MESO-Rx Sponsor GenericAsia - International & US Domestic

Way to quote my post after I apologized for the fuckwad comment. But yes, you were one of the ones I was referring to when I said that.

Oh yeah I’m totally on my knees for this source. Why don’t you go and look at my more recent posts in this thread where I’m advocating for making stern testing demands; just not advocating for a gang of meatheads circle jerking ramming a source over and over in short time frame when they are waiting on test results.

They didn’t test the product in the time frame YOU wanted them to, then vote with your wallet. If they’re not operating how YOU want them to, buy from another source.

I don’t understand what about that is difficult to comprehend.

I have my own opinions and view, and I don’t expect everyone to share them. So once again, I could give a fuck if you or anyone else thinks it’s a bad look.
You are confusing me with others bud. Maybe try doing more reading and learning about Meso than muddying up threads with your nonsense. You unfortunately are fallen into a common New Member trap of thinking you know way more than you do. Here's some quotes to get you started:

The new guidance applies to new vendors. Obviously, many have already posted in the Steroid Underground subforum (and many other subforums) and have effectively been "grandfathered in".

However, I think we should expect (and pressure) everyone to provide lab testing for products given the relative ease and affordability of doing so thanks to services from @janoshik, @LAB4TOX, ChemTox, etc.

If compliance with these demands doesn't happen within a short period of time, the possibility is high that further restrictions will be implemented retroactively without notice.

Every subforum is accessible.

You shouldn't really give a fuck what sources think about it. This isn't for them. It's for everyone else (who is not a source).

There was nothing "harsh" about your post. My comment was merely a reaction to the idea that we should seek out source's input on how to keep them in check.

I know there is a lot of pandering to sources going on at several forums. MESO isn't the place for that. I want everyone to know that no one should be on their knees to placate sources on this forum. Allegiance to sources over the community is strongly discouraged. The driving imperative on this forum is to hold sources accountable.

I think power has definitely shifted towards the end-users with the availability of affordable lab testing and sites like MESO to hold sources accountable for what's being sold. This approach has done a lot towards minimizing the harm of androgen black markets.

You do know that the whole point of the Steroid Underground subforum is to hold sources accountable, don't you?

That means asking/encouraging/pressuring/badgering/demanding that UGLs are fully accountable for their products and services.

This is done with harm reduction in mind because consumers, even those using black market androgens, deserve to know exactly what they are injecting into their body.

The increasing amount of analytical lab testing is one of the biggest achievements in the AAS harm reduction space. It's still not enough. UGLs can do better.

Expecting and demanding that UGLs do more testing should be the default mode for members here.

Contrary to the prevailing sentiment in a few source threads, this forum does NOT exist so members can bow down, kiss the ring, and promote/defend the sources (from "a business owners (sic) perspective") against customer criticisms of their products/services.

We could do better with more members "badgering" sources/UGLs to remain accountable with things like increased lab testing.

And fewer members posting their obsequious, sycophantic bullshit.

I strongly encourage Members to hold all sources accountable. The best way to do that is to request, pressure, and demand (repeatedly and aggressively) that they conduct more lab testing on their products in the name of harm reduction.

I see absolutely no reason that anyone should discourage or otherwise prevent a Member from doing this under any circumstance. Anyone who defends sources against such requests is thwarting the community harm reduction efforts.

If there are any reasons, valid or not, that the source should not perform such analytical testing, the onus should be fully on the source to explain those reasons.

Sources should directly address the issue of refusing to perform lab tests (whether it's specific testing or frequency).

It is NOT the job of source sympathizers, sycophants, dickriders, etc. to defend the sources, represent the sources, or absolve the sources of any responsibility for not testing their products. Anyone who does this undermines the goals of a forum that prides itself on harm reduction.

Sources who extensively test their products provide a valuable harm reduction service. It's not nearly as valuable as independent member testing but does help hold them accountable.

But make no mistake, sources who lab test their products are doing so due to marketing pressures - it has become a cost of doing business required in the community. It is not an act of altruism but self-serving and profit-oriented.

We should appreciate members who contribute to lab testing at every level. But let's don't make it a moral issue or use it disparage or discredit those who are not in a position to spend money on testing.

MESO does not ban anyone for negative feedback on sources at all.

Holding sources fully accountable for every aspect of their product and service is strongly encouraged. This can't be overstated. It should be an automatic response for anyone interested in harm reduction and consumer protection.

However, there are other behaviors that are always completely unacceptable and you have been and will continue to be banned for them.

This is a harm reduction forum.

Wishing harm / injury / death on other members is not allowed.
Nor is talking about physically assaulting other members.
@Trenbolonetax Here is the thread on how a new member can add value to the forum and become someone whose opinions are worth sharing and others will think are worth reading.

Welcome to the MESO-Rx Forum community! I want to take the opportunity to offer a brief overview of the MESO Forum.

The MESO-Rx Forum is comprised of 25 subforums. The subforums cover a wide variety of topics related to the world of anabolic steroids, performance, and performance-enhancing drugs with an emphasis on minimizing the associated harm and risk.

Each subforum has a different focus. For example:

The "Steroid Forum" subforum emphasizes the use of anabolic steroids to increase muscle size, strength and performance;

The "Human Growth Hormone and Peptides" subforum deals with peptide hormones for similar purposes;

The "Steroid Post Cycle Therapy and ASIH Treatment" subforum pays specific attention to minimizing and managing side effects associated with the use of AAS;

The "Steroid Lab Testing" subforum facilitates the share of anayltical reports to help users determine quality and safety of different PED products;

The "Steroid Legal Forum" subforum discusses the legal issues related to PEDs across different jurisdictions;

The "Steroid Underground" subforum seeks to help members minimize harm and risk associated with acquisition and use of black market products.

New Members can read all 25 subforums.

New Members can post and participate in 24 of the 25 subforums immediately upon successful completion of the registration.

The one subforum where New Members must meet minimum requirements in order to gain posting privileges is the "Steroid Underground" subforum. The discussion of source-related issues is prohibited outside of the the "Steroid Underground" subforum.

The reason for this restriction is that many New Members are too eager to rush to the Steroid Underground to engage in one of two behaviors:

(1) praise/promote a source;
(2) ask for a reliable source

Many New Members regrettably disregard or fail to recognize the potential negative consequences of such behaviors.

First of all, MESO-Rx is not a source board that exists to connect you with a source. MESO-Rx is a harm reduction forum for AAS. The MESO community values harm reduction first and foremost.

MESO-Rx seeks to discourage New Members who seem intent on pursuing loyalty to the source over loyalty to the harm reduction community.

Instead, MESO-Rx encourages New Members to show commitment to the shared community goals.

This means: DO NOT engage in the aforementioned behaviors as your first interaction with the community. This is rude and disrespectful of a community devoted to harm reduction. Furthermore, it places New Members at risk of being exploited by opportunistic sources who seize upon the impulsiveness and naivete of new AAS users.

Learn proper forum etiquette.

First, this begins by introducing yourself to the community with a thread in the New Member Introduction subforum. Tell us about yourself, your goals, your experiences, your expectations, etc. Use this subforum for your initial interactions with other members of the community.

Next, you should have many questions about AAS/PED use. Educate yourself by reading and posting your questions/experiences/feedback in one of the 24 relevant subforums. This should be done before you even consider participating in the "Steroid Underground" subforum.

Shortly after doing this, most New Members will quickly gain full access to the MESO Forums.

If you still don't have full access to all the features of the MESO, there is a simple solution: just continue reading, learning, asking, sharing, and posting. (NOTE: posting many threads on MESO-Rx Forum just for the sake of posting may be penalized. Be sure and take the time to post well-thought out questions and/or experiences and information to could be of value to others).

The last questions you should ask are the ones about source acquisition.

If your first questions are about source acquisition, maybe you need to reevaluate your approach to AAS/PED use.

Those who fail to take the time to learn about everything associated with AAS use tend to have worse outcomes.

MESO-Rx is about assessing and minimizing risks.

If you are interested in this goal, we can definitely help you.
That's OK.
Maybe a bit of miscommunication.
You have your own way of checking on the vendor and so do they.
At the end of the day, it is the vendor that has to deal with their insistence and requests.
You can still go about stuff the way it works for you.

Have a good day.
Thanks, Iris. That’s a refreshing take. You enjoy the day as well.
Just because I posted recently, doesn’t mean I haven’t been lurking for years. I’m aware of how meso works and its function as harm reduction for members. I’m all for that.

I’m not defending the vendor, I’m taking a reasonable approach to let him comply with the demands of the “gang” without literally verbally assaulting him.

You can hold someone to the fire with reasonable and stern discourse, instead of gang banging them in a time frame so short when they have already said they are working on it.

“not trying to be insulting” lol, but “your opinions are worthless.” Don’t bother prefacing with not trying to be insulting. Everyone knows the truth comes after the “but.”

I never said meso wasn’t great. It is great.

Aside from the underdosed viagara or some shit from a different product line, can you show me one instance of where GA has demonstrated subpar product / fucked someone over?

This is not a substitute for doing appropriate testing but ffs, he said he’s on it, I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt he’s on it, and I’m not gonna just keep coming in this thread daily reaming him for something that is going to take a bit longer to get results for.

And lastly, I couldn’t give 2 fucks if you think my opinion is worthless, amazing, or somewhere in between.

I’m here to kill time, ensure I’m using the best sources available to me and contribute to a forum of other folks who also are PED enthusiasts.
In all your lurking what did you add to the forum? Not very good at listening there bud and you don't seem like you're into reading either. Millard and the administrator are interchangeable because it's the same person. I literally gave you a bunch of quotes to read through. The fact that you are pushing for members to not hold vendors accountable and pressure them for testing and safety standards shows that you DO NOT understand how meso works or what it is about.

Less typing and more reading bud.
Wow, I missed so much action. I feel like that team captain that picked his team and then gets smoked by everyone. Feels bad man.

On a serious note. I’m glad some of the more senior members took lead and are asking some serious and well thought out questions.

Also, just want to take the moment to thank @GenericAsia for delivering on some of the requests and being cooperative with us for the most part on here. I am a little mad I wasn’t tagged in the picture posts as promised… feeling left out.
You are confusing me with others bud. Maybe try doing more reading and learning about Meso than muddying up threads with your nonsense. You unfortunately are fallen into a common New Member trap of thinking you know way more than you do. Here's some quotes to get you started:
Maybe I am confusing you with someone else, pal.

At no point am I suggesting not to hold vendors accountable. Nor am I discouraging testing.

If GA was acting like Changland, I’d be aggressive as fuck and also wouldn’t even bother sticking around since they’re a shit person to deal with and have basically zero testing.

I have literally used the same words; requesting, demanding, etc, that Millard uses.

Why don’t you contribute to this forum how you see fit with your own opinions, and I’ll contribute to this forum how I see fit with my own opinions.

We don’t have to agree; and that is a beautiful thing.

I really don’t care to go back and forth on this shit at all, especially in a vendor thread, and was indicating I wanted to drop it yesterday.

Then a couple folks revived my posts and here we are again.

@Trenbolonetax Here is the thread on how a new member can add value to the forum and become someone whose opinions are worth sharing and others will think are worth reading.

Maybe I haven’t made myself clear. I don’t care if many others disagree or don’t find my opinion or contributions worthwhile.

There are many people who read this forum and do not post. Not everyone shares a consensus opinion on everything here. Multiple perspectives and viewpoints are important; echo chambers are dangerous.

I have a plethora of knowledge to share, and perhaps I will get to that point instead of bickering back and forth in this thread about the same shit over and over.
In all your lurking what did you add to the forum? Not very good at listening there bud and you don't seem like you're into reading either. Millard and the administrator are interchangeable because it's the same person. I literally gave you a bunch of quotes to read through. The fact that you are pushing for members to not hold vendors accountable and pressure them for testing and safety standards shows that you DO NOT understand how meso works or what it is about.

Less typing and more reading bud.
Dude… I’m speechless. I can’t even. At no point did I suggest that members should not hold sources accountable. You have your way of doing that, I have my own way.

Get your reading comprehension or eyes checked, it’s one of the two. Let this fucking die. I am tired of responding.
1.Ultrasonic Cleaning: Ultrasonic cleaning equipment is used, where vibrations from sound waves accelerate the removal of residues on the surface of the vials.

Multiple Rinsing: Purified water is used to rinse the vials multiple times to ensure that all cleaning agents and contaminants are thoroughly removed.

Final Rinse: Water for Injection (WFI) is used for the final rinse to ensure the interior of the vials is free of particles and ion contamination.

2. Disinfection and Sterilization Steps

Steam Sterilization: Vials are sterilized using high-pressure steam (moist heat sterilization) at 121°C for 15-30 minutes.

3. Drying

After cleaning, the vials need to be thoroughly dried using hot air circulation or specialized drying equipment to ensure no residual moisture remains inside the vials, preventing any impact on the stability of the drug.

4. Packaging

Sterilized vials are usually packaged in a sterile environment using automated equipment. Before packaging, all vials must be validated to be in a sterile state. The packaging materials are typically also sterilized to avoid secondary contamination.

5. Validation and Monitoring

Validation: Each batch of cleaned and sterilized vials must undergo physical, chemical, and microbiological testing (e.g., sterility testing, particle detection) to ensure they meet pharmacopeia standards.

Monitoring: Throughout the cleaning and sterilization process, parameters such as temperature, time, and pressure must be continuously monitored and recorded to comply with GMP requirements.

for those who haven’t seen this
Wow, I missed so much action. I feel like that team captain that picked his team and then gets smoked by everyone. Feels bad man.

On a serious note. I’m glad some of the more senior members took lead and are asking some serious and well thought out questions.

Also, just want to take the moment to thank @GenericAsia for delivering on some of the requests and being cooperative with us for the most part on here. I am a little mad I wasn’t tagged in the picture posts as promised… feeling left out.
sorry drago, but here you are. pics uploaded as well mate
They all agree on the main points and what needs to be done.
Just different temperament and way of expressing it.
Sometimes too much "ego lifting".
And so it kicks off.
Nevermind, it will all happen, regardless.
Just because I posted recently, doesn’t mean I haven’t been lurking for years. I’m aware of how meso works and its function as harm reduction for members. I’m all for that.

I’m not defending the vendor, I’m taking a reasonable approach to let him comply with the demands of the “gang” without literally verbally assaulting him.

You can hold someone to the fire with reasonable and stern discourse, instead of gang banging them in a time frame so short when they have already said they are working on it.

“not trying to be insulting” lol, but “your opinions are worthless.” Don’t bother prefacing with not trying to be insulting. Everyone knows the truth comes after the “but.”

I never said meso wasn’t great. It is great.

Aside from the underdosed viagara or some shit from a different product line, can you show me one instance of where GA has demonstrated subpar product / fucked someone over?

This is not a substitute for doing appropriate testing but ffs, he said he’s on it, I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt he’s on it, and I’m not gonna just keep coming in this thread daily reaming him for something that is going to take a bit longer to get results for.

And lastly, I couldn’t give 2 fucks if you think my opinion is worthless, amazing, or somewhere in between.

I’m here to kill time, ensure I’m using the best sources available to me and contribute to a forum of other folks who also are PED enthusiasts.
the thing is, that viagra they’re speaking about is not something I have now.

viagra was made when I did the business of only ampoules and blistered tabs in 10pcs each strips. the tabs as also given as freebies after that issue, which can be seen if going back in the pages.

the new business model is relative new of the 10ml vial and 100tabs bags. i don’t even have the viagra instock.

i do even offer store credit for products that being blind tested by customers
the thing is, that viagra they’re speaking about is not something I have now.

viagra was made when I did the business of only ampoules and blistered tabs in 10pcs each strips. the tabs as also given as freebies after that issue, which can be seen if going back in the pages.

the new business model is relative new of the 10ml vial and 100tabs bags. i don’t even have the viagra instock
Yes, I am aware of that which is why I mentioned the different product line. But I can understand why you are ensuring that is well understood by everyone and reiterating.
guys take an chill pill and stop attacking each other, keep that drama out of here man. be kind to each other no reason to curse at each other everyone has their own opinion and anyone who feels to comment can do that, but no reason to be so damn hard to each other man!! :-)

it’s Friday go fuck your wifes and make some kids or go to the local pub and fuck some titties
guys take an chill pill and stop attacking each other, keep that drama out of here man. be kind to each other no reason to curse at each other everyone has their own opinion and anyone who feels to comment can do that, but no reason to be so damn hard to each other man!! :-)

it’s Friday go fuck your wifes and make some kids or go to the local pub and fuck some titties
Oh man…I’m divorced and I don’t drink. What should I do with my Friday?
guys take an chill pill and stop attacking each other, keep that drama out of here man. be kind to each other no reason to curse at each other everyone has their own opinion and anyone who feels to comment can do that, but no reason to be so damn hard to each other man!! :-)

it’s Friday go fuck your wifes and make some kids or go to the local pub and fuck some titties
Still waiting.

In case you if ignored the first time...

Yeah great. Did you see my posts. Care to comment on them?
yes i did i wonder what your other requirements will be after these are replied as well… just like the pics and the other 3 subjects I proofed you guys wrong.

no one in here have been having any complains about my products nor have any serious damages right? i understand if the gear I provided was shit but there is no reason to demand more and more requirements when I literally have proofed all what drago said, right? why not go in the other sources topics and make the comments for those who actually lack of other things? yes some time my testing can be slow, but that don’t mean my products is shit but opposite.

i dont sell products with floaters or having half filled vials nor do I tell my customers or this community to go fuck yourself. i am here to answer all you guys questions and reply back, but you need to understand that cant be done within the minute you ask!

enjoy your friday