MESO-Rx Sponsor GenericAsia - International & US Domestic

True I'm usually mixing a concoction of shit myself. I was more speaking from a business sense for GA since I know ppl would come in here and bitch about pip if it causes even the slightest
thats what im thinking too if making the mg too high pip will be there. i guess 100mg is ok than 150/200?
thats what im thinking too if making the mg too high pip will be there. i guess 100mg is ok than 150/200?
Most important is no pip, so if 150mg is too much in your opinion, 100mg trest E will be fine aswell. Would love to see you have this product in you inventory.

Can you please clarify if you can split your tabs into 4 or are they scored to split in 2?
Most important is no pip, so if 150mg is too much in your opinion, 100mg trest E will be fine aswell. Would love to see you have this product in you inventory.

Can you please clarify if you can split your tabs into 4 or are they scored to split in 2?
They are only scored one way to split in half. Tabs are VERY small. Good luck trying to split it 4 without them crumbling.
Most important is no pip, so if 150mg is too much in your opinion, 100mg trest E will be fine aswell. Would love to see you have this product in you inventory.

Can you please clarify if you can split your tabs into 4 or are they scored to split in 2?
all our tabs is scored so very easy to split them in two if you want do them in 4 you can do that as well as a lot of customers doing that.
QSC is $360 with free shipping atm, domestic & international.
tbh i havent looked at the prices from other vendors. the prices will be stable of 400$ Per kit for BTC prices and alt coins will be 375$.

single vial will be 45$ or 50$.

again these will be stable prices and available until stock is finished.
That is the gb price. So it’s active until tomorrow and GA comes close to this price. His tirz has a awesome price too. He can become a serious competitor for peptides, inject and orals
thanks for the info, hope the rest can understand that as well and see that our prices is stable and no groupbuy offers etc.

appreciate the fine words mate. i do my best to give you guys the best experience, customer service, great prices, fast delivery and providing as much as products for you guys.