I don't know what this UTC is that you talk about. My brain only works in AM and PM, PT.Between 1:47AM - 8:47AM UTC.
Between 6:25AM - 8:25AM UTC.
@GenericAsia responded at 8:20AM UTC.
We are witnessing the side effects of SLURP-33 again.
I said 7 hours at 5:43pm PT. Which means I guessed 12:43AM PT.
Ivan said 1:15am PT.
You said "2 to 3 hours" at 10:25pm. Since you provided an hour range instead of a specific time or number of hours elapsed, I will default to taking the midpoint of your guess = 2.5 hours.
This would put your guess of his first post at 12:55am PT.
According to my forum and time stamps, he posted at 12:20am PT.
Therefore, I am the winner. The prize? An extra mL of oil into my quad this morning. And an extra 100mg of SLUPP. Thanks for playing!
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