Gentech Attempt to Scam Members With Phony Test Results - Beware

So here's where I'm at. ..Thanks for testing the gear! Means you potentially got a decent batch. The problem here is testing no longer holds merit with UGL'S as the quality varies by batch. The defensiveness you have shown shows some affiliation with the lab. .regardless if someone calls you on it or not. .who really gives a fuck..I would have said "cool" you however took to the defensive immediately. .and for what? Are you that self absorbent to see the issues with your statements? Aside from all the banter of testing. .Im going to reiterate the elephant in the room. .try to see past your stubborn Adonis complex. You say that your prepping for a show but you look like a pre pubescent boy. .this fact negates your argument about the gear...why would I buy a product that would make me look like I have mononucleosis? Honestly man this is all constructive criticism and Gentech couldn't have picked a worse poster boy shill to boost his credibility...Oh fuck what am I saying... Gentech had any credibility? Damn I need to rethink this. ..
Gentech = standard issue UGL..nothing more nothing less. .possibly has decent gear..but one will never know because his shill poisoned the Kool-Aid.
I'd like more size while remain sub 90kg to be honest

I just competed at 90kg a few weeks ago and currently going to cut down in some fat to bulk back up to 90kg with more muscle mass. My goal is an elite total at 90kg then maybe move up to the 100kg class but not sure I want to gain that weight lol
I just competed at 90kg a few weeks ago and currently going to cut down in some fat to bulk back up to 90kg with more muscle mass. My goal is an elite total at 90kg then maybe move up to the 100kg class but not sure I want to gain that weight lol
What is your current comp sbd?
Not to discredit you man. ..but prep for the Worlds? Is that you in your Avi? Hmmmmmmm confused
Funny when the PL guys @ 80kg bench more than bodybuilders do @100kg.
Completely different type of training and lifting techniques. PL are just that, powerhouses.
Funny when the PL guys @ 80kg bench more than bodybuilders do @100kg.
Completely different type of training and lifting techniques. PL are just that, powerhouses.

I am invited at the GPA europe. I hope for a world Invitation. At the sub 200lbs class I bench high 300, squat low 600s and deadlift mid/high 600.

I want to get big after this season tho.

Came back from a massive injury rather quickly with AAS. I could not believe it ;)
I'm a powerbuilder... aesthetics mean zero to me. Strength is always my priority size is an added bonus. I was confused about xupac status...I recant the pubescent boy statement as I've seen some 180 lb dudes lift insane weight...carry on
I'm a powerbuilder... aesthetics mean zero to me. Strength is always my priority size is an added bonus. I was confused about xupac status...I recant the pubescent boy statement as I've seen some 180 lb dudes lift insane weight...carry on

There is this kid at my gym 170 lbs. He holds the EU record for the bench with 500 pounds. When he first told me I could not believe it as he looked like he didnt even lift. I mean 0 muscle. After a few sessions I saw him bench.. and when he did 4 plates for sets of 8 I was stairing in AWE. Some some are freaks. Unfortunatelly, not me..
It seems like the douche baggery has not left and it's sad to see cbs and the rest of the tools wasting all there time to get research to discredit everyone instead of working out at the gym. And you idiots still can't find a legit pharma source with all the research skills you have? Just thought drop a line and say not much has changed making this board a joke avengers to the rescue ImageUploadedByTapatalk1428773460.926918.jpg