Gentech Attempt to Scam Members With Phony Test Results - Beware

Well you didn't do a very good job. I don't know what you're talking about or to what you're referring.

And you're right, I can't keep up with it. It seems everyday someone new is trying to join the Baboon Squad and become one of my ankle biters. Keep trying, son, You'll get there someday.

Maybe you should just stop being a dick to everyone and make sure they deserve it before you start.. It's Just an observation from reading some of your posts.. Maybe you would realise not every new member deserves that shit but what they would profit from is abit of help. I'm not on about me I couldn't care less, but there's others that could take it to heart!
Hey you started giving me shit.. the only person I said anything to was cbs I don't even know why you are throwing the insults about or replying to me.. Was not shilling just pointing something out to cbs... Nothing more nothing less.. Know what I mean :)
Why be mad when you can be glad :rolleyes:
Maybe you should just stop being a dick to everyone and make sure they deserve it before you start.. It's Just an observation from reading some of your posts.. Maybe you would realise not every new member deserves that shit but what they would profit from is abit of help. I'm not on about me I couldn't care less, but there's others that could take it to heart!

You're absolutely right. Therefore, I've taken it upon myself to put up a post welcoming you Brits. Hopefully, it will make you feel more at home:
If @xupc is doing off label testing I think his story is allowed to be a little loose. Which it is.

At this point this whole thread is conjecture and slander IMO and should stop until some ACTUAL proof is presentable. The whole basis of @xupc "duplicity" was in the dates that cbs fucked up lol. @CensoredBoardsSuck has some great finds and contributes a lot of time to protecting the members here

But everyone screws up. Admiting you were wrong is tough. If in your heart you believe you are right, you should never turn back on it....
If @xupc is doing off label testing I think his story is allowed to be a little loose. Which it is.

At this point this whole thread is conjecture and slander IMO and should stop until some ACTUAL proof is presentable. The whole basis of @xupc "duplicity" was in the dates that cbs fucked up lol. @CensoredBoardsSuck has some great finds and contributes a lot of time to protecting the members here

But everyone screws up. Admiting you were wrong is tough. If in your heart you believe you are right, you should never turn back on it....
There only needs to be proof for jim to believe it is true- and he tells those he is concerned about. Members. Why would someone divulge a valuable informatiin source? You dont have to meet the cow to enjoy a fucking burger.

The fact that xupc is spending all this time arguing he is not a rep on multiple boards, testing products and all this shit is proof he is a rep. If I owned a lab I wouldn't put the time and effort this douchebag has sunk into these threads. The notion that someone would support a lab to this extent is inconceivable unless affiliation and monetery gain were present. You cant really think this guy isn't a rep, could you tube? Gimmie a fucking break.
At this point this whole thread is conjecture and slander IMO and should stop until some ACTUAL proof is presentable. The whole basis of @xupc "duplicity" was in the dates that cbs fucked up lol. @CensoredBoardsSuck has some great finds and contributes a lot of time to protecting the members here

You obviously didn't read my posts. Zupac's story is so loose it's falling apart. One post he's in the UK sending samples to a chemist in the Czech Republic, and the next he's in the Czech Republic in his after hours conducting the test himself. One post he says he met the tech at a conference, the next he says he works at works at the same facility. One post he posts a picture of the spectrophotometer used to run the test, and the next he posts a picture of a completely different spectrophotometer. And there's a million more inconsistencies. That's not a "little loose," hotdog. That's not being able to keep up with your lies. If you're not willing to read the posts, then I don't know what to tell you. Nothing will convince you in that case.
Lol you only joined in November old dog chill out... I'm not trolling just making a point to someone.. No need to take this shit to heart
Thats right son! I only joined in Nov but you don't see me beeking off respected members here you jerk off!
If @xupc is doing off label testing I think his story is allowed to be a little loose. Which it is.

1) At this point this whole thread is conjecture and slander IMO and should stop until some ACTUAL proof is presentable. The whole basis of @xupc "duplicity" was in the dates that cbs fucked up lol. @CensoredBoardsSuck has some great finds and contributes a lot of time to protecting the members here

But everyone screws up. Admiting you were wrong is tough. If in your heart you believe you are right, you should never turn back on it....

1) Does it matter what I think? Well it wouldn't and shouldn't if mates were able to formulate an opinion based on legitimate evidence, as posted by GT. However that void is GENTECHS fault NOT mine, bc GT chose not to produce any "proof" in spite of the fact THEY ARE SELLING THE PRODUCT!

2) Those dates,what you don't believe GETM/GENTECH would not have thought of some lame excuse to justify their oversight, please. "Oh sorry guys I meant to post bla, bla dates or my associate used my account number". The list is endless really!

There only needs to be proof for jim to believe it is true- and he tells those he is concerned about. Members. Why would someone divulge a valuable informatiin source? You dont have to meet the cow to enjoy a fucking burger. (Gotta love that one,on spot Brute :) )

The fact that xupc is spending all this time arguing he is not a rep on multiple boards, testing products and all this shit is proof he is a rep. 3) If I owned a lab I wouldn't put the time and effort this douchebag has sunk into these threads. The notion that someone would support a lab to this extent is inconceivable unless affiliation and monetery gain were present. You cant really think this guy isn't a rep, could you tube? Gimmie a fucking break.

The fact is Meso mates need to realize a NEW UGLs with absolutely NO TRACK RECORD is or should be, evidence enough. Otherwise all else that has been revealed during the course of this thread, such as the many coincidences that myself and CBS have mentioned, provides further information, INFINITE PAUSE is the best advice for those pondering a GENTECH purchase until more data is revealed.

3) Have ya ever wondered why are the type of comments are so frequently made by vets?

Bc vets have been there and done that, they are quite familiar with Meso's history, and also KNOW "if you don't learn from history your destined to repeat it"!

Put another way, about the only folk who are risking anything is the buyer of these NEW UGL products! These "trust me" clowns RISK NOTHING bc they pay nothing to begin a Meso ad thread, nothing for multiple handles to support their product, and if they are really savy can acquire a few illegitimate MS to convince the naive multitudes their good to the last drop for next to nothing.

So in summary Iv'e made my case about why Meso mates should not trust GETM again, and as a retort GT post's more highly suspect circumstantial evidence which further supports MY earlier CONJECTURE!

But like those who won't believe where there is smoke there is fire, unfortunately some must first be burned.
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Am I the only person that thinks Gentech is Bullshit anyway? I was under the notion that anyone with 2 stones in their skull would avoid this cum dumpster. Seeing how a tremendous amount of effort from both sides is taking place. ..I was wrong. I side with the sheep dogs on every new UGL...If a respective member says you are a Tranny..then by God you are a fucking Tranny.
If @xupc is doing off label testing I think his story is allowed to be a little loose. Which it is.

At this point this whole thread is conjecture and slander IMO and should stop until some ACTUAL proof is presentable. The whole basis of @xupc "duplicity" was in the dates that cbs fucked up lol. @CensoredBoardsSuck has some great finds and contributes a lot of time to protecting the members here

But everyone screws up. Admiting you were wrong is tough. If in your heart you believe you are right, you should never turn back on it....

Maybe you guys are right. I replied in defense of xupc not Genentech obv. I encourage everyone to ask questions and seek truth/fact in all situations especially the underground. I retract "slander" but conjecture still stands in my mind

The 105mg/ml test results really don't do him any favors..
Maybe you guys are right. I replied in defense of xupc not Genentech obv. I encourage everyone to ask questions and seek truth/fact in all situations especially the underground. I retract "slander" but conjecture still stands in my mind

The 105mg/ml test results really don't do him any favors..

Yet but for some reason "Janeo" the tech does not want to field my questions about those tests he did post.

I honestly suspect he's searching high and wide for a Tren-A sample which is pure enough to use as a legitimate research standard, meaning a purity that approximates 98%.

Well he could return to the hood but some smug jerk with his condescending attitude makes that a no go, there's always the Chinese connection but we all know how "pure" their AAS are, could ask GENTECH to forward some of the"uncut" good stuff, but those damn contaminants will prove very difficult to extract especially when they are 99% of the molecular content, could have someone in the US ship over a legit USP std but you or the lab must have a DEA number for that, well crap then just ask the DEA for a sample they will understand, right Janeo :)

Hey Jim "Janeo is back" and he posted that standard, oh shit NOT!

Then he can explain why THREE MS were obtained on one sample. (The relevance of which will only be revealed once Janeo posts several lines on analytical BS)

Finally let's not forget the calibration curve which PROVES he obtained a standard, and used it to determine PAC-S sample concentration!

Oh and there is more where those came from but that's for another post!
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I am out of this discussion as it will end up in witch hunting.

Dr Jim has no proof over any claim.

CBS is shit talking.

If you dont want to use the lab dont use it. I received good gear from him and I tested it to ensure that my preps for the worlds will not go out of the window. In the two forums I am (UKM and Meso) I said that I am not a rep repeatedly because people were calling me a shill repeatedly. Seriously. If you dont feel confident dont use it.

Also here is still holidays till coming Tuesday (google orthodox Easter).