When I tested the var it immediately had red speckles in it and the proceeded to turn a dark green olive color. Taking pictures of the results never came to mind so I don't have pictures of it but I do have pictures of the bottle/hologram.
Within the first week of taking it i knew something was wrong. I was constantly bloated and gained alot of water weight. By the end of my cycle I looked like shit i was so puffy as soon as I stopped it all was gone in two weeks. Currently I am running var from a different lab that has been tested as well and good results were recieved I also know other women running this lab so I know it's not just the way my body reacts to it since there is no water this time and very different pumps.
I don't know the guy that this was from as it was a back up plan and not usually the guy me and my boyfriend buy from all I know is that it was mailed from Vancouver.
I'm not trying to bash anyone's name just sharing my experience hopefully it gets figured out View attachment 73382
So upon further inspection of the pictures posted I noticed some opened vials in the background curious if anyone can make out what lab they happen to be.....