.5% and that was 10 years ago. I believe it's much better now. Still searching.
