Gentech Attempt to Scam Members With Phony Test Results - Beware

Lmao........ ridiculous. This thread should have died already.


Not a single complaint.......
Not a single unsuccessful delivery......
Not a single bad test result or bloodwork.....

Speaks for itself, if they are jealous and nit pick at any and everything just to try to preserve labs they work for/own/have collaborations with/rub shoulders with/resell then let them carry on and embarrass themselves.
Ask him. He deleted them.

I'm going to remove the 15 minute edit window so you guys won't be so suspicious...
So we can't edit our posts now? I never understood why anyone would object to it.
Lmao........ ridiculous. This thread should have died already.


Not a single complaint.......
Not a single unsuccessful delivery......
Not a single bad test result or bloodwork.....

Speaks for itself, if they are jealous and nit pick at any and everything just to try to preserve labs they work for/own/have collaborations with/rub shoulders with/resell then let them carry on and embarrass themselves.

And which labs would those be that you're referring to? This is a common tactic used by people such as yourself to try and discredit members that are looking out for the community.

As far as no complaints? I'd hope not, you just started selling under this name!! There also aren't many good test results out there on your gear either.

You have a shitty attitude and your posts indicate gentech certainly isn't the first lab name you've sold under online.
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Please don't.. We often make mistakes and should have a few moments to correct them.. 15min window isn't even enough sometimes but it's certainly fair..

Edit: See, I just edited and made what I was trying to say more clear.. :)
100% backing this. I make mistakes all the time. The only posts I delete are double posts.
Lmao........ ridiculous. This thread should have died already.


Not a single complaint.......
Not a single unsuccessful delivery......
Not a single bad test result or bloodwork.....


You'll take any chance you can get to plug your site, huh? Pathetic
LOL - that was a fable attempt to bash GENTECH. Laughable actually. If Gentech gear is bunk then it is the most professional customer service providing shitty gear. Gary-David whoever you are did you fuck somebodies wife on this board? Because they are out to get you brotha.

You want to know ho they Screwed read the thread, it's quite telling IMO!
Jesus christ man. The universities in the EU collaborate. The facility I work spans amongst 4-5 countries. We do have meetings often and we do know each other. (Google EU Funded projects, Framework 7 EU, Horison 2020) It is quite common for labs to be in other countries where they have more relaxed rules. I am not going to go into details.

Stop trying to find reasons to argue. You are legit retarded. You became the laughing stock of Meso. People laugh at you in two different forums.

The tests are NOT fake. Pull your head out of the ass and at the end of the day order a vial anonymously and test it.

PS. I want to see what you will say about the results of tren-e of AM-Tech I will post soon.

Another coincidence guess where GETM set up their operation and "where their testing was conducted"? ("Czech Rep and a University in Prague")

I can see the quote from David right now. Why guys we "test all our gear" and I know this to be the case bc I'm looking over the shoulders of those performing these tests on an almost daily basis bc they are conducted at our a LOCAL CR UNIVERSITY in PRAGUE.

Of course David never did release a single assay on Meso, yet "stood by his raws" in spite of mounting complaints. What was the final noose around GETMs neck, LAB TESTING PROVED he was a liar and was selling bunk gear much of it with a concentration of 1-2% or less!
And which labs would those be that you're referring to? This is a common tactic used by people such as yourself to try and discredit members that are looking out for the community.

As far as no complaints? I'd hope not, you just started selling under this name!! There also aren't many good test results out there on your gear either.

You have a shitty attitude and your posts indicate gentech certainly isn't the first lab name you've sold under online.

Sorry David/Gary not this time around, bc there are quite a few bright Meso members that learned a hell of a lot since you last departed with thousands, and I'm going to do my best to ensure you leave as you arrived, PENNILESS!
Lmao........ ridiculous. This thread should have died already.


Not a single complaint.......
Not a single unsuccessful delivery......
Not a single bad test result or bloodwork.....

Speaks for itself, if they are jealous and nit pick at any and everything just to try to preserve labs they work for/own/have collaborations with/rub shoulders with/resell then let them carry on and embarrass themselves.

Want this thread to die? Find the nearest exit, bc that's the only way that will happen. But then again it could be resurrected in a New York second should the need arise!
@Dr JIM has provided 0 evidence for everything he claims.

Almost everyone (including a lot of senior members) laugh at him and CBS as most of their arguments are not based on evidence, and some are plain retarded.
@Dr JIM has provided 0 evidence for everything he claims.

Almost everyone (including a lot of senior members) laugh at him and CBS as most of their arguments are not based on evidence, and some are plain retarded.

And your "Tech Called Jane" when will he/she return SHILL!
I'm not the one selling a product on Meso or did you overlook that fact AGAIN, lol!