Gentech Attempt to Scam Members With Phony Test Results - Beware

To what Millard? None? Sometimes I catch spelling errors that need to be corrected, or a little clarification about a statement. How bout the delete option?
Idle threat. I just want people to realize that if anyone's post "disappears" within the 15-minute edit window, MESO had nothing to do with it.
Ask him. He deleted them.

I'm going to remove the 15 minute edit window so you guys won't be so suspicious...

Please don't.. We often make mistakes and should have a few moments to correct them.. 15min window isn't even enough sometimes but it's certainly fair..

Edit: See, I just edited and made what I was trying to say more clear.. :)

In Europe when we say 1/4/2015 we mean 1st of April 2015. The European format is is REVERSE than the American. Just fucking google it daumb ass

Thanks for making me laugh
In Europe when we say 1/4/2015 we mean 1st of April 2015. The European format is is REVERSE than the American. Just fucking google it daumb ass

I already knew you were lying about your test results when you posted a second picture of the spectrophotometer after Dr Jim pointed out the wavelength issue with the first one. I knew you were lying when you posted the bogus spectrograph. But gathering all the evidence from different forums and putting it all together would have been a time consuming endeavor. When I saw the dates on your UK Muscle post, I thought it would be less time consuming to use the screenshot to make my case. Unfortunately, I overlooked the fact that the British can be just as backwards as the French.

Now, I am human and I make mistakes just like everybody else, and I will admit I was caught me off guard. There's no question I made a mistake with the order of the day and month. However, when I accuse members of duplicitous behavior, I don't take it lightly. I would never accuse someone unless I was absolutely convinced, and had evidence to back it up.

Fortunately, I don't need screenshot. I have the evidence that clearly shows you are lying and I will now present my case.

You're on the record as stating the analytical lab that did your testing is in the Czech Rebublic:

Please note that we are in Europe and as such the tests were conducted in Czech republic.


You're also on the record as stating that you work at the lab:

I paid nothing. I work at this facility. I asked my friend to test purity and tell me the concentration.

That is why I went to the labs at my work and talked to one of the techs there to run the tests for me.

A fellow researcher at the university I work for run an GCMS spectra and spectofotometry for me on the TrA of GenTech labs.

I might (due to my work) have access to MS/CM really cheap. I try to contact the technician for more info. If he is g2g I will ask him to test the tren-ace I got.


To summarize: In the above posts, you've clearly stated that the lab is in the Czech Republic and that you also work there.

This is where things get interesting. The problem with liars is they always think their memory is better than it really is, and if you search their post history, it is a relatively easy task to find inconsistencies. And you have inconsistent statements, Zupac.

If the lab is based in the Czech Republic, and you work at the lab in the Czech Republic, how is it possible that you live in the UK? See below:

I am based in the UK where AAS as legal for personal use.

I HAVE a prescription already for testosterone from the UK.

Ive used paypal many times. Its quite common in UK... but again gear is legal for personal use here.

Each country has its own regulating bodies here. For example, AAS are legal to own for personal use (I can shoot in front of a copper or in a middle of the street) and research here in the UK.


You've also claimed that the tech is a friend:

I paid nothing. I work at this facility. I asked my friend to test purity and tell me the concentration.

This is not my area of expertise (I work in medical ethics) but I trust him 100% (as he is a friend and he actively researching aas in an analytical chemistry context).

However, your earlier posts make no mention of the tech being a friend. In fact, it doesn't sound like you know him at all. Referring to him as "one of the techs," and that you don't even know if he is "g2g" doesn't even sound like an acquaintance. It sounds like a complete stranger you found on the internet. If he was a friend, you wouldn't say he "seems 100% legit to me." You would KNOW he is 100% legit. See below:

That is why I went to the labs at my work and talked to one of the techs there to run the tests for me.

I might (due to my work) have access to MS/CM really cheap. I try to contact the technician for more info. If he is g2g I will ask him to test the tren-ace I got.


See the statement below:

Sample sent today. I should have the results within a week and a half.

If Zupac works at the testing facility as he claims, why would he have to send the sample to the lab? He works there, so wouldn't he just drop it off in person? It makes no sense.

Zupac can't work at a testing facility in the Czech Republic because he's stated several times that he lives in the UK. The evidence clearly shows that Zupac lied about the lab test and where he lives and works. He lied because he is a Gentech rep and is trying to fool Meso members with phony lab tests.
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hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha fucking too funny sorry..... 01/04/2015 You need to get out of the states for once for fucks sake LMAO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAHAHHAHA
hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha fucking too funny sorry..... 01/04/2015 You need to get out of the states for once for fucks sake LMAO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAHAHHAHA

You need to fuck off and go peddle gear somewhere else, idiot. You're a fucking joke on this forum and everybody knows it.

Thanks for making me laugh
hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha fucking too funny sorry..... 01/04/2015 You need to get out of the states for once for fucks sake LMAO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAHAHHAHA

Knock it off please... It was an honest mistake most would've made.. I've seen you make worse mistakes before your recent homecoming here..

You're distracting from the point, again...
You need to fuck off and go peddle gear somewhere else, idiot. You're a fucking joke on this forum and everybody knows it.

C'mon CBS you gotta be able to appreciate the humor :)

Also, I don't care what anybody thinks of "me" on this forum. "I" don't exist on a forum.
Knock it off please... It was an honest mistake most would've made.. I've seen you make worse mistakes before your recent homecoming here..
You're distracting from the point, again...
I don't mean to derail the thread. It was funny! Laugh! Don't be so uptight, not gonna get into this "he is scamming him business" just happened to stumble on the thread and it made my fucking day lol.

Get back to your investigations :)

I already knew you were lying about your test results when you posted a second picture of the spectrophotometer after Dr Jim pointed out the wavelength issue with the first one. I knew you were lying when you posted the bogus spectrograph. But gathering all the evidence from different forums and putting it all together would have been a time consuming endeavor. When I saw the dates on your UK Muscle post, I thought it would be less time consuming to use the screenshot to make my case. Unfortunately, I overlooked the fact that the British can be just as backwards as the French.

Now, I am human and I make mistakes just like everybody else, and I will admit I was caught me off guard. There's no question I made a mistake with the order of the day and month. However, when I accuse members of duplicitous behavior, I don't take it lightly. I would never accuse someone unless I was absolutely convinced, and had evidence to back it up.

Fortunately, I don't need screenshot. I have the evidence that clearly shows you are lying and I will now present my case.

You're on the record as stating the analytical lab that did your testing is in the Czech Rebublic:


You're also on the record as stating that you work at the lab:


To summarize: In the above posts, you've clearly stated that the lab is in the Czech Republic and that you also work there.

This is where things get interesting. The problem with liars is they always think their memory is better than it really is, and if you search their post history, it is a relatively easy task to find inconsistencies. And you have inconsistent statements, Zupac.

If the lab is based in the Czech Republic, and you work at the lab in the Czech Republic, how is it possible that you live in the UK? See below:


You've also claimed that the tech is a friend:

However, your earlier posts make no mention of the tech being a friend. In fact, it doesn't sound like you know him at all. Referring to him as "one of the techs," and that you don't even know if he is "g2g" doesn't even sound like an acquaintance. It sounds like a complete stranger you found on the internet. If he was a friend, you wouldn't say he "seems 100% legit to me." You would KNOW he is 100% legit. See below:


See the statement below:

If Zupac works at the testing facility as he claims, why would he have to send the sample to the lab? He works there, so wouldn't he just drop it off in person? It makes no sense.

Zupac can't work at a testing facility in the Czech Republic because he's stated several times that he lives in the UK. The evidence clearly shows that Zupac lied about the lab test and where he lives and works. He lied because he is a Gentech rep and is trying to fool Meso members with phony lab tests.

Jesus christ man. The universities in the EU collaborate. The facility I work spans amongst 4-5 countries. We do have meetings often and we do know each other. (Google EU Funded projects, Framework 7 EU, Horison 2020) It is quite common for labs to be in other countries where they have more relaxed rules. I am not going to go into details.

Stop trying to find reasons to argue. You are legit retarded. You became the laughing stock of Meso. People laugh at you in two different forums.

The tests are NOT fake. Pull your head out of the ass and at the end of the day order a vial anonymously and test it.

PS. I want to see what you will say about the results of tren-e of AM-Tech I will post soon.
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Also to prove to you that the tests are real I will give you an address to send oil (max 0.5ml) or raw (max 300mg) of your choice. I am willing to give it to the tech to test it for you. Don't tell me what it is or anything. Just send it and we will test it and tell you what it is, components, and purity. I will absorb the costs for the testing.
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Jesus christ man. The universities in the EU collaborate. The facility I work spans amongst 4-5 countries. We do have meetings often and we do know each other. (Google EU Funded projects, Framework 7 EU, Horison 2020) It is quite common for labs to be in other countries where they have more relaxed rules. I am not going to go into details.

Stop trying to find reasons to argue. You are legit retarded. You became the laughing stock of Meso. People laugh at you in two different forums.

The tests are NOT fake. Pull your head out of the ass and at the end of the day order a vial anonymously and test it.

PS. I want to see what you will say about the results of tren-e of AM-Tech I will post soon.

You're not going into more detail because that's how you got caught in the first place. There are more inconsistencies in that statement and you know it. I've gone over your posts on multiple forums and I've seen several versions of your involvement with the testing facility, the so-called tech, where you work, etc.

I've seen your posts on multiple forums in the UK and in every Gentech thread, you have more posts than anyone else. I urge any Meso member that's interested to go to UK Muscle and look at the Gentech threads. Zupac and Karbonk are in every single thread blowing this lab.

Regarding the bullshit in your post:

You didn't say the facility you work for is part of a collaboration. You clearly stated you "WORK AT THIS FACILITY." There is absolutely NO wiggle room in that statement.

You said you "went TO THE LABS at my work." Went is a verb. Your statement means you physically went to the lab.

You said "a fellow researcher at THE UNIVERSITY i WORK FOR," not a collaborating university.

I paid nothing. I work at this facility. I asked my friend to test purity and tell me the concentration. He did the comparison to real AAS as he used an 100% purity sample of TrA when he did the spectrofotometry. I am 100% confident on his conclusions.

That is why I went to the labs at my work and talked to one of the techs there to run the tests for me. I am beeing 100% serious. I spend over 300 pounds in bunk product. I am extremelly pissed off with MD, and 101.

A fellow researcher at the university I work for run an GCMS spectra and spectofotometry for me on the TrA of GenTech labs.

And these comments don't address the fact that you don't even know where you live. YOU are the laughingstock of Meso. You are full of shit. You are a rep.

There's still many more of your incriminating statements out there that I'll be happy to dig up and post.

BTW, your boyfriend Jane let he cat out of the bag tonight when he couldn't contain his greed. He confirmed what many already suspected: that he came to Meso for the sole purpose of selling the same fake lab tests you posted.
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It is quite common for labs to be in other countries where they have more relaxed rules. I am not going to go into details.

Is that right? And I suppose you fly to the Czech Republic "after hours" to do the test. LMFAO

You are FOS. There is no lab tech in the Czech Republic because there is no lab.


Keep it up numbnuts. I can post these screensots all day.
Is that right? And I suppose you fly to the Czech Republic "after hours" to do the test. LMFAO

You are FOS. There is no lab tech in the Czech Republic because there is no lab.


Keep it up numbnuts. I can post these screensots all day.

Are you simple? you want me to tell you the story of my life? and that I had to reloc temporarily to a new facility as part of the project I work?

Do you even know how universities work intra European? Have you ever worked in one?

I met the tech over project work, I send him the samples, he did the analysis and send me the results. Is it that difficult to comprehend that?

I seriously thing you are shitposting and slandering without even processing information properly.

Your arguments and conclusions are retarded as you seriously have no understanding or no ability to process infromation and argue effectively.
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