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To clear things up - this shit is working and it is working REALLY good but i can't take the pain anymore.
Two vials down, and man, am I glad they're finally done.
hi mate thank you for sharing the experience, i do appreciate it a lot!

- just remember guys its different from an human body to another human body, some get more PIP than others but so far i have had great experience on the primo200 - as that said, yes there may can be PIP so if your too sensitive do NOT order it lol )
hi mate thank you for sharing the experience, i do appreciate it a lot!

- just remember guys its different from an human body to another human body, some get more PIP than others but so far i have had great experience on the primo200 - as that said, yes there may can be PIP so if your too sensitive do NOT order it lol )
And thats why you have to release the 100mg version for the too sensitive little crybabies (like me).
for those who starts saying, make batch number and label for the products im selling, seems like clearly you guys dont know what this concept is about. if im starting to making batch number and labels on the products then i could start an brand up itself and charge 10x the price which is not my intention. the intention of this concept is to provide you guys high quality and cheap products on the market. - so the batch number part, forget that it wont or cant happen as the cost will increase a lot.
about having the products sterility tested and heavy metal tested etc, i accept that and can do that. but yet i have to see the same attacks that been happening for GA is not being done on the other vendors, why is that? oh maybe 2 out of 10 - but im not gonna mention any names, you guys can clearly see what is going on.

about the testing , i will have it proceeded and keeping you guys updated.
yes trestolone is instock already but we do not sell anything of it until we have the lab test ready for you guys
What happened with this batch during testing?

about the trestolone 100 as many keeps asking about, i will not have it instock anytime soon. please understand.

That’s fine and I appreciate an answer finally. Curious with what happened during testing on the batch you said was made and sent out over a month ago? Why exactly wasn’t it released. Only curious because you mentioned multiple times that it was in stock and ready to go just standing by for the testing to come back.
What happened with this batch during testing?

That’s fine and I appreciate an answer finally. Curious with what happened during testing on the batch you said was made and sent out over a month ago? Why exactly wasn’t it released. Only curious because you mentioned multiple times that it was in stock and ready to go just standing by for the testing to come back.
tbh there was not a big deal i was not satisfied with thre result it came back and decided not to continue with it and stopped the progress totally.

that is the reason
for those who starts saying, make batch number and label for the products im selling, seems like clearly you guys dont know what this concept is about. if im starting to making batch number and labels on the products then i could start an brand up itself and charge 10x the price which is not my intention. the intention of this concept is to provide you guys high quality and cheap products on the market. - so the batch number part, forget that it wont or cant happen as the cost will increase a lot.
No offense big dawg but at 10x the price it doesn't matter how fancy the label is... cause it will collect dust.. I say just keep trucking like you are going. ... if you want to implement a couple extra test here and their .. certainly that would be cool. Don't get off Your square stay focused.. batch #s would be cool.. however I only order orals and certain peptides from you... so as we say where I'm from.. I have no dog in the hunt
Fuck em'
primo 200mg/ml can give some PIP so its up to you to decide if your gonna cry or be a man LOL :D
I'll probably pick up a single vial to try it. I have no reason to cry though, the 200mg primo I have is smooth as butter. I definitely need to try your bpc and tb-500 though.
Received tracking september 24th, still no movement. Contscted usps and they said its not with usps but it is showing that its destination is my local office. Whats going on GA? Been 3 weeks. Its an inconvenience at this point
I used this back in the day before it went illegal. It was from pure oils. Injectable hormones and prohormones with a credit card. It was gain city with deoxy test. Crazy strength and not bad sides for me
Sorry but I was asking if anyone used GA, not if anyone used it from other supplier.
This has been asked multiple times now with no answer. Kinda annoying honestly when you consider it’s been promoted and on the list for a while now. Have a feeling the original batch didn’t test well but that’s just speculation.
Seems like you were right.
about the trestolone 100 as many keeps asking about, i will not have it instock anytime soon. please understand.
Its nice that you wont sell a product that you arent satisfied with!
I will say, even if it came back very underdosed, you could still offer it just to lower price and share the labtest so ppl know how much it contains?

Anyway thank you for trying to make it since it was being requested by customers.