Gentech Attempt to Scam Members With Phony Test Results - Beware


10+ Year Member
Gentech/GETM, David/Gary, xupc/Ekseliksis Karbonk and several other are all covertly working together to push their UNTESTED bathtub AAS. The evidence of xupc's lies and duplicitous behavior is posted below. It is conclusive and it is damning.

I'll begin with xupc's Meso statements about testing Gentech Tren A as an impartial customer:

Mar 18, 2015

I might (due to my work) have access to MS/CM really cheap. I try to contact the technician for more info. If he is g2g I will ask him to test the tren-ace I got.

Mar 20, 2015
Sample sent today. I should have the results within a week and a half.

For the record. I do not know GaryG nor I work with his company. I test as I got burned from multiple sources. I will post results. Also, as I have access to a full testing facility. I am happy to test ANY lab. I am actually thinking of testing Noble as I spend WAY to much money for bunk gear.

Mar 23, 2015
As I mentioned before I have sent a sample for MS. I should have the results by coming Monday (hopefully). My lab tech is g2g with testing any substance for me. I will test everything I can get my hands on.

xupc wrote the above post on Monday March 23, 2015. He said he hoped to have the test results on the Monday, March 30, 2015.

There's just one problem. On xupc's UK Muscle account, he said he had already received the test results way back on January 4, 2015. He even posted the same PDF that he posted to Meso on the 23 of March.

January 4, 2015

The post above from January 4 is a cut and paste of the post below from March 23. Note the identical avatars.

A fellow researcher at the university I work for run an GCMS spectra and spectofotometry for me on the TrA of GenTech labs.

The results came back really good. The GCMS spectra identified that 4 elements are in the oil - oil, BA, BB, tren ace and unknown contaminant. The comparisons with the standard sample of TrA through spectrofotometry suggested the trenbolone content is 105mg / gram of oil, which is roughly 100mg for 1ml.

This is not my area of expertise (I work in medical ethics) but I trust him 100% (as he is a friend and he actively researching aas in an analytical chemistry context).

Please see attached the OIL1-2.pdf for more information.

It should be noted that the spectofotometry machine outputs blinking numbers (they look like this that you compare them to a function from standard. As such I have no spectofotometry report. I am thinking of taking a photo of the actual machine, timestamp it and write my name and meso in it as proof.

Please note that I did this for my own benefit as I spend hundreds of pounds in bullshit gear.

If you have any questions please let me know and I will relay them to my friend for answers. However, it may take a while. Also, if you want me to test anything else let me know. I can test pretty much anything I can get my hands on.

Gentech should be avoided at all costs. This lab has all the hallmarks of scam in the making. BEWARE


Also I dont defend the lab. I defend my tests. I am currently testing AM-tech's tren-e. I have no lab affiliation.
I replied to the post man go read it and tell me what date it says. you are seriously dumb
Not quite, asshole. From the same thread post 15. Note the date - 02-04-2015:



In Europe when we say 1/4/2015 we mean 1st of April 2015. The European format is is REVERSE than the American. Just fucking google it daumb ass


MY SIDES ARE ORBITING JUPITER! AHAHahahahahahahahahaahahahah see the latest post it is for you look at the date. hahahahaahahah

Look at the fucking latest post of the board lol they all say Jan days BECAUSE WE WRITE IN REVERSE IN EUROPE
Laughable attempt.......absolutely pathetic CENSOREDBOARDSUCK the only thing that sucks is your pathetic attempt here. Get your dick out of DrJims arse mate and get a life. The amount of back handers here and favoritism is ridiculous and not fair. I offer a 100% service with 0 complaints, 0 screenshots showing I've scammed anyone, 100% people happy with gear they have received and progress they have made. Random tests have been done and a set certain little tight nit group of people who want to push their own labs on this forum or labs they have alliances/favours with/from is so plane to see - it spoilts this forum.

Your above posts and DELETION OF REPLIES is PLAIN PROOF of how ridiculous some people will go to bad mouth GOOD COMPETITION who threaten to take your business.

You can run, but you can't hide in the information age.
Laughable attempt.......absolutely pathetic CENSOREDBOARDSUCK the only thing that sucks is your pathetic attempt here. Get your dick out of DrJims arse mate and get a life. The amount of back handers here and favoritism is ridiculous and not fair. I offer a 100% service with 0 complaints, 0 screenshots showing I've scammed anyone, 100% people happy with gear they have received and progress they have made. Random tests have been done and a set certain little tight nit group of people who want to push their own labs on this forum or labs they have alliances/favours with/from is so plane to see - it spoilts this forum.

Your above posts and DELETION OF REPLIES is PLAIN PROOF of how ridiculous some people will go to bad mouth GOOD COMPETITION who threaten to take your business.

What fucking labs are we pushing asshole ?
LOL - that was a fable attempt to bash GENTECH. Laughable actually. If Gentech gear is bunk then it is the most professional customer service providing shitty gear. Gary-David whoever you are did you fuck somebodies wife on this board? Because they are out to get you brotha.
Ask him. He deleted them.

I'm going to remove the 15 minute edit window so you guys won't be so suspicious...

To what Millard? None? Sometimes I catch spelling errors that need to be corrected, or a little clarification about a statement. How bout the delete option?