"Generic" GH ASSAYS

Jim pointed out an error with the machine they supposedly used to test trenbolone:

After Jim pointed this error out, Xupc posted the manual for a completely different spectrometer - one that conviently doesn't have the issue with wavelength.:

Actually if I recall correctly, CBS was responsible for making note of how the TUPACs spectrometer PIC was not consistent with what he had promised and suggested I investigate it further.

I just love it when he's coy :)
we want to know if we are spending our cash on STARCH


OMG when MANDS informed me today of our "miscommunication"
I seriously found it hard, no impossible, to believe, a lab is deliberately selling a CONTAMINATED PRODUCT as GH!

See I had ASKED MANDS to send placebos as a means of ensuring this lab was GTG, now, tomorrow and until the testing was completed.

How ironic I was somewhat peeved at MANDS and suggested he "use something a little more challenging than STARCH as a placebo" the next time around.

Truth is I never even noticed number 14 had a manufactures name listed along side it until I saw Emans GH summation, instead focusing on what I already knew it was, STARCH.

Guys if there is any reason I'm involved in testing of this nature from a medical perspective, it's to uncover what maybe causing a higher incidence of adverse effects commonly noted with generic GH, but even more important to OVERTLY CRITICIZE thru ADVERSE ADVERTISING, ANY MANUFACTURER KNOWINGLY INVOLVED IN THE SALE OF A HARMFUL PRODUCT!!!

Will someone post XXOJEN sp? results in a separate thread to let Mesos lurkers, or our non-participating audience KNOW what these jerks are selling as GH? !!!
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So you all just want a pat on the back? Should've told me sooner!

No shit internet detective squad! I'm in texas all the time, I just wrote central european time for fun, really!

15 posts
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0 answers

Way to keep going!

Are you gonna bark all day little doggie, or are you gonna bite?

Also good job on 'hurr durr I was being retarded on purpose' Mr. 0.1% > 5%

how about you post one of the test reports with all the data from the lab you are shilling for
how about you post one of the test reports with all the data from the lab you are shilling for
Is agree. It's like telling everyone you're bigger and more shredded but refuse to post up a pic to prove it.

Truth be told I can have the same pics @jano had. I work in a few different 'markets', some being higher education and medical. I can bet my bottom dollar that if I had an axe to grind and needed a pic of certain equipment to try to prove a point all I would have to do is go and take a pic of the equipment. I do believe it's that easy. Not saying that is the case here, just poking a legitimate hole through his tale...
I believe a couple Meso members have asked about control data, and a few other baseline characteristics of the testing itself? Understand, citing such info is something no "challenger" of this data has come close to posting.

Heck these guys can't even locate ONE silly assay to support the "quality" of the GH that's been sold for some FIVE to TEN YEARS!


Sweet. so you got 3 month old calibration reports which are telling us that your average assay has AT THE VERY LEAST 10% error.

20 posts
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We are getting somewhere!

how about you post one of the test reports with all the data from the lab you are shilling for

Okay, which one I'm shilling for sweetie? You should know when you are so sure about that, right?

Is agree. It's like telling everyone you're bigger and more shredded but refuse to post up a pic to prove it.

Truth be told I can have the same pics @jano had. I work in a few different 'markets', some being higher education and medical. I can bet my bottom dollar that if I had an axe to grind and needed a pic of certain equipment to try to prove a point all I would have to do is go and take a pic of the equipment. I do believe it's that easy. Not saying that is the case here, just poking a legitimate hole through his tale...

Yes, sure man, you totally can have any timestamped picture of HPLC within a minute notice. Geez, I wonder why haven't you done so yet to prove your point?
Sweet. so you got 3 month old calibration reports which are telling us that your average assay has AT THE VERY LEAST 10% error.

20 posts
7 ad hominems
0.5 answer

We are getting somewhere!

Okay, which one I'm shilling for sweetie? You should know when you are so sure about that, right?

Yes, sure man, you totally can have any timestamped picture of HPLC within a minute notice. Geez, I wonder why haven't you done so yet to prove your point?
Disnt say within a minutes notice, did I? Simply stated, I can gain access to those devices. I can also sit on any dias that Suffolk county courthouse has and claim that I'm a judge. What I'm saying is those pics don't do much for you. Post results, regardless of any issues you have w Dr j. Members are waiting sir.

@Eman I installed a VTC (video teleconference) room at cape Canaveral back in the early 2000's. that makes me an astronaut as well!!
And trust me, I'm not trying to discredit anyone. People do that on their own, guaranteed to happen. I simply showed a very obvious hole in the story you provided. Call it playing devils advocate? Also, if you don't have a dog in this fight why waste the time and energy? You're not convincing any one to think differently and for some reason I suspect Dr j gets off on the confrontation. It's not a winning prop for you man...
Well me being able to do it on a minute notice is kinda implying I don't have to 'gain any access.' Don't you agree with me?

So how is that a hole? Do you want a video of me running an analysis? As a good devils advocate you should also suggest a way of me providing a proof, right?

'Also, if you don't have a dog in this fight why waste the time and energy?'

Why are you wasting energy then?

Maybe it's because I simply hate liars like Dr. JIM?
If you want to see my results, the internet is full of them.

For example the GH testing done on professional muscle was done by me, feel free to check it out.
If you want to see my results, the internet is full of them.

For example the GH testing done on professional muscle was done by me, feel free to check it out.
Post it here. You could be a lab bitch tbh, doing all the things the real MDs don't want to do. It's like a dental assistant. They can gain access to the laughing gas, doesn't make them the anesthesiologist. I could throw a black robe in and play judge. I could put on a mass port fire suite and play Logan airport fire chief. Doesn't really prove a thing dude. As a mater of fact i think i have a quick trip to Irobot today. I could sit in one of their think tanks and take a selfie. Does that make me a guy that made the mars rover?

Aww shit, there goes that astranuat reference again.
Post it here. You could be a lab bitch tbh, doing all the things the real MDs don't want to do. It's like a dental assistant. They can gain access to the laughing gas, doesn't make them the anesthesiologist. I could throw a black robe in and play judge. I could put on a mass port fire suite and play Logan airport fire chief. Doesn't really prove a thing dude. As a mater of fact i think i have a quick trip to Irobot today. I could sit in one of their think tanks and take a selfie. Does that make me a guy that made the mars rover?

Aww shit, there goes that astranuat reference again.

I will not be posting it here.

The members of PM.com paid for the results and it's freely available over there. It would be a bitch move to share them around.

The raw data are there as well in the Lab testing subforum. Feel free to check them out.

The rest of your questions are retarded.

So I am pretending to be doing testing for public for what, 4 years by now, while not being able to do? LOL

You want a video or something? Or do you want my social security? lol

It's funny that none of you here are pretty much are not questions Dr JIM the same way.

Neither his integrity NOR his professional ability, which is obvious that is NIL, ZERO and he has A VERRY LITTLE IDEA about testing, technologies and SCIENCE behind.

Maybe he had is as a 101 course while studying for being a lab bitch, right?
Thank you for another valuable addition to the discussion, you truly are a gem!

I admit, my contributions have been nothing compared to your pages upon pages of horse shit posts. Fuck off back to PM where the shills can suck your dick. It's not happening here.
This is pointless. Jim may be a heavy grit sandpaper but 99.9% of Meso members trust him. I have seen a few other people go toe to toe with him and they have all had the backbone to post up their material. Despite being correct or not he is doing the testing and posting results. You claim he is a hack and doesn't know what he is doing, right? That shifts the burden of proof to you sir. AND, if you posted results in PM feel free to share them here. It's not some underground board over there dude. Anyone can go and see them, right? Do your own work and post the results. I'm not harvesting your reports.

And btw, I'm not sticking up for Jim. He is a big boy and can take care of himself. Honestly, he pisses me off more than not but I could honestly care less in the long run. Someone is doing something beneficial to the community, i appreciate it. You could come correct and show some respect to the other members of Meso by proving what you say with actual data or simply gtfo. I'm done discussing your contributions to another board or your attacks at this testing until you brandish real proof.
You claim he is a hack and doesn't know what he is doing, right?

That is exactly what I am claimimg.

I am not claiming the testing is not valuable or that there is anything I see wrong with Mr. Mands.

The people over there paid for the results and it's against the rules to post them elsewhere.
You claim he is a hack and doesn't know what he is doing, right?

That is exactly what I am claimimg.
Never said that man? Wtf?

An open board with readily available results for anyone to see and you can't reference it? Sounds fishy sir...